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MobArchmage Allistarj
Image of Archmage Allistarj
Gender Male
Race Human (Demon)
Level 58 Elite
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion, Shadowsworn, Razelikh the Defiler
Occupation Bodyguard of Razelikh, Archmage
Location Blasted Lands
Status Killable (Classic) / Deceased (lore)[1]

Archmage Allistarj was a demonic human archmage found in Serpent's Coil in the Blasted Lands. Although once human, Allistarj was now in fact demonic.


WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

With the promise of endless life and great power the aging wizard vowed his power and his soul to protect the demon lord Razelikh the Defiler. He is extremely powerful and can only be killed by an Inv weapon shortblade 26 [Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Sword]. Allistarj was once a human but is now a demon.

He is one of three (along with Grol the Destroyer and Lady Sevine) who pledged allegiance to Razelikh who protect their master from harm and were granted land in the Blasted Lands. Endless life is granted them as long as they remain in the Blasted Lands. When the Fallen Hero of the Horde went to the Blasted Lands, his team was captured, divided, and forced into serving Allistarj, Grol, and Lady Sevine.

What happened to his demonic spirit is unknown.


  • Spell nature abolishmagic Amplify Damage — Increases all forms of damage taken by an enemy by 100% for 10 sec.
  • Spell frost frostarmor02 Chilled — Increases Armor. If an enemy strikes the caster, they may have their movement slowed by 30% and the time between their attacks increased by 25% for 5 sec. Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Mage at any time.
  • Spell fire fireball Fire Blast — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell fire flamebolt Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell frost frostarmor02 Frost Armor — Encases the caster in a layer of frost that lasts 30 min. The thick ice increases armor by 12, slows melee attackers' movement to 25%, and increases the time between their attacks by 30%.
  • Spell frost frostbolt02 Frostbolt — Inflicts Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed for 4 sec.
  • Spell nature polymorph Polymorph — Transforms an enemy into a sheep, forcing it to wander around for up to 20 sec. While wandering, the sheep cannot attack or cast spells. Any damage will transform the target back into its normal form. Only one target can be polymorphed at a time. Only works on beasts, dragons, giants, humanoids, and critters.

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In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Archmage Allistarj was once a powerful mage of the Kirin Tor before being corrupted, and he tricked many of his fellows into following him into his fall from grace. Now, these pitiful magi are almost completely under his control.[2]


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