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MobArcweaver Jor'guva
Image of Arcweaver Jor'guva
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 32-35
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Arcweaver
Location Diremoor, Isle of Thunder[44.0, 69.0]VZ-Isle of ThunderBlip
Status Killable

Arcweaver Jor'guva is a Zandalari troll located in Diremoor on the Isle of Thunder.


Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up.
  • Spell nature wispsplode Arcane Explosion — Sends out a blast wave of magic, inflicting Arcane damage to nearby enemies.
  • Arcane Blast 40 yd range — Blasts an enemy with Arcane magic, inflicting normal damage plus 24,956 to 25,280 and knocking the enemy back. Instant. ~20 yard knockback.
  • Spell arcane arcane01 Arcane Storm — 1.25 sec cast. Summons an Arcane Storm at Jor'guva's target's location which lasts until absorbed and deals y Arcane damage every 1 sec to units standing underneath it. (3 sec cooldown)
    • Spell arcane arcane01 Arcane Storm — This field of unstable energy inflicts 23,750 to 26,250 Arcane damage every second to players within 3 yards. Instant.
  • Storm Attraction — 1.25 sec cast. Absorbs the summoned Arcane Storm.
  • Arcane Slam 15 yd range — Slams the ground with powerful arcane energy. 1.67 sec cast. ~120-degree arc 15 yards out or ~5-yard wide line 50 yards long. Hits for 100,000 Arcane. (2.5 sec cooldown)


Don't really worry about the Arcane Blasts, but try to interrupt them if possible to avoid dealing with the annoying knockback. Get away from any summoned Arcane Storms until Jor'guva absorbs them with Storm Attraction. Each storm he absorbs gives him a charge on a buff which he uses to cast one of two versions of Arcane Slam. There's a frontal cone version that extends 15 yards out, or a 5-yard-wide line version that extends ~50 yards out. Don't stand in either.

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