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Character classes | Confessor, Footman, Knight, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rider, Rifleman, Rogue, Scout, Soldier, Squire, Warrior |
Capital | Hearthglen[1] |
Other major settlements | Light's Hope Chapel, Tyr's Hand, Argent Tournament Grounds |
Theater of operations | Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, Broken Shore |
Formerly | Argus, Alternate Draenor |
Language(s) | Common, Various languages |
Sub-group(s) | Brotherhood of Light, Argent Dawn |
Affiliation | Independent, Silver Hand (allied) |
Status | Active |
Reputation | |
Quartermaster |
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“The Lich King must answer for what he has done, and must not be allowed to cause further destruction in our world. I make a promise to you now, brothers and sisters: the Lich King will be defeated! On this day, I call for a union. The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one! We will succeed where so many before us have failed! We will take the fight to Arthas, and we will tear down the walls of Icecrown! The Argent Crusade comes for you, Arthas!”
The Argent Crusade is an order of holy warriors formed from the union of the remains of the Order of the Silver Hand in Lordaeron with the Argent Dawn.[2] As a world-wide organization maintaining a status of neutrality, the Argent Crusade is not a political body, nor do their members ever wish to become one. Their cause is to fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surfaces in Azeroth. To that end, they call both the Alliance and the Horde both as allies in the cause of stamping out evil, and therefore recruits from all races without distinction.[3]
Founded by Highlord Tirion Fordring after the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, the Argent Crusade was a major contributor to the successful campaign in Northrend, where they temporarily allied with the Knights of the Ebon Blade to form the Ashen Verdict and topple the Lich King. Since the Cataclysm, they worked to restore the Plaguelands of northern Lordaeron.
During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the forces of the Argent Crusade led by Tirion Fordring were decimated on the Broken Shore. Under the lead of Lord Maxwell Tyrosus, who succeeded the late Tirion, the surviving troops of the Crusade allied alongside all the paladin orders of Azeroth to reform the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand at the Sanctum of Light, beneath Light's Hope Chapel. Following the Fourth War, the Argent Crusade managed to reform its ranks and faced the resurgence of the Scourge, assisting the Alliance and the Horde against the undead. Since the defeat of Zovaal the Jailer, the crusaders hold their positions in Northrend to prevent the undead from threatening the rest of the world.
The Argent Crusade was formed shortly after the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel by Tirion Fordring — leader of the reformed Silver Hand — who reclaimed, and evidently purified the Ashbringer during a confrontation with the Lich King. He assumed a leadership position over the Argent Dawn and united the two factions in order to take the fight against the Lich King to Northrend.[4]
The Argent Crusade became an organization where all people of Azeroth could come together to fight the Scourge, but the highlord took care to ensure they would never fall to blind fanaticism like the Scarlet Crusade, that they would remember always who they were fighting for and not just what they were fighting against.[5]
As the newly formed Argent Crusade set out to annihilate the Scourge in Northrend, Maxwell remained the Crusade's operations chief in the Eastern Plaguelands. He began the fortification of Light's Hope Chapel, then undertook to take over the old watchtowers of the region and to restore them.
Wrath of the Lich King[]
- Main article: War against the Lich King

Highlord Tirion Fordring, founder and leader of the Argent Crusade during the Scourgewar.
Northrend invasion[]
When the War against the Lich King began, the Argent Crusade launched the invasion of Northrend alongside the Alliance and the Horde. Following the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, only the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade had remained fully dedicated to the war against the Scourge. The two neutral factions had rallied their forces and readied themselves to unleash a new offensive against the Lich King and his servants across the continent.
Howling Fjord[]
The Argent Crusade began its invasion from Valgarde, where Tirion Fordring managed to set foot on the continent under the disguise of a Cleric of the Crusade, and where he retrieved Ashbringer from Lord Irulon Trueblade after Ares the Oathbound sacrificed his life to protect and transport the legendary weapon, while Tirion was avoiding the Lich King's agents sent to intercept him. Despite Trueblade's request, the Highlord revealed his identity and declared loud and clear that the Argent Crusade has arrived, and that they would advance until they defeated Arthas.[6]
The Argent Crusade was present in Dragonblight where they had two outposts: Dawn's Reach which is directly south of Naxxramas, and Light's Trust just outside Jintha'kalar, from where they fought the Scourge by freeing the damned souls at the Forgotten Shore,[7] and by shattering the undead defenses at the entrance to Zul'Drak.[8][9]
The disastrous Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate broke a tenuous trust that had only just begun to form between the Alliance and the Horde, and nearly ended the war against the Lich King before it had truly been joined. It was then the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade that took over the push for the Lich King's head, and kept both factions from forgetting entirely who the true enemy was.[10]
While the main focus of the Argent Crusade was Icecrown, Zul'Drak was a natural place for them to fight the Scourge, who had made the area into a sort of base of operations. From there conducted their own operations and some in cooperation with the Knights of the Ebon Blade.[5] Working in tandem, the paladins and death knights entrenched themselves in the region. This, in turn, brought Overlord Drakuru, who conquered the remaining Drakkari to deliver them to the Scourge after being empowered by the Lich King, into direct conflict with the recently-arrived Argent Crusade.
In the first tier of Zul'Drak, the Argent Crusade had two outposts, Light's Breach and Crusader Forward Camp, from which they directly fought the hordes of undead trolls.
Under the command of Crusade Commander Korfax, the Argent Crusade choose the Argent Stand as their main base in the region, and used it as a defensive position to keep the Scourge from taking the second tier of Zul'Drak. This effort failed, but the crusade had not given up.[11] They then worked with agents of both the Horde and Alliance to disrupt Drakuru's plans, which included using the plague to transform the ice troll inhabitants of Zul'Drak into undead minions of the Lich King. They also collect and do some research on a dark cursed metal used by the Lich King for his army.[12]
At some point, when the Scourge invaded Zul'Drak, the Drakkari didn't go quietly and brought down the necropolis Kolramas. Unfortunately for them and the detachment of the Argent Crusade that was nearby, the crash didn't kill all the Hath'ar nerubians inside. Under Malas the Corrupter, undead nerubians began to emerge from the necropolis and started raising up any dead they could get their nasty claws on, including fallen Argent crusaders which they used against them.[13][14]
Ultimately, Drakuru's death at the hands of the Lich King for his failure marked the end of the Scourge power in Zul'Drak, leading the Argent Crusade continued to push further into Northrend.

The Argent Vanguard, the main forward base of the Argent Crusade in Icecrown.
With the majority of preliminary threats behind them, the Argent Crusade found themselves faced with the daunting prospect of invading Icecrown, the Scourge's base of operations. Having mustered a large army to fight the Scourge, the Argent Crusade, led personally by Highlord Tirion Fordring, advanced into the region from the nearby Crystalsong Forest. The Argent Vanguard was their first forward base when they breached Icecrown.[15] Located in the Valley of Echoes, the crusaders proceeded to create a breach in the cliffs,[16] giving them a path into Scourgeholme, which the highlord hoped to conquer and remake into an Argent Crusade fortress.[17]
The encampment immediately came under heavy attack by waves of undead of every sort assaulting its battlements from the Scourge stronghold of Scourgeholme.[18][19] The Argent Crusaders fought back with zeal, using melee weapons and cannons to repel each undead attack, aided also by some members of the Alliance and Horde. Withstanding even hosts of frost wyrms, the Argent Crusade succeeded in throwing the Lich King's minions back from the valley.[20] Not pausing, the breach was reopened and the Argent Crusade began working to establish a foothold on the far side. To achieve this, however, the Crusade's leaders deemed it necessary to pacify Scourgeholme. Under the supervision of Highlord Darion Mograine,[21] the lords of Scourgeholme were slain and the garrison became unable to resist any further action by the invaders.[22][23]

Justice Keep, built by the Argent Crusade after the Battle for Crusaders' Pinnacle against the Scourge.
Pressing their advantage, the Argent Crusade next assaulted the nearby height, mockingly known as Crusaders' Pinnacle, and held the position against repeated Scourge counterattacks. Having sanctified the once-blighted ground, the Argent Crusade began construction of a new fortification, Justice Keep, atop the Pinnacle. The base would mark the Crusade's establishment inside Icecrown, and stand in direct defiance to the Lich King and the Scourge.[24][25]
At some point, forces of the Argent Crusade arrived for the assault of one of the region's first obstacles: Mord'rethar: The Death Gate. There, they discovered that the Alliance, the Horde and the Scourge forces had mutually annihilated each other during the battle. The crusaders were only able to recover a portion of the wounded and dead, while the Scourge remained in control of the Death Gate.[26][27]
During the most intense phase of the battle in Icecrown, the Argent Crusade received information about the existence of the heart of Arthas Menethil.[28] With it, Tirion Fordring decided there could be a chance to make Arthas human again, redeeming him and ending the threat of the Lich King simultaneously. He planned to seize the frozen organ in an ambush as it was being transported from Icecrown Citadel to the Cathedral of Darkness. However, before the trap could be sprung, the Lich King himself appeared and immediately seeing through the paladins' trick and claiming that, unlike last time, they would not be fighting on holy ground and Tirion would lose. To the surprise of the Lich King, Tirion proceeded to strike the organ with the Ashbringer, giving up all hope of bringing redemption to Arthas, critically injuring the Lich King and triggering an explosion that knocked Tirion unconscious. As the Argent champions moved to defend Tirion from the surrounding cultists, Darion Mograine and a force of Ebon Knights arrived, holding back the tide of Scourge forces and allowing those gathered to escape through a portal.[29]
The Argent Tournament[]

The Call Of The Crusade.
After progressing through the territories of Icecrown, where Tirion Fordring handpicked every member in the Argent Crusade in order to avoid infiltration by the Cult of the Damned,[30] this was presumably to prevent a repeat of the Inigo Montoy incident which resulted in Naxxramas returning to Northrend and Kel'Thuzad regaining corporeal form, the Argent Crusade, recognizing that the time was fast approaching when they would be forced to finally deal with the Lich King, began to make preparations for the inevitable assault on the Scourge's greatest fortress: Icecrown Citadel.

The Argent Tournament, an event to determine the best fighters to charge into Icecrown Citadel.
After weeks of observing the Scourge and its movements, they realized that an ultimate assault would lead them to defeat, the Lich King being ready for such an assault which would inflict great damage on him, but which would be fulfilled by bringing his enemies back to his ranks.[31]
To this end, the Crusade announced the beginning of the Argent Tournament, an event that would, among other things, attempt to create some semblance of order between the ever disparate Horde and Alliance, but also to train this large army in preparation for an assault on the Lich King's bastion, and more importantly, to determine the very best fighters present who would then be used to create a small strike force that would lead the charge into the Citadel. The reasoning behind using a small force to spearhead their assault lay in the fact that any great loss of life that they might suffer would only serve to reinforce the Scourge, and subsequently might leave the rest of the world open to attack.[32]
Though criticized by members of both factions, the tournament went ahead in the far northeast of Icecrown and achieved a good start, with both factions in full attendance (the Alliance championed by the high elven Silver Covenant and the Horde by the blood elven Sunreavers), as well as the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Both King Varian Wrynn and Warchief Thrall also made appearances and agreed to observe some of the tournament's trials in the Crusaders' Coliseum. Argent Peacekeepers maintained a constant vigil throughout the grounds, policing the tournament to ensure there was no conflict between the Horde and Alliance.
Soon, however, the tournament drew the attention of the Lich King, who sent forces to disrupt it in a number of ways, with assaults and kidnappings from the Cult of the Damned, the infiltration of the Black Knight in the tournament, and attacks from Val'kyr, partly in an attempt to free some of their kind which the paladins had captured, though they were unable to inflict any lasting damage.[33] As part of the tournament's program of training its aspirants, potential champions were sent to rescue as many of the captured as possible, before they could be used in the Cult's dark rituals. Similarly, aspirants were also dispatched to the Court of Bones in front of the dreaded Icecrown Citadel in order to begin preliminary attacks on the Citadel's defenses. This involved launching forays against the Boneguard, an army of undead guarding the approaches to their master's fortress.[34]
Crusader's Coliseum[]

Tirion launches the assault on Icecrown Citadel.
Towards the end, the Trial of the Crusader was held, the culmination of the entire Argent Tournament. Just as the event concluded, and Highlord Tirion announced the long-awaited attack on Icecrown Citadel, the Lich King himself appeared in the coliseum. Despite being outnumbered, he seemed unconcerned and reminded those gathered that the nerubian empire extended far across and beneath the entire continent, then proceeded to shatter the very floor of the arena, dropping the Crusade's champions deep into a series of underground tunnels to confront a resurrected Anub'arak.
Despite the ambush, Anub'arak was vanquished, marking the conclusion of the Argent Tournament, and the beginning of the assault on Icecrown Citadel.
Icecrown Citadel[]

The Fall of the Lich King.
As armies began to prepare for the assault on Icecrown Citadel, the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade launched preliminary attacks on its defenses. In the lead up to the final battle, the Argent Crusade forged a new alliance with the Knights of the Ebon Blade, one which would lead the assault on the Icecrown Citadel's defenses, the Ashen Verdict was born; united, they gathered in the mighty fortress's shadow to begin the assault. Having swept aside opposition and seized the Citadel's entrance, the Argent Crusade were the ones who breached its gates; they sacrificed much, and without question, to see the Lich King fall.[35] The Ashen Verdict then secured a foothold just inside the entrance, from which they would push deeper into the complex.
And while all the fortress's defenses either defeated or engaged, and the way to the Frozen Throne open, the time to strike at the head of the Scourge itself had finally come. The champions, led by Tirion Fordring, now ascended the Citadel further to reach the very top, where the Frozen Throne and Lich King awaited. Upon reaching the location, Tirion ordered the attack on Arthas following a declaration that he would pay for the many thousands he had slain. Before Tirion could enter the battle, however, the Lich King cast a powerful spell on him, freezing and incapacitating him in a block of ice.
Though outnumbered, the Lord of the Scourge ferociously fought the champions until he called upon all of the fury contained within Frostmourne for a powerful spell which effectively finished off all of them. Standing above the corpses of his foes, the Lich King, exultant, began to cast a spell to raise from the dead those he had slain. As he did so, he revealed that he had both foreseen and intended for all to happen as it did, that each challenge the champions had encountered since arriving on Northrend had been specifically placed by him in order to test them, and that now Tirion had delivered those who he now knew to be the most powerful in the world into his very hands. He would now raise these champions as lords of the Scourge, and they would usher in a new age of Scourge dominion on Azeroth.
With a prayer to the light asking for the power to escape from his bonds, Tirion, without warning, shattered his icy prison and leapt at the Lich King as he was in the midst of his spell. Glowing with light, and with one swing of the Ashbringer, Tirion managed to destroy Frostmourne with the Ashbringer. Immediately, the souls of the many thousands slain by the blade escaped, swirling around Arthas, raising him into the air, and incapacitating him. Terenas's spirit, also released, used his remaining power to quickly resurrect Tirion's slain champions. Together with the Highlord and Arthas's father, they struck at the now-vulnerable Lich King, marking the end of the war against the Scourge, and the birth of the new Lich King Bolvar Fordragon, crowned by Tirion Fordring to seal the fate of the Scourge on Azeroth.
The victorious champions of the Crusade returned to Dalaran, where a golden statue named Dedication of Honor was built in honor of the heroes who died during the Scourgewar. At the very top of this monument stood a statue of Tirion, with four soldiers of the Alliance and the Horde circling beneath him, with the Ashbringer raised, and standing over a shattered Frostmourne.

Light's Hope Chapel, expanded into a full-fledged fortified outpost since the Cataclysm.
Since the Cataclysm, the Argent Crusade has strengthened its presence in the Plaguelands, claiming not only outposts formerly held by the now-defunct Argent Dawn such as Light's Hope Chapel, but also the town of Hearthglen from the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade, and the four towers that span through the Eastern Plaguelands; around which the plague has receded.
The Brotherhood of the Light, a subsection of the former Argent Dawn's ranks, now the Argent Crusade, also began their own campaign against the remaining Scourge and Risen forces in Lordaeron with an assault force of one hundred men; which ended with the capture of Tyr's Hand from the undead,[36] but also with the capture of the Scarlet Bastion and Alonsus Chapel, now under the control of the Argent Crusade, after the death of Balnazzar and Lord Aurius Rivendare in Stratholme.[37] Though the Brotherhood and the Crusade are still allied with one another, the Argent Crusade is concerned with the Brotherhood's recklessness,[38][36] and their dislike to the Crusade's rigid code of ethics.[39][40]
The Argent Crusade also joined forces with the Cenarion Circle to help heal the Plaguelands from its blighted state,[41] and has resumed the Argent Dawn's original mandate: to fight swiftly and mercilessly against any element of evil that surfaces in Azeroth as a non-governmental organization.[42] They also watched Sylvanas's movements during this time.[43]
Warlords of Draenor[]
During the war against the Iron Horde, several members of the Crusade came to Draenor. Soulare of Andorhal supported the factions' garrisons, while Gidwin Goldbraids, Talren and Argus Highbeacons, and Tarenar Sunstrike accompanied Fiona's caravan into Shadowmoon Valley. There, the group fought against the botani and was aided by the Alliance.[44] Leonid Barthalomew the Revered also visited the garrisons, seeking more insight into his undead condition from Auchindoun in Talador.[45][46]

Highlord Tirion Fordring, held captive and tortured by the Legion following the Battle for the Broken Shore.
When the third invasion of the Burning Legion began, the Argent Crusade were the first to launch an assault force against the Legion to the Battle for the Broken Shore. The battle was a disaster, with armies of demons pouring from the tomb, the Argent Crusade was decimated and many prisoners were taken, including the Highlord. When the Horde and Alliance fleets arrived, Gul'dan held Tirion Fordring above a pool of lava as a trap to lure in Azeroth's forces, before summoning the giant Krosus who spews a storm of fel at Tirion, destroying his Divine Shield and gravely wounding him. Gul'dan then dropped him into the lava as a final way to erode the Alliance and Horde's morale.[47]
The Argent Crusade was later involved in the recovery of the artifact [The Silver Hand] alongside the Tyr's Guard and the Champion of the Light at Tyr's Fall.[48] They were also involved directly in the recovery of the
[Ashbringer] at the Broken Shore, as the spirit of Uther the Lightbringer revealed that Tirion Fordring survived and was held captive by the Legion and tortured by Jailer Zerus. He was later freed, but the torture he received was too much for him, and the Crusaders attended the death of their Highlord. After choosing a new Ashbringer successor at the head of the crusade, he passed away, and his body was then buried amongst the ancient heroes of the Light in the Sanctum of Light,[49] beneath Light's Hope Chapel, where a memorial service was held in his honor.[50]
Following the ceremony, Lord Maxwell Tyrosus told the hero paladin that they could assume the mantle of Highlord of the Argent Crusade. However, the decision was made to reform the Order of the Silver Hand instead alongside the Sunwalkers, the Hand of Argus, the Blood Knights, the survivors of the Crusade, and the Silver Hand members located at Stormwind and Ironforge, all united under the command of the new Highlord.[51] Lord Maxwell Tyrosus assumed the post of leader of the Argent Crusade, and right-hand man for the Highlord.[52]
During the Assault on Light's Hope Chapel by the Knights of the Ebon Blade, who came to retrieve Tirion's body and make him the last member of the Four Horsemen, a number of Argent sentries fought alongside the Silver Hand forces to repel the undead invaders. While they were defeated, the Light itself intervened and burned the surrounded death knights, forcing them to flee and granting victory to the paladins.[53]
Battle for Azeroth[]

Hearthglen, the training ground of the Argent Crusade since the Fourth War.
During the Fourth War, the status of the Argent Crusade with the Knights of the Silver Hand is unknown as the Order is once more affiliated to the Alliance, but the Argent Crusade is still active and neutral as Sean Wilkers and an adventurer from one of the two factions worked on clearing out of the Stratholme Service Entrance after the Scourge activity increased in the ruined city.[54]
Forsaken Argent Mages are also present in Orgrimmar's new portal room conjuring a portal to Dalaran. Interestingly enough, they are wearing the old [Tabard of the Argent Dawn].
Following the end of the Fourth War, Mathias Shaw mentions in his reports that the Argent Crusade is still active in the Plaguelands. At Hearthglen, Mardenholde Keep has become a training ground for new recruits, and the place where artifacts recovered by the Argent Crusade are stored under the supervision of Lieutenant Myner,[55] among them the [Barovian Family Sword] and the
[Barovian Ritual Hood].[56]
In the Eastern Plaguelands, the Argent Crusade forces are scattered all over the region where corruption is slowly starting to fade away, they continue to maintain and protect the towers which serve as true oases for those who pass through these devastated lands.[57] They also continue to control parts of Stratholme, most notably the Scarlet Bastion.[58]
The Crusade's reports also mention that Scholomance was still in operation as a school of necromancy, and is under investigation. They also reported that some of the Barovs are still there and Darkmaster Gandling has many puppets to play with. This includes Jandice Barov and Rattlegore.[59]

Argent crusaders surrounding Nathanos Blightcaller at his home during Death Rising.
When the Helm of Domination was destroyed, the uncontrolled Scourge began to rampage across Azeroth. The Argent Crusade sent emissaries and troops to Stormwind City and Orgrimmar, in order to protect both capitals and their surrounding regions from undead invasions and attacks of the Cult of the Damned.[60][61]
On one of their patrols, the Argent Crusade saw Nathanos Blightcaller sitting on his front porch in the Eastern Plaguelands, not even trying to hide. They alerted the Alliance and Horde, before fighting alongside the champions of Azeroth against the Blightcaller, and witness his death at the hands of Tyrande Whisperwind.[62]
In Icecrown, the Argent Tournament Grounds came under concentrated attack by the Scourge and became the Crusade's main base of operations in fighting the undead back. As the attack was as sudden as it was unexpected,[63] many valiants laid wounded, while the civilians participated in defending the area as best as they could. Consequently, Justicar Mariel Trueheart requested the support of the Crusade's forces in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor,[64] and with the help of adventurers, they managed to repel the undead and save the lives of many injured.[65]
Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard mentioned in their exploration report that the Argent Crusade maintained its settlements across Northrend to fight against the Scourge. While many forces have been drawn down in Northrend, the Argent Crusade presence remains strong as there are still so many Scourge.[5]
In Zul'Drak, the crusaders continued to use Light's Breach and Argent Stand, the latter hosting quite the population of crusaders, as positions to repel the undead who threw themselves against their fortifications.[66]
While the Argent Crusade maintained a presence in Icecrown, they have mostly drawn down the Argent Vanguard in favor of the stronger and more permanent fortifications of the Argent Tournament Grounds, but still used it as a way station into Icecrown for their soldiers. After the Jailer's defeat, the tournament grounds have been remade into a place for the Argent Crusade and any who would fight the Scourge to train, and they still get the occasional incursion of the Scourge.[17]
Notable characters[]
- Main article: Argent Crusade characters
Bases throughout Azeroth[]

The Argent Crusade banner.
Led by Tirion Fordring, the Argent Crusade combines the reformed Order of the Silver Hand with the Argent Dawn in one final push against the forces of the Lich King.
- Main article: Argent Crusade quests
Daily quests[]
[25-30 Daily] Slaves to Saronite
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol
- Captain Brandon:
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Can You Dig It?
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: High Standards
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Something for the Pain
- Captain Grondel:
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Couldn't Care Less
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Creature Comforts
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Whatdya Want, a Medal?
- Captain Rupert:
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Done to Death
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Intestinal Fortitude
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: Throwing Down
- Alchemist Finklestein
[20-30 Daily] Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice
- Captain Brandon:
[20-30 Daily] Congratulations!
Also six quests at the Argent Tournament once you reach a high enough rank.
Note: that these quests will give Knights of the Ebon Blade reputation instead for death knights.
[25-30] A Champion Rises
[25-30 Daily] Taking Battle To The Enemy
[25-30 Daily] Among the Champions
[25-30 Daily] Battle Before The Citadel
[25-30G3 Daily] Threat From Above
[25-30 Daily] Contributin' To The Cause
Reputation can also be gained by purchasing [Tabard of the Argent Crusade] 1
from Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard in the Argent Vanguard. This tabard, while worn in level 80 dungeons, awards 2 to 30 reputation per mob depending on its difficulty and 300 reputation per boss to your standing with the Argent Crusade.
Since Cataclysm, Argent Crusade reputation is also provided by most quests in the Western and Eastern Plaguelands.
Rep | Item | Cost | Type |
Friendly | ![]() |
1![]() |
Tabard |
Honored | ![]() |
21![]() ![]() ![]() |
Back |
![]() |
46![]() ![]() ![]() |
Plate Legs | |
![]() |
46![]() ![]() ![]() |
Plate Legs | |
Revered | ![]() |
89![]() ![]() ![]() |
2H Mace |
![]() |
32![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mail Head | |
![]() |
4![]() |
Jewelcrafting | |
![]() |
37![]() ![]() ![]() |
Plate Head | |
![]() |
52![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wand | |
![]() |
53![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gun | |
Exalted | ![]() |
35![]() ![]() ![]() |
Leather Feet |
![]() |
53![]() ![]() ![]() |
Plate Head | |
![]() |
5![]() |
Tailoring | |
![]() |
61![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mail Chest | |
![]() |
28![]() ![]() ![]() |
Finger |
- In addition to their distinctive tabard, the members of the Argent Crusade wear an insignia to mark their membership in the organization.[67]
- Following the end of the Scourgewar, an unnamed Argent Crusader wrote a detailed report of all military operations made in pursuit of the Lich King.
- Alchemist Finklestein is known as the the Crusade's best alchemist.[68]
- It should be noted that, despite the new Tabard the Argent Crusade uses, several of their members can be found using the old tabard of the Argent Dawn - this is referring to members of the Argent Crusade faction in Northrend, not the Argent Dawn members who are found in Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor. Those who wear the old tabard range from the common infantry to the commanders and senior members of the Crusade. This may mean that the two tabards are interchangeable in the Crusade, and the old Argent Dawn tabard may still be in production as part of the uniform for the members of the Crusade. Avenger Metz, for example, still uses the Argent Dawn tabard instead of the newer Argent Crusade one.
- According to Chris Metzen, the Church of the Holy Light fully supports the Argent Crusade and hates the Scarlet Crusade.[69]
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The Argent Crusade and its predecessor the Argent Dawn, both have an unusually high number of undead holy men and women in their ranks compared to any other faction, including the Forsaken. They come as Clerics, Priests, Healers, Initiates and Lightbringers. As such, it is possible that these faithful of the Light are members of the Lordaeron branch of the Church of the Holy Light who were initially freed with the other undead and decided to band apart because of the tendency of the Forsaken to instead be shadow priests.
- Trading Card Game
- Hearthstone
Argent Commander, reused TCG art for Grand Marshal Goldensword
Argent Protector, reused TCG art for Graccus
Argent Squire, reused TCG art for Sarina the Immaculate
Coliseum Manager, reused TCG art for Father Kamaros
Tournament Attendee, reused TCG art for Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
Patch changes[]
Hotfix (2009-04-22): Players who are exalted with the Argent Crusade will no longer be able to complete the quest "
[25-30 Daily] Contributin' To The Cause" in the Argent Pavillion.
Patch 3.0.3 (2008-11-04): Added.
- ^
[15-30] Northridge Lumber Mill
- ^ In-game reputation description
- ^ Argent Officer Pureheart#Quotes
- ^
[8-30] The Light of Dawn
- ^ a b c Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 44
- ^
[10-30] Guided by Honor
- ^
[15-30] The Truth Shall Set Us Free
- ^
[15-30] The Call Of The Crusade
- ^
[15-30] The Cleansing Of Jintha'kalar
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 145
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 53
- ^
[20-30] Pure Evil
- ^
[20-30] Death to the Necromagi
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 47
- ^
[25-30] Judgment Day Comes!
- ^
[25-30] Scourge Tactics
- ^ a b Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 139
- ^
[25-30] If There Are Survivors...
- ^
[25-30] Into The Wild Green Yonder
- ^
[25-30] The Last Line Of Defense
- ^
[25-30] Once More Unto The Breach, Hero
- ^
[25-30] The Purging Of Scourgeholme
- ^
[25-30] The Air Stands Still
- ^
[25-30] The Battle For Crusaders' Pinnacle
- ^
[25-30] The Crusaders' Pinnacle
- ^
[25-30] Finish Me!
- ^
[25-30] Avenge Me!
- ^
[25-30] Tirion's Help
- ^
[25-30] Tirion's Gambit
- ^
[25-30] Tirion's Help
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3
- ^ BlizzCast Episode 10. Retrieved on 2018-06-13.
- ^
[25-30 Daily] You've Really Done It This Time, Kul
- ^
[25-30 Daily] Battle Before The Citadel
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 142
- ^ a b
[15-30] Like Rats
- ^ Eligor Dawnbringer#Quotes
- ^
[15-30] The Brotherhood of Light
- ^ Master Craftsman Omarion#Quotes
- ^ Korfax#Quotes
- ^ The Menders' Stead (quest)
- ^ Argent Officer Garush#Quotes
- ^ Ultimate Visual Guide
- ^
[10-40] Crippled Caravan
- ^
[40H] The Cure For Death
- ^
[40H] Vessel of Virtue
- ^
[10-45] The Battle for Broken Shore
- ^
[10-45] The Silver Hand
- ^
[10-45] The Search for the Highlord
- ^
[10-45] The Search for the Highlord
- ^
[10-45] A United Force
- ^
[100] Hand of the Highlord
- ^
[45] The Fourth Horseman
- ^
[50] Restless Dead
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 74 - 75
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 85
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 81 - 82
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 83
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 77
- ^
[50] Field Reports
- ^
[50] Field Reports
- ^
[50] The Banshee's Champion
- ^
[50] Securing the Area
- ^
[50] A Message from Icecrown
- ^
[50] A Valiant Effort
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 44 & 53
- ^ The Battle for Broken Shore (Horde)#Stage 6: Raze the Black City
- ^
[20-30] Siphoning the Spirits
- ^ Chris Metzen on Twitter (2013-12-20). “love Argent, hate Scarlet....” (when asked about the Church's position on the topic)
External links[]