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For the original mage impersonated by this demon, see Armond Thaco.
NeutralArmond Thaco
Image of Armond Thaco
Gender Male
Race(s) Wrathguard (human disguise) (Humanoid / Demon)
Level 10-45 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde / Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Dalaran
Status Killable

Armond Thaco is a wrathguard disguised as a human wandering the streets of Dalaran above the Broken Isles. He can be exposed by paladins wielding the Inv shield 1h artifactnorgannon d 01 [Truthguard] or by abilities to reveal demons.

The real mage Armond Thaco is located as an undead skeletal mage in Tol Barad.


  • Spell fire playingwithfiregreen Burning Blades — Attack cause Burning Wound.
  • Spell fire playingwithfiregreen Burning Wound — Inflicts 87 Fire damage every 2 sec for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy Enrage — Increases melee attack speed by 50%.



<The mage darts his eyes back and forth shiftily.>

Is there anything I can do for you, <class>? I have... matters... to attend to.

Gossip I see you for what you really are, demon. Drop the disguise and face your unmaker! (available to demon hunters using Ability demonhunter spectralsight [Spectral Sight])

Aggro by a demon hunter
You've forced my hand, demon hunter. But I'm not leaving this city without a fight!
Aggro by a paladin
The Light... it BURNS... You will pay for this, paladin!
Leaving combat
The Legion will triumph. Now and always.
Armond Thaco teleports away.

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