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HordeArthur Henslowe
Image of Arthur Henslowe
Title <Alchemy Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Warsong Offensive
Location Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra[41.8, 54.3]VZ-Borean TundraBlip

Arthur Henslowe is a Forsaken grand master alchemy trainer located at Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra. He can be found underneath the great staircase next to the grand master herbalism trainer Tansy Wildmane as well as grand master First Aid trainer Nurse Applewood.


Name Skill
Spell holy aspiration [Indestructible Alchemist Stone] 400
Spell holy aspiration [Mercurial Alchemist Stone] 400
Spell holy aspiration [Mighty Alchemist Stone] 400
Inv jewelcrafting shadowspirit 01 [Transmute: Earthsiege Diamond] 425
Inv jewelcrafting icediamond 01 [Transmute: Skyflare Diamond] 430
Inv ingot platinum [Transmute: Titanium] 395
Inv potion 162 [Elixir of Mighty Agility] 395
Inv potion 164 [Elixir of Mighty Fortitude] 390
Inv potion 165 [Elixir of Mighty Strength] 385
Inv potion 161 [Elixir of Mighty Thoughts] 395
Elixir of Spirit 385
Inv alchemy endlessflask 06 [Endless Healing Potion] 410
Inv alchemy endlessflask 04 [Endless Mana Potion] 410
Inv alchemy endlessflask 06 [Flask of Endless Rage] 435
Inv alchemy endlessflask 03 [Flask of Pure Mojo] 435
Inv alchemy endlessflask 05 [Flask of Stoneblood] 435
Inv alchemy endlessflask 04 [Flask of the Frost Wyrm] 435
Inv potion 112 [Guru's Elixir] 375
Inv potion 126 [Icy Mana Potion] 360
Inv alchemy elixir empty [Indestructible Potion] 395
Inv alchemy endlessflask 02 [Lesser Flask of Toughness] 375
Northrend Research 400
Inv alchemy elixir 03 [Potion of Nightmares] 380
Inv potion 07 [Pygmy Oil] 375
Inv potion 120 [Resurgent Healing Potion] 350
Inv alchemy elixir 05 [Runic Healing Potion] 405
Inv alchemy elixir 02 [Runic Mana Potion] 410
Inv alchemy potion 05 [Spellpower Elixir] 365
Inv potion 114 [Wrath Elixir] 355
Inv potion 112 [Mixology] 50


  • He originally had the <Grand Master Alchemy Trainer> title.

Patch changes[]

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