- Artisan's Mettle
- Binds when picked up
- Crafting Reagent
- "A mystery of the Dragon Isles, this reagent coalesces each time you gain more profession Knowledge. It has myriad uses, including for recrafting Dragon Isles crafted equipment."
Artisan's Mettle is a crafting reagent that can obtained by any crafting professions from the Dragonflight expansion. It is made out of recycled Dragonflight-crafted profession items and is used in a plethora of crafting item recipes from the Dragon Isles.
Reward from[]
- A Finishing Touch
- [60-70] Show Your Mettle
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Alchemy
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Blacksmithing
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Enchanting
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Engineering
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Herbalism
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Inscription
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Jewelcrafting
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Leatherworking
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Mining
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Skinning
- [60-70] Specialized Secrets: Tailoring
Currency for[]
- [Ancient Scribe's Runic Drawings]
- [Dusty Scribe's Runic Drawings]
- [Rare Scribe's Runic Drawings]
- [Technique: Alchemist's Brilliant Mixing Rod]
- [Technique: Chef's Splendid Rolling Pin]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Crafting Speed]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Deftness]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Finesse]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Inspiration]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Multicraft]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Perception]
- [Technique: Draconic Missive of Resourcefulness]
- [Technique: Scroll of Sales]
As an ingredient[]
- Advanced Phial Experimentation
- Advanced Potion Experimentation
- [Aerated Phial of Deftness]
- [Aerated Phial of Quick Hands]
- [Alacritous Alchemist Stone]
- Basic Phial Experimentation
- Basic Potion Experimentation
- Crystaline Phial of Perception[sic]
- Steaming Phial of Finesse
- [Sustaining Alchemist Stone]
- [Allied Chestplate of Generosity]
- [Allied Wristguard of Companionship]
- [Obsidian Seared Claymore]
- [Obsidian Seared Crusher]
- [Obsidian Seared Facesmasher]
- [Obsidian Seared Halberd]
- [Obsidian Seared Hexsword]
- [Obsidian Seared Invoker]
- [Obsidian Seared Runeaxe]
- [Obsidian Seared Slicer]
- Obsidian Touched Hammer
- [Infurious Helm of Vengeance]
- [Infurious Warboots of Impunity]
- [Draconium Axe]
- [Draconium Blacksmith's Hammer]
- [Draconium Blacksmith's Toolbox]
- [Draconium Dirk]
- [Draconium Great Mace]
- [Draconium Knuckles]
- [Draconium Leatherworker's Knife]
- [Draconium Leatherworker's Toolset]
- [Draconium Needle Set]
- [Draconium Pickaxe]
- [Draconium Sickle]
- [Draconium Skinning Knife]
- [Draconium Stiletto]
- [Draconium Sword]
- [Explorer's Plate Boots]
- [Explorer's Plate Bracers]
- [Explorer's Plate Chestguard]
- [Frostfire Legguards of Preparation]
- [Pauldrons of the Dragon]
- [Primal Molten Breastplate]
- [Primal Molten Defender]
- [Primal Molten Gauntlets]
- [Primal Molten Greataxe]
- [Primal Molten Greatbelt]
- [Primal Molten Helm]
- [Primal Molten Legplates]
- [Primal Molten Longsword]
- [Primal Molten Mace]
- [Primal Molten Pauldrons]
- [Primal Molten Sabatons]
- [Primal Molten Shortblade]
- [Primal Molten Spellblade]
- [Primal Molten Vambraces]
- [Primal Molten Warglaive]
- [Shield of the Hearth]
- Titanicium Blacksmith's Hammer
- Titanicium Blacksmith's Toolbox
- Titanicium Leatherworker's Knife
- Titanicium Leatherworker's Toolset
- Titanicium Needle Set
- Titanicium Pickaxe
- Titanicium Sickle
- Titanicium Skinning Knife
- [Traitorous Primal Gauntlets of the Dragon]
- [Unstable Frostfire Belt]
Crimson Combatant's Draconium Gear Set
- PvP Starter Armguards
- PvP Starter Breastplate
- PvP Starter Gauntlets
- PvP Starter Greaves
- PvP Starter Helm
- PvP Starter Pauldrons
- PvP Starter Sabatons
- PvP Starter Waistguard
- [Battle-Ready Binoculars]
- [Bottomless Mireslush Ore Satchel]
- [Bottomless Stonecrust Ore Satchel]
- [Complicated Cuffs]
- [Deadline Deadeyes]
- [Difficult Wrist Protectors]
- [Draconium Brainwave Amplifier]
- [Draconium Delver's Helmet]
- [Draconium Encased Samophlange]
- [Draconium Fisherfriend]
- [Lapidary's Draconium Clamps]
- Lapidary's Titanicium Clamps
- [Lightweight Ocular Lenses]
- [Milestone Magnifiers]
- [Needlessly Complex Wristguards]
- [Oscillating Wilderness Opticals]
- [Overengineered Sleeve Extenders]
- [P.E.W. x2]
- [Peripheral Vision Projectors]
- [Quality-Assured Optics]
- [Sentry's Stabilized Specs]
- [Sophisticated Problem Solver]
- Spring-Loaded Draconium Fabric Cutters
- Spring-Loaded Titanicium Fabric Cutters
- Titanicium Brainwave Amplifier
- Titanicium Delver's Helmet
- Titanicium Encased Samophlange
- Titanicium Fisherfriend
- [Alchemist's Brilliant Mixing Rod]
- [Alchemist's Sturdy Mixing Rod]
- [Azurescale Sigil]
- [Bronzescale Sigil]
- [Chef's Smooth Rolling Pin]
- [Chef's Splendid Rolling Pin]
- [Core Explorer's Compendium]
- Cracking Codex of the Isles
- [Draconic Missive of Crafting Speed]
- [Draconic Missive of Deftness]
- [Draconic Missive of Finesse]
- [Draconic Missive of Inspiration]
- [Draconic Missive of Multicraft]
- [Draconic Missive of Perception]
- [Draconic Missive of Resourcefulness]
- [Draconic Treatise on Alchemy]
- [Draconic Treatise on Blacksmithing]
- [Draconic Treatise on Enchanting]
- [Draconic Treatise on Engineering]
- [Draconic Treatise on Herbalism]
- [Draconic Treatise on Inscription]
- [Draconic Treatise on Jewelcrafting]
- [Draconic Treatise on Leatherworking]
- [Draconic Treatise on Mining]
- [Draconic Treatise on Tailoring]
- [Emberscale Sigil]
- [Illuminating Pillar of the Isles]
- Inscription T1 Magnifying Glass
- [Jetscale Sigil]
- [Kinetic Pillar of the Isles]
- [Overseer's Writhebark Stave]
- [Pioneer's Writhebark Stave]
- [Sagescale Sigil]
- [Scribe's Fastened Quill]
- [Scribe's Resplendent Quill]
- [Weathered Explorer's Stave]
- [Band of New Beginnings]
- [Bold-Print Bifocals]
- [Choker of Shielding]
- [Crimson Combatant's Jeweled Amulet]
- [Elemental Lariat]
- Enchanting Focus T1
- Enchanting Focus T2
- [Fierce Illimited Diamond]
- [Fine-Print Trifocals]
- [Idol of the Dreamer]
- [Idol of the Earth Warder]
- [Idol of the Lifebinder]
- [Idol of the Spell-Weaver]
- [Inscribed Illimited Diamond]
- Inscription T1 Magnifying Glass
- Jewelcrafting T1 Specs
- Jewelcrafting T2 Specs
- Jeweler's Tool Apron
- [Magnificent Margin Magnifier]
- [Pendant of Impending Perils]
- [Resplendent Illimited Diamond]
- [Ring-Bound Hourglass]
- [Signet of Titanic Insight]
- [Skillful Illimited Diamond]
- [Acidic Hailstone Treads]
- [Trailblazer's Scale Boots]
- [Trailblazer's Scale Bracers]
- [Trailblazer's Scale Vest]
- [Alchemist's Hat]
- [Allied Heartwarming Fur Coat]
- [Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan]
- [Ancestor's Dew Drippers]
- [Infurious Chainhelm Protector]
- Blacksmith's Apron
- [Bonewrought Crossbow]
- Bow of the Dragon Hunters
- [Infurious Spirit's Hood]
- Engineer's Protective Gloves
- Exquisite Leatherworker's Smock of Panache
- [Flame-Touched Chain]
- [Flame-Touched Chainmail]
- [Flame-Touched Cuffs]
- [Flame-Touched Handguards]
- [Flame-Touched Helmet]
- [Flame-Touched Legguards]
- [Flame-Touched Spaulders]
- [Flame-Touched Treads]
- [Flaring Cowl]
- Herbalist's Floral Basket
- Hidden Sentinel's Belt
- Hidden Sentinel's Boots
- Hidden Sentinel's Chestpiece
- Hidden Sentinel's Gloves
- Hidden Sentinel's Mask
- Hidden Sentinel's Shoulderpads
- Hidden Sentinel's Trousers
- Hidden Sentinel's Wristwraps
- Jeweler's Tool Apron
- Lavish Herbalist's Botany Pack
- Leatherworker's Smock
- [Life-Bound Belt]
- [Life-Bound Bindings]
- [Life-Bound Boots]
- [Life-Bound Cap]
- [Life-Bound Chestpiece]
- [Life-Bound Gloves]
- [Life-Bound Shoulderpads]
- [Life-Bound Trousers]
- Magnificent Engineer's Pinch-proof Handguards
- Master Blacksmith's Flame Resistant Apron
- Master Jeweler's Tool Holster
- [Old Spirit's Wristwraps]
- [Pioneer's Leather Boots]
- [Pioneer's Leather Tunic]
- [Pioneer's Leather Wristguards]
- Resplendent Skinner's Trapping Cap
- [Scale Rein Grips]
- Scaled Champion's Chainmail
- Scaled Champion's Cowl
- Scaled Champion's Cuffs
- Scaled Champion's Epaulettes
- Scaled Champion's Gauntlets
- Scaled Champion's Girdle
- Scaled Champion's Leggings
- Scaled Champion's Treads
- [Skinner's Cap]
- Skinner's Travel Pack
- [Slimy Expulsion Boots]
- Snowball Makers
- Spectacular Alchemist's Hydrophobic Headpiece
- [Spirit Eagle's Crown]
- [String of Spiritual Knick-Knacks]
- Superb Skinner's Tanning Rack
- [Toxic Thorn Footwraps]
- [Infurious Footwraps of Indemnity]
- [Venom-Steeped Stompers]
- [Wind Spirit's Lasso]
- [Witherrot Tome]
- [Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation]
- [Amice of the Blue]
- [Azureweave Mantle]
- [Azureweave Robe]
- [Azureweave Slippers]
- [Infurious Binding of Gesticulation]
- [Infurious Legwraps of Possibility]
- [Blue Dragon Rider's Robe]
- [Blue Dragon Soles]
- [Bronze Dragon Rider's Wraps]
- [Chronocloth Gloves]
- [Chronocloth Leggings]
- [Chronocloth Sash]
- [Dragoncloth Tailoring Vestments]
- [Surveyor's Cloth Bands]
- [Surveyor's Cloth Robe]
- [Surveyor's Cloth Treads]
- Explorer's Tailored Cloak
- [Hood of Surging Time]
- [Master's Wildercloth Alchemist's Robe]
- [Master's Wildercloth Chef's Hat]
- [Master's Wildercloth Enchanter's Hat]
- [Wildercloth Fishing Cap]
- [Master's Wildercloth Gardening Hat]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Girdle]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Handwraps]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Headcover]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Shoulderspikes]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Slacks]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Slippers]
- [Vibrant Wildercloth Vestments]
- [Wildercloth Alchemist's Robe]
- [Wildercloth Chef's Hat]
- [Wildercloth Enchanter's Hat]
- [Wildercloth Fishing Cap]
- [Wildercloth Gardening Hat]
- [Wildercloth Tailor's Coat]
Crimson Combatant's Wildercloth Gear Set
- Wildercloth Bands
- Wildercloth Cloak
- Wildercloth Gloves
- Wildercloth Hood
- Wildercloth Leggings
- Wildercloth Sash
- Wildercloth Shoulderpads
- Wildercloth Treads
- Wildercloth Tunic
It is similar to the Obliterum Forge from Legion and the Scrap-O-Matic 1000 and Shred-Master Mk1 from BfA and is a new iteration of this system.
Patch changes[]
- Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Added.