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Start | Clever Ashyo [61.2, 34.2] |
End | Zhang Yue [59.8, 27.9] |
Level | 15-35 |
Category | Valley of the Four Winds |
Experience | 129000 |
Rewards |
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Speak with Ashyo at the Pools of Purity and observe his ritual.
- Ashyo's Vision [59.3, 27.6]
Have a look at that!
<Ashyo motions at the massive waterfall to the north.>
This must be the water supply for the whole valley!
Think about it, <name>: the pandaren use this water to grow vegetables the size of a house. Where could it come from? What is so special about it?
The elders among my people know a technique for speaking with the water and divining the future. Perhaps this same technique can provide insight into the water's source...
It's worth a shot at least!
What is that jinyu up to over there?
I can't believe he was able to see that with a stick... perhaps there is more to "crazy jinyu rituals" than we thought.
- 129000 XP
On accept:
- Clever Ashyo says: Meet me up in the pools whenever you're ready!
- Ashyo runs off to the northeast up the path.
- Li Li says: Neat! A jinyu!
- Li Li says: I'm glad to see that there's still some left, after what happened in the Jade Forest.
- Li Li says: Say, you think they're related to murlocs?
Pick up [15-35] Bottletoads and
[15-35] Watery Woes before heading out. Up toward the top is Zhang Yue, who offers
[15-35] Snap Judgment.
Ashyo is a few yards away from Zhang, looking at a large stone monument in the water. Speak with him:
- This seems like a good spot to consult the water!
Go ahead and speak with the water, Ashyo.
- Clever Ashyo says: I've only done this once before... Hopefully this works.
- Clever Ashyo plunges the bottom end of his staff into the pool before resting his head on the top.
- Lotus Farmer says: Jinyu and their crazy rituals...
- Clever Ashyo says: What... what is this place? It is beautiful...
- Li Li says: What's happening?
- Zhang Yue says: Could it be? Could the jinyu really tap into the water's power that easily?
- Zhang Yue says: I know what your friend has seen, <name> - he will need to rest for now. Come speak with me.
Ashyo has optional gossip text:
- I can't even begin tpo describe it... you have to see this, <name>.
Zhang Yue also has a gossip text:
- I've never seen anyone get a vision from these waters so easily.
- Then again, I can't remember the last time a jinyu came to visit us and then stuck his face in the water...
[15-35] Clever Ashyo
[15-35] Ashyo's Vision
- Side quests:
[15-35] Bottletoads,
[15-35] Watery Woes,
[15-35] Snap Judgment
- Drop-started quests:
[15-35] Guess Whose Back,
[15-35] A Crocolisk Tale
- Side quests:
[15-35] The Golden Dream
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.