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AllianceAssault on Dreadmaul Rock
Start John J. Keeshan [73.5, 67.2]VZ-Burning SteppesBlip
End Colonel Troteman [73.6, 67.2]VZ-Burning SteppesBlip
Level 15-30
Category Burning Steppes
Experience 11,000
Rewards 2g 30s
Previous B [15-30] Locked and Loaded
Next B [15-30] Glory Amidst Chaos
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-30] Assault on Dreadmaul Rock.


Slay 200 Blackrock Invaders. If you should lose your vehicle, use the Horn of the Callers to summon it again.


This is it, <name>. This is where it hits the fan. Where all the pieces come together.

Strap in, and come with me. We're going to go talk to Acride and call in that favor that he owes us. Then we'll stop this invasion of Redridge before it even starts.


You will receive: 2g 30s


Now's our chance! Crush them! We won't get another opportunity like this!


Did you see them run? They didn't know what was happening! Beautiful!

Our job's almost done, <name>. It's time to deliver the deathblow.


Accept the quest and a cutscene begins:

Meanwhile, atop Dreadmaul Rock...
The camera flies away to the top of Dreadmaul Rock where the Big Three are holding a war conference. Thorg'izog is trying to cover for something and Neeralak is covered with soot...
High Warlock Xi'lun says: We are nearly prepared to start this battle, brothers. Thorg'izog, what is the matter? Why are you covering your butt like that?
General Thorg'izog says: WHAT? No reason... it's just... something is very wrong with my stomach. I think it's something I ate.
High Warlock Xi'lun says: Can you still lead your troops? Do you need to promote one of your sergeants?
General Thorg'izog says: Timan fell from the Pillar of Ash. Otahna was eaten by wolves. Gorlop fell in lava. And most of my sergeants were killed in a freak cudgelling accident.
High Warlock Xi'lun says: I see. Well, do the best you can. Neeralak, why are you all black and smoky?
Dragon-Lord Neeralak says: Those imps you had delivered... they woke up and started shooting fireballs at everybody! It was chaos!
High Warlock Xi'lun says: Delivered? Woke up? What are you even talking about? Were you attacked by flamekin?
Dragon-Lord Neeralak says: Imps, flamekin, whatever! I don't know warlock crap. Demons all look the same to me!
Dragon-Lord Neeralak says: Besides, I've been busy dealing with other issues. Dozens of my dragons died when those two enemies swept through the front lines.
High Warlock Xi'lun says: You're both failures. But it doesn't matter: with a pit lord on our side, we won't need foot soldiers OR dragons. Behold!
The camera pulls away as Xi'lun walks away to attempt to summon the pit lord...
High Warlock Xi'lun says: [Demonic] Zar zar refir zenn X zennshi x buras daz.
Hellmondath, an elite pit lord appears!
High Warlock Xi'lun says: And now to quickly use the Orb of Domination, before the pit lord turns on us.
The "orb" fails, and Hellmondath starts attacking the blackrock army! The camera pulls back up to Neeralak and Thorg'izog.
General Thorg'izog says: The pit lord's loose! We're doomed! Retreat!
General Thorg'izog says: Quickly, everyone run toward those dragons! All troops, towards the dragons! The dragons will save us!
Dragon-Lord Neeralak says: I never called any dragons...

The cutscene cuts to a close as the player is mounted upon the Obsidian-Cloaked Dragon. Laughing. Laughing very hard.

The Blackrock forces are panicking! Strike at them now!

The dragon has one ability:

  • Fiery Breath — Fires a bolt of fiery breath at enemy targets, inflicting 15000 damage to all Blackrock Invaders.

Fiery Breath is more than enough to one-shot the members of the Blackrock army caught in the blast radius. Take out 200 and fly back to Morgan's Vigil.


Optional breadcrumbs: N [15-30] Mouton Flamestar or A [15-30] Hero's Call: Burning Steppes! or H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Burning Steppes!

  1. Burning Vengeance
  2. B [15-30] Stocking Up / B [15-30] A Future Project / B [15-30] Mud Hunter
  3. B [15-30] The Sand, the Cider, and the Orb
  4. B [15-30] Warlocks Have the Neatest Stuff / B [15-30] Shadow Boxing
  5. A [15-30] Return to Keeshan / H [15-30] Return to Ariok
  6. B [15-30] Chiselgrip, the Heart of the Steppes
  7. B [15-30] A Needle in a Hellhole
    • Mandatory side chain:
    1. N [15-30] Prove Yer Allegiance / N [15-30] Scrapped Golems
    2. N [15-30] Golem Training
  8. B [15-30] A Perfect Costume
  9. B [15-30] Into the Black Tooth Hovel
  10. N [15-30] Grunt Work
  11. N [15-30] The Kodocaller's Horn
  12. B [15-30] Taking the Horn For Ourselves
  13. B [15-30] General Thorg'izog
  14. N [15-30] Trial by Magma
  15. N [15-30] I Am the Law and I Am the Lash
  16. B [15-30] Enough Damage For One Day
  17. A [15-30] Morgan's Vigil / H [15-30] Flame Crest
  18. B [15-30] Blackened Ashes / B [15-30] Latent Demons of the Land / B [15-30] A Heap of Delicious Worg
  19. B [15-30] Blood Tour / B [15-30] Draconic Vanguard / B [15-30] A Deal With a Dragon
  20. B [15-30] Placing the Pawns
  21. B [15-30] A Delivery for Thorg'izog / B [15-30] A Delivery for Neeralak / B [15-30] A Delivery for Xi'lun
  22. B [15-30] Locked and Loaded
  23. B [15-30] Assault on Dreadmaul Rock
  24. B [15-30] Glory Amidst Chaos
  25. B [15-30] The Spoils of War

Optional breadcrumb to Swamp of Sorrows: B [15-30] The Bogpaddle Bullet

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