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MobAstrologer Jarin
Image of Astrologer Jarin
Gender Male
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 47 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Astromancer
Location Astromancer's Rise, Nighthold
Status Killable

Astrologer Jarin is a nightborne located in Astromancer's Rise in the Nighthold.


  • Ability socererking arcanemines Celerity Zone — Summons a field of Arcane energy that increases Haste by 50% for all units inside of the field.
  • Talentspec druid balance Celestial Brand — Marks nearby enemies with a brand from the stars, causing them to explode for 375 Arcane damage.
  • Ability druid starfall Heavenly Crash — A meteor crashes down from the heavens, inflicting 18292 Arcane damage split between all enemies within 7 yards.


  • It looks like your studies are coming along nicely. Keep up the good work.
  • Your work will help create a whole new generation of astrologers!
  • Study your hardest, and someday you'll surpass even myself!

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