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AllianceAtal'Dazar: Not All That Glitters...
Start Shrine of Nature
End Shrine of Nature
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Dungeon
Category Jewelcrafting
Experience 35,700
Rewards 93g 60s
Previous A Jewelcrafting [50] A Promising Beginning
Next A Jewelcrafting [50] Setting Things Right
For the Horde version of this quest, see H Jewelcrafting [50D] Atal'Dazar: Not All That Glitters....


Travel to Atal'Dazar and find a replacement for the broken jewel.


<As you observe the shrine, it's quite clear that the central jewel is badly broken and in need of replacement.

You reference your notes on the shrine and discover that these jewels came from a "golden sanctuary".

Given your location, that can only mean Atal'Dazar. Perhaps you could find a replacement from that ancient city.>


You will receive:

  • 93g 60s
  • 35,700 XP


<When you're done replacing the central gem, you think you might still be able to sell the old one.>


<Returning to the shrine, you begin to pluck the old gem from its holding place. As you do, the gem cracks again and shatters in your hands.

Apparently these gems are much more fragile than you originally thought.

Very carefully, you replace the gem you obtained into the slot.

Once affixed, a peaceful glow now emanating from the shrine leads you to believe it is once again active.>


  1. A Jewelcrafting [50] A Rocky Start
  2. A Jewelcrafting [50] Digging Through the Past
  3. A Jewelcrafting [50] The Shrine of Storms
  4. A Jewelcrafting [50] Cracking the Surface
  5. A Jewelcrafting [50] Out With the Old
  6. A Jewelcrafting [50] A Promising Beginning
  7. Complete all of the following:
  8. A Jewelcrafting [50] The Missing Chapter

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