An auctioneer is an NPC that offers characters the opportunity to access and create their own auctions and to bids on other players' auctions. When using the tracking system with the minimap they will appear with a stack of gold coins () at their locations.
Interacting with an auctioneer automatically brings you into the auction interface, unless one is part of a quest, in which case you will see:
Please feel free to browse the items up for bid, of if you would like to list an item, I can help.
Patch 4.0.6 (2011-02-08): Are now level 85 with 232,200 hp.
Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): A Steam-Powered Auctioneer, Reginald Arcfire, has been added to the Dalaran Like Clockwork engineering shop, allowing access to one's faction Auction House. The Steam-Powered Auctioneer was programmed with a superiority chip, and will only interact with Grand Master engineers.
Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Certain key NPCs (such as bankers and auctioneers) in the cities and main outposts are now harder to kill. Additionally, when they die, they will respawn more quickly.