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NeutralAudience with the Windlord
Start Thrymjaris
End Thunderaan
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Artifact
Class Rogue Rogue
Rewards Inv sword 1h artifactskywall d 06 [Emanation of the Winds]
Previous N Rogue [45] Bindings of the Windlord
Witness Thunderaan


Witness Thunderaan.


I have kept my promise. Thunderaan the Windlord awaits.

Know that if betrayal is in your heart, the Windlord will not be deceived. Be silent, and perhaps your audience will be a fortunate one.


You will receive:
Inv sword 1h artifactskywall d 06 [Emanation of the Winds]


The Bindings now belong to me. When the time comes, the Firelord shall be imprisoned as I once was. But that time is not now.

Your reward is this, a small fragment of my power. Unleash it upon your blades, <race>, and you shall have what you seek.


Quest accept
Thunderaan says: Mortal <race>. You presume much to summon me.
Thunderaan says: Ragnaros the Firelord once imprisoned me within bindings such as those you hold now.
Thunderaan says: And greedy mortals once not unlike you freed me only to strike and steal my weapon, and my power.
Thunderaan says: But now that the Earthen Ring has seen to my return, I am inclined to show patience. Your errand may not be a foolish one after all.
Thunderaan says: Give me the bindings that I may turn them against the Firelord and his minions, and I will reward you in kind.
Quest accept (previously owned (Inv sword 39 [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker])
Thunderaan says: Mortal <race>. You presume much to summon me.
Thunderaan says: You possessed bindings such as those once before. An eternal prison from which you freed me only to jealously seek my power.
Thunderaan says: I should strike you down for what you did to me. For what you stole from me.
Thunderaan says: But now that the Earthen Ring has seen to my return, I am inclined to show patience. Your errand may not be a foolish one after all.
Thunderaan says: Give me the bindings that I may turn them against the Firelord and his minions, and I will reward you in kind.
Quest completion
Thunderaan says: And so it is done, <race>. Do not call upon me again.

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