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An augment is a special enchant-granting item that does not require the services of an enchanter to apply. Augments are available from a number of sources, including quests, faction quartermasters, blacksmiths, engineers, leatherworkers, and tailors.

Augments and enchantments do not stack. Applying any enchant, either from an augment item or enchanter, will overwrite any previous enchantment. Temporary effects like rogue poisons, oils, sharpening stones and shaman spells will not erase a permanent augment or enchantment.

Augments by slot[]

Type Slots Expansion
Inscriptions Shoulder Bc icon Wrath-Logo-Small Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria
Armor kits Varies, generally head, legs, hands and feet WoW Icon update Bc icon Wrath-Logo-Small Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria
Spellthread Legs Bc icon Wrath-Logo-Small Cataclysm Mists of Pandaria
Lesser Arcanum Head, Legs WoW Icon update
Zul'Gurub Head, Legs WoW Icon update
Guards Head, Legs WoW Icon update
Mantles Shoulder WoW Icon update
Fishing Line Inv fishingpole 02 [Fishing Pole] WoW Icon update Bc icon
Scope Ranged Weapon
Weapon Chains Melee Weapon
Spurs Feet
Shield Spike Shield


Not to be confused with the primary profession Inscription, introduced in Patch 3.0.2, Echoes of Doom.

Mists of Pandaria[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Shoulder inscriptions are now made by the Inscription profession. Unlike previous expansions, there is no longer a faction that awards them at a certain reputation level, like Sons of Hodir or Therazane. This was done to avoid forcing all endgame-focused players to grind reputation with that faction.

Scribes can also create augments that they can used themselves that has extra stats.

Rare Epic BoP
Item Stats Item Stats Item Stats
Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude blue [Crane Wing Inscription] +120 Intellect +80 Critical strike Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude yellow [Greater Crane Wing Inscription] +200 Intellect +100 Critical strike Inv misc mastersinscription [Secret Crane Wing Inscription] +520 Intellect +100 Critical strike
Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude blue [Tiger Fang Inscription] +120 Strength +80 Critical strike Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude yellow [Greater Tiger Fang Inscription] +200 Strength +100 Critical strike Inv misc mastersinscription [Secret Tiger Fang Inscription] +520 Strength +100 Critical strike
Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude blue [Tiger Claw Inscription] +120 Agility +80 Critical strike Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude yellow [Greater Tiger Claw Inscription] +200 Agility +100 Critical strike Inv misc mastersinscription [Secret Tiger Claw Inscription] +520 Agility +100 Critical strike
Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude blue [Ox Horn Inscription] +180 Stamina +80 Dodge Inv inscription runescrolloffortitude yellow [Greater Ox Horn Inscription] +300 Stamina +100 Dodge Inv misc mastersinscription [Secret Ox Horn Inscription] +750 Stamina +100 Dodge


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Cataclysm inscriptions are shoulder enchant items rewarded from high level reputation status with Therazane in Deepholm. All inscriptions require level 85, can only be placed on items you own (they cannot be applied through the Trade window), and will soulbind any items that are not already soulbound if applied. All inscriptions cost 75g before any factional discounts.

Honored Exalted
Item Stats Item Stats
Inv misc gem bloodstone 02 [Lesser Inscription of Charged Lodestone] +30 Intellect +20 Haste Inv misc gem bloodstone 02 [Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone] +50 Intellect +25 Haste
Inv misc gem emeraldrough 02 [Lesser Inscription of Jagged Stone] +30 Strength +20 Critical strike Inv misc gem emeraldrough 02 [Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone] +50 Strength +25 Critical strike
Inv misc gem goldendraenite 01 [Lesser Inscription of Shattered Crystal] +30 Agility +20 Mastery Inv misc gem goldendraenite 01 [Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal] +50 Agility +25 Mastery
Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz] +45 Stamina +20 Dodge Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Greater Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz] +75 Stamina +25 Dodge


Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Northrend inscriptions are shoulder enchant items rewarded from high level reputation status with the Sons of Hodir in Storm Peaks. All inscriptions require level 80, can only be placed on items you own (they cannot be applied through the Trade window), and will soulbind any items that are not already soulbound if applied. The lesser inscriptions cost 75g and the greater inscriptions cost 100g before any factional discounts.

Honored Exalted
Item Stats Item Stats
Inv axe 82 [Lesser Inscription of the Axe] +30 Attack Power +10 Critical Strike Inv axe 85 [Greater Inscription of the Axe] +40 Attack Power +15 Critical Strike
Spell nature farsight [Lesser Inscription of the Crag] +18 Spell Power +10 Spirit Spell arcane teleportorgrimmar [Greater Inscription of the Crag] +24 Spell Power +16 Spirit
Spell holy divinepurpose [Lesser Inscription of the Pinnacle] +15 Dodge +10 Parry Spell holy divinepurpose [Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle] +20 Dodge +22 Stamina
Spell nature lightning [Lesser Inscription of the Storm] +18 Spell Power +10 Critical Strike Spell nature lightningoverload [Greater Inscription of the Storm] +24 Spell Power +15 Critical Strike

Also available are PvP-based inscriptions from Wintergrasp vendors for a cost of 50 Honor Points each:

Item Stats
Spell holy powerinfusion [Inscription of Dominance] +23 Spell power +15 Resilience
Spell holy weaponmastery [Inscription of Triumph] +40 Attack power +15 Resilience


Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Inscriptions grant enchants to shoulder armor. They are purchased from Aldor and Scryer vendors in their respective banks in Shattrath City. Ability warrior shieldmastery [Inscription of Endurance] is also available from Apprentice Darius outside Karazhan through The Violet Eye reputation. For the Aldor/Scryer inscriptions, uncommon inscriptions can be purchased for 2 tokens, rare greater inscriptions cost 8 tokens. Tokens are obtained by turning in Inv misc desecrated plategloves [Fel Armament] (Aldor) or Inv misc book 07 [Arcane Tome] (Scryer) to the corresponding NPC in Shattrath. Inscriptions require level 64 and honored reputation with their respective faction, and greater inscriptions require level 70 and exalted. Inscriptions can only be placed on items you own (they cannot be applied through the Trade window), and will soulbind any items that are not already soulbound if applied.

Honored Exalted
Faction Item Stats Item Stats
Aldor Spell holy greaterblessingofsanctuary [Inscription of Warding] +13 Dodge Spell holy blessingofprotection [Greater Inscription of Warding] +15 Dodge +15 Stamina
Spell holy sealofsalvation [Inscription of Faith] +15 Spell Power Spell holy greaterblessingofsalvation [Greater Inscription of Faith] +15 Intellect +10 Spirit
Spell holy fistofjustice [Inscription of Vengeance] +26 Attack Power Spell holy greaterblessingofkings [Greater Inscription of Vengeance] +30 Attack Power +10 Critical Strike
Spell holy sealofwisdom [Inscription of Discipline] +15 Spell Power Spell holy sealofwisdom [Greater Inscription of Discipline] +18 Spell Power +10 Critical Strike
Scryers Spell holy championsbond [Inscription of the Knight] +13 Dodge Spell holy championsgrace [Greater Inscription of the Knight] +15 Parry 10 Dodge
Spell holy spiritualguidence [Inscription of the Oracle] +12 Spirit Spell holy powerinfusion [Greater Inscription of the Oracle] +10 Intellect +16 Spirit
Ability dualwield [Inscription of the Blade] +13 Critical Strike Spell holy weaponmastery [Greater Inscription of the Blade] +20 Attack Power +15 Critical Strike
Inv misc orb 04 [Inscription of the Orb] +13 Critical Strike Inv misc orb 03 [Greater Inscription of the Orb] +12 Spell Power +15 Critical Strike
The Violet Eye Ability warrior shieldmastery [Inscription of Endurance] +7 All Resistance


Enchantment Profession-specific Source
[Lightweave Embroidery (Rank 3)] Mists of Pandaria TailoringGives a chance to increase Intellect by 580 for 15 sec when casting a spell Tailoring 550
[Darkglow Embroidery (Rank 3)] Mists of Pandaria Tailoring Gives a chance to increase Spirit by 3000 for 15 sec when you cast a spell. Tailoring 550
[Swordguard Embroidery (Rank 3)] Mists of Pandaria TailoringYour damaging melee attacks sometimes increase your attack power by 4000 for 15 sec. Tailoring 550
[Darkglow Embroidery (Rank 2)] Cataclysm Tailoring Gives a chance to increase your Spirit by 580 for 15 sec when you cast a spell. Tailoring 500
[Lightweave Embroidery (Rank 2)] Cataclysm TailoringGives a chance to increase your Intellect by 580 for 15 sec when casting a spell. Tailoring 500
[Swordguard Embroidery (Rank 2)] Cataclysm Tailoring Your damaging melee attacks sometimes increase your attack power by 1000 for 15 sec. Tailoring 500
[Darkglow Embroidery (Rank 1)] Wrath-Logo-Small Tailoring Gives a chance to increase your Spirit by 250 for 15 sec when casting a spell. Tailoring 420
[Lightweave Embroidery (Rank 1)] Wrath-Logo-Small TailoringGives a chance to increase your Intellect by 295 for 15 sec when casting a spell. Tailoring 420
[Swordguard Embroidery (Rank 1)] Wrath-Logo-Small Tailoring Your damaging melee attacks sometimes increase your attack power by 400 for 15 sec. Tailoring 420


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 5.0.4.


The first arcanum that came to be were apparently created by the trolls and stolen by the high elves during their conquest of Quel'Thalas. The elves, well versed in the ways of magic, could not understand why the troll's weapon enchantments of voodoo were stronger than the elven magic. As a solution, they stole magic and knowledge from troll spellcasters such as Zanza and imbued them into idols to create their own enchantments against the trolls. These enchantments were called "Arcanum".[1][2]

Mists of Pandaria[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Head enchants were removed in patch 5.0.4.[3]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Cataclysm Arcana cost 150g before the faction discount. They are heirloom items and require level 85. The three primary neutral factions and the Dragonmaw Clan/Wildhammer Clan faction offer arcana at revered.

Faction Revered
Guardians of Hyjal Spell fire masterofelements [Arcanum of Hyjal] +60 Intellect +35 Critical strike
Ramkahen Spell fire masterofelements [Arcanum of the Ramkahen] +60 Agility +35 Haste
The Earthen Ring Spell fire masterofelements [Arcanum of the Earthen Ring] +90 Stamina +35 Dodge
Dragonmaw Clan Spell fire masterofelements [Arcanum of the Dragonmaw] +60 Strength +35 Mastery
Wildhammer Clan Spell fire masterofelements [Arcanum of the Wildhammer] +60 Strength +35 Mastery


Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Northrend Arcana cost either 150g before the faction discount for the faction-based arcana or 40 Stone Keeper's Shard for the arcana purchased from Wintergrasp vendors. They are all of rare quality and require level 80. The four primary neutral factions offer arcana at honored and revered (as like the primary instance factions in Burning Crusade), while the Alliance Vanguard/Horde Expedition arcana require exalted and the Wintergrasp arcana have no requirement other than control of Wintergrasp itself in order to purchase the arcanum. Arcana can only be placed on items you own (cannot be applied in the trade window), and will also soulbind any items that are not already soulbound if applied.

Faction Honored Revered
Argent Crusade Ability paladin gaurdedbythelight [Arcanum of the Fleeing Shadow] +25 Shadow resist +30 Stamina Ability warrior swordandboard [Arcanum of the Stalwart Protector] +37 Stamina +20 dodge
Kirin Tor Spell fire burnout [Arcanum of the Flame's Soul] +25 Fire resist +30 Stamina Spell fire masterofelements [Arcanum of Burning Mysteries] +30 Spell power +20 Critical strike
Knights of the Ebon Blade Trade brewpoison [Arcanum of Toxic Warding] +25 Nature resist +30 Stamina Ability warrior rampage [Arcanum of Torment] +50 Attack power +20 Critical strike
Wyrmrest Accord Ability druid eclipse [Arcanum of the Eclipsed Moon] +25 Arcane resist +30 Stamina Ability warrior shieldmastery [Arcanum of Blissful Mending] +26 Intellect +20 Spirit
Alliance Vanguard Ability warrior shieldmastery [Arcanum of the Savage Gladiator] +25 Resilience +30 Stamina
Horde Expedition Ability warrior shieldmastery [Arcanum of the Savage Gladiator] +25 Resilience +30 Stamina
Wintergrasp vendors Spell arcane arcaneresilience [Arcanum of Dominance] +29 Spell power +20 Resilience
Ability warrior shieldmastery [Arcanum of Triumph] +50 Attack power +20 Resilience


Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Outland arcana are items that grant enchants to head armor. They are all of uncommon quality and require level 70. The reward for being Honored is +20 resistance to a specific school, while the reward for Revered is a pair of stat enchants. Each arcanum is sold for 100g before faction discounts. Arcana can only be placed on items you own (cannot be applied in the trade window), and will also soulbind any items that are not already soulbound if applied.

Faction Honored Revered
Honor Hold / Thrallmar Spell fire sealoffire [Arcanum of Fire Warding]
Spell fire sealoffire [Arcanum of Fire Warding]
+20 Fire Resistance Spell holy healingaura [Arcanum of Renewal]
Spell holy healingaura [Arcanum of Renewal]
+16 Intellect +18 Spirit
Cenarion Expedition Spell nature protectionformnature [Arcanum of Nature Warding] +20 Nature Resistance Ability druid demoralizingroar [Arcanum of Ferocity] +34 Attack Power +16 Hit
Lower City Spell shadow sealofkings [Arcanum of Shadow Warding] +20 Shadow Resistance Ability rogue masterofsubtlety [Arcanum of the Outcast] +17 Strength +16 Intellect
Sha'tar Spell arcane arcaneresilience [Arcanum of Arcane Warding] +20 Arcane Resistance Spell nature lightningoverload [Arcanum of Power] +22 Spell power +14 Hit
Keepers of Time Spell frost frostarmor02 [Arcanum of Frost Warding] +20 Frost Resistance Ability warrior victoryrush [Arcanum of the Defender] +16 Parry +17 Dodge
Shattered Sun Offensive Inv misc statue 04 [Arcanum of the Gladiator] +18 Stamina +20 Resilience


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a.

Like the lesser arcanum, these items granted an enchant to a head or leg item. They were acquired from Libram drops in Dire Maul. The libram and various ingredients were turned in to Lorekeeper Lydros in the Dire Maul library.

Each turnin required a libram, a quest item, a Inv misc gem 02 [Pristine Black Diamond] and a few Large Brilliant Shards

Arcanum Stats Libram Item Shards
Inv misc gem 02 [Arcanum of Focus] +8 Spell Power Inv misc book 04 [Libram of Focus] Inv misc shadowegg [Skin of Shadow] x2 4
Inv misc gem 02 [Arcanum of Protection] +12 Dodge Inv misc book 11 [Libram of Protection] Inv misc pelt boar ruin 03 [Frayed Abomination Stitching] 2
Inv misc gem 02 [Arcanum of Rapidity] +10 Haste Inv misc book 02 [Libram of Rapidity] Inv potion 33 [Blood of Heroes] x2 2

Lesser Arcanum[]

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a.

Lesser arcanum granted an enchant to a head or leg item. They could be acquired from Libram world drops. The libram and various ingredients were turned in to Mathredis Firestar in Burning Steppes.

Each turn-in required a libram, a Inv misc gem 01 [Black Diamond], 30g and a few quest items.

Arcanum Stats Libram Items
Inv misc gem 03 [Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity] +125 Armor Inv misc book 07 [Libram of Tenacity] Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Crystal Ward] x4 Spell shadow evileye [Eye of Kajal]
Inv misc gem 03 [Lesser Arcanum of Resilience] +20 Fire Resistance Inv misc book 05 [Libram of Resilience] Inv misc gem stone 01 [Crystal Spire] x4 Spell fire lavaspawn [Burning Essence]
Inv misc gem 03 [Lesser Arcanum of Constitution] +100 Health Inv misc book 01 [Libram of Constitution] Inv drink 12 [Lung Juice Cocktail] Inv misc food 45 [Night Dragon's Breath] x4
Inv misc gem 03 [Lesser Arcanum of Rumination] +150 Mana Inv misc book 06 [Libram of Rumination] Inv misc food 30 [Gizzard Gum] Inv potion 69 [Black Blood of the Tormented]
Lesser Arcanum of Voracity +8 Agility, Intellect,
Spirit, Stamina or Strength
Inv misc book 10 [Libram of Voracity] Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Crystal Force] x4 Inv misc food 55 [Whipper Root Tuber] x4


WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

Leg/head class-specific augments were obtainable from Zanza the Restless in Zul'Gurub. Each augment requires:

Enchantment Class Stats
Spell nature reincarnation [Animist's Caress] Druid +10 Intellect +10 Stamina +12 Spell Power
Spell nature forceofnature [Falcon's Call] Hunter +10 Stamina +10 Hit +24 Attack Power
Spell shadow detectlesserinvisibility [Presence of Sight] Mage +8 Hit +18 Spell Power
Spell holy prayerofhealing [Syncretist's Sigil] Paladin +10 Stamina +10 Dodge +10 Intellect
Spell holy holyprotection [Prophetic Aura] Priest +10 Stamina +13 Spell Power +5 mana per 5 sec
Spell shadow scourgebuild [Death's Embrace] Rogue +12 Dodge +28 Attack power
Spell nature purge [Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace] Shaman +15 Intellect +13 Spell Power
Spell shadow impphaseshift [Hoodoo Hex] Warlock +10 Stamina +18 Spell Power
Spell holy sealofwrath [Presence of Might] Warrior +10 Stamina +10 Dodge +10 Parry


WoW Icon update The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

Guards are augments (Ice and Shadow Guard are acquired from Argent Dawn using Scarlet Crusade Insignias) that grant a head or leg enchantment giving +10 resistance to a school of magic.

Item Stats
Spell nature spiritarmor [Savage Guard] +10 Nature Resistance
Spell frost frostshock [Ice Guard] +10 Frost Resistance
Spell shadow antishadow [Shadow Guard] +10 Shadow Resistance


Mantles are augments that grant a shoulder enchantment giving +5 resistance to a school of magic. Nearly all of them can be purchased for 10g after becoming Revered with the Argent Dawn and turning in 10 Valor Tokens; the exception is the Chromatic Mantle, which costs 40g and requires Exalted and 25 Valor Tokens. Mantles can only be placed on items you own, and placing one on a non-soulbound item will bind it to you.

Item Stats
Spell nature protectionformnature [Nature Mantle of the Dawn] +5 Nature Resistance
Spell frost frostshock [Frost Mantle of the Dawn] +5 Frost Resistance
Spell shadow ragingscream [Shadow Mantle of the Dawn] +5 Shadow Resistance
Spell holy wordfortitude [Arcane Mantle of the Dawn] +5 Arcane Resistance
Spell fire flameshock [Flame Mantle of the Dawn] +5 Fire Resistance
Inv misc gem variety 02 [Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn] +5 Resist All

Fishing Line[]

Inv fabric mageweave 02 [High Test Eternium Fishing Line] grants +5 Fishing to a fishing rod. It can be acquired by catching Inv misc fish 09 [Dezian Queenfish] and completing N Fishing [1-70] Rare Fish - Dezian Queenfish during the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza.

Inv misc thread 01 [Spun Truesilver Fishing Line] grants +3 Fishing to a fishing rod. It is one of many possible rewards found in the Bag of Fishing Treasures from the 2.4 Daily Fishing quest.

Inv fabric mageweave 02 [Ancient Fishing Line] drops from Slithon the Last in Eredath.

Weapon Chains[]

Weapon chains are weapon augmentations that decrease the duration of disarm effects on the wielder as well as, in one case, increase parry chance. Weapon chains are created by blacksmiths, similarly to shield spikes and spurs.

Item Stats
Spell frost chainsofice [Steel Weapon Chain] 50% reduced disarm duration
Spell frost chainsofice [Adamantite Weapon Chain] Bc icon 50% reduced disarm duration, +15 Parry
Inv belt 18 [Titanium Weapon Chain] Wrath-Logo-Small 50% reduced disarm duration, +28 Hit
Inv misc steelweaponchain [Pyrium Weapon Chain] Cataclysm 50% reduced disarm duration, +40 Hit
Inv misc steelweaponchain [Living Steel Weapon Chain] Mists of Pandaria 50% reduced disarm duration, +200 Expertise


Spurs are augmentations that are attached to feet items and increase mounted speed. At this time, there is only one form of spur; Ability rogue sprint [Mithril Spurs], which increases mounted speed by 4%. These are made by blacksmiths and since 2.4.2, do not need to be attached by blacksmiths.

See also[]

