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"The August Celestials" redirects here. For the achievement, see Achievement faction celestials [The August Celestials]. For the lore, see August Celestial.
NeutralThe August Celestials
August Celestials 04
Clockwise from top left: Yu'lon, Chi-Ji, Xuen, Niuzao
Main leader IconSmall Yu'lon Yu'lon <The Jade Serpent>
IconSmall Chi-Ji Chi-Ji <The Red Crane>
IconSmall Xuen Xuen <The White Tiger>
IconSmall Niuzao Niuzao <The Black Ox>
Race(s) PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Theater of operations Pandaria
Affiliation Independent
Status Active
Quartermaster Alliance IconSmall Pandaren Male Sage Whiteheart
Horde IconSmall Pandaren Female Sage Lotusbloom
Notable reward(s) Epic item level 489 boots/gloves/bracers
Inv pandarenserpentmount lightning yellow [Reins of the Thundering August Cloud Serpent]

The August Celestials are four Wild Gods who defend the temples of Pandaria from the evils of the sha and mogu. This faction includes the four celestials and their respective servants.

Faction description[]

These brave Pandaren defend the temples of Pandaria from the evils of the Sha.


Sage Whiteheart / Sage Lotusbloom
<The August Celestials Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Slot Type Stats
Neutral Inv cape pandaria c 01 [Bladesong Cloak] 253g 63s Back Agility/crit
Inv cape pandaria c 02 [Cloak of Ancient Curses] 251g 81s Back Intellect/hit
Inv cape pandaria c 03 [Pressed Flower Cloak] 252g 73s Back Intellect/spirit
Inv misc cape cataclysm caster b 01 [Ribcracker's Cloak] 254g 56s Back Strength/hit
Inv cape pandaria c 04 [Cloak of the Silent Mountain] 248g 97s Back Strength/parry
Inv chest leather reputation c 01 [Vestment of the Ascendant Tribe] 343g 52s Chest Leather Intellect/spirit
Inv chest leather reputation c 01 [Refurbished Zandalari Vestment] 343g 52s Chest Leather Agility/haste
Inv chest mail reputation c 01 [Mountain Stream Ringmail] 344g 66s Chest Mail Intellect/spirit
Inv chest mail reputation c 01 [Undergrowth Stalker Chestpiece] 344g 66s Chest Mail Agility/expertise
Inv pants plate reputation c 01 [Valiant's Shinguards] 349g 69s Legs Plate Intellect/spirit
Inv pants plate reputation c 01 [Leggings of Ponderous Advance] 349g 69s Legs Plate Strength/crit
Inv pants cloth reputation c 01 [Subversive Leggings] 337g 35s Legs Cloth Intellect/spirit
Inv pants cloth reputation c 01 [Leggings of Unfinished Conquest] 337g 35s Legs Cloth Intellect/hit
Inv bracer cloth reputation c 01 [Bracers of Inlaid Jade] 232g 66s Wrist Cloth Spirit/crit
Inv bracer cloth reputation c 01 [Minh's Beaten Bracers] 233g 55s Wrist Cloth Intellect/hit
Inv bracer leather reputation c 01 [Quillpaw Family Bracers] 249g 69s Wrist Leather Agility/hit
Inv bracer leather reputation c 01 [Clever Ashyo's Armbands] 250g 58s Wrist Leather Intellect/crit
Inv bracer mail reputation c 01 [Brewmaster Chani's Bracers] 248g 82s Wrist Mail Intellect/haste
Inv bracer mail reputation c 01 [Tiger-Striped Wristguards] 241g 55s Wrist Mail Agility/haste
Inv bracer plate reputation c 01 [Braided Black and White Bracer] 238g 90s Wrist Plate Strength/crit
Inv bracer plate reputation c 01 [Battle Shadow Bracers] 239g 76s Wrist Plate Strength/parry
Inv bracer plate reputation c 01 [Fallen Sentinel Bracers] 240g 65s Wrist Plate Intellect/crit
Inv boots cloth reputation c 01 [Storm-Sing Sandals] 352g 98s Feet Cloth Spirit/mastery
Inv boots robe raidwarlock j 01 [Void Flame Slippers] 354g 30s Feet Cloth Intellect/hit
Inv boots leather dungeonleather c 05 [Tukka-Tuk's Hairy Boots] 341g 14s Feet Leather Agility/hit
Inv boots leather dungeonleather c 05 [Boots of the High Adept] 351g 69s Feet Leather Intellect/crit
Inv boots chain 07 [Steps of the War Serpent] 364g 88s Feet Mail Agility/hit
Inv boot mail reputation c 01 [Sandals of the Elder Sage] 375g 71s Feet Mail Spirit/crit
Inv boot plate reputation c 01 [Tankiss Warstompers] 359g 61s Feet Plate Strength/expertise
Inv boot plate reputation c 01 [Yu'lon Guardian Boots] 362g 27s Feet Plate Strength/parry
Inv boot plate reputation c 01 [Bramblestaff Boots] 363g 56s Feet Plate Spirit/haste
Inv gauntlets cloth reputation c 01 [Gloves of Red Feathers] 234g 49s Hands Cloth Spirit/mastery
Inv gauntlets cloth reputation c 01 [Sunspeaker's Flared Gloves] 235g 38s Hands Cloth Intellect/hit
Inv glove leather reputation c 01 [Ogo's Elder Gloves] 236g 27s Hands Leather Intellect/haste
Inv glove leather reputation c 01 [Fingers of the Loneliest Monk] 237g 16s Hands Leather Agility/expertise
Inv glove mail reputation c 01 [Sentinel Commander's Gauntlets] 238g 3s Hands Mail Agility/hit
Inv glove mail reputation c 01 [Ravenmane's Gloves] 240g 68s Hands Mail Intellect/haste
Inv glove plate reputation c 01 [Gloves of the Overwhelming Swarm] 238g 92s Hands Plate Strength/parry
Inv glove plate reputation c 01 [Streetfighter's Iron Knuckles] 239g 81s Hands Plate Strength/crit
Inv glove plate reputation c 01 [Gauntlets of Jade Sutras] 241g 57s Hands Plate Spirit/mastery
Honored Inv misc coin 17 [Celestial Offering] 100g
Revered Achievement faction celestials [Grand Commendation of the August Celestials] 50g Rep token
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength] 40g Enchanting (600)
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility] 40g Enchanting (600)
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect] 40g Enchanting (600)
Exalted Inv pandarenserpentmount lightning yellow [Reins of the Thundering August Cloud Serpent] 10,000g Riding (300)
Achievement faction celestials [August Celestials Tabard] 10g Tabard
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Royal Satchel] 50g Tailoring (600)


Known members[]


You cannot obtain this reputation before Level 87 except via championing/bind to account items.

From Level 87 to 89, there are only 300 reputation points available in quests:

Further reputation gains can be obtained by performing quests, offered when you are Level 90. This used to require honored with Golden Lotus.

At revered, you can buy Achievement faction celestials [Grand Commendation of the August Celestials] from Horde Sage Lotusbloom/Alliance Sage Whiteheart <The August Celestials Quartermaster> for 50g to grant you a 100% bonus reputation gain on all characters on your account.

You can "Champion a faction" with The August Celestials in your Reputation Panel to enable some champion reputation points. This will allow you the following

  • +300 reputation for your first Random Dungeon of the Week (Expansions counted separately, excluding Pandaria)
  • +300 reputation for your first Random Mists of Pandaria Dungeon of the day (85-89 only)
  • +300 reputation for your first Random Mists of Pandaria Heroic of the day
  • +200 reputation for your first Random Scenario of the day

Patch changes[]

  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): Shado-Pan and The August Celestials daily quests no longer have a faction prerequisite to be Revered with the Golden Lotus.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-10-16): Fixed an issue that caused the August Celestials quest hub at the Cradle of Chi-Ji to always be available.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-10-01): The reputation requirement to purchase Valor Point bracers has been reduced from Revered to Honored.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.

External links[]
