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VenthyrAwaken Our Allies
Start John the Reanimator
End John the Reanimator
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Covenant Sanctum

Awaken Our Allies is a potential Venthyr Covenant-only daily quest. It is available by channeling Sinfall's Anima Conductor with Tier 2 into Pridefall Hamlet.


Awaken 15 Allied Stoneborn.


I have need of your services.

I have identified a collection of stoneborn throughout Revendreth whom may be swayed to our cause, or were already members of our cause before returning to their stone slumber.

You have provided us with the anima we needed, now it is time to put it to use. Seek out our allies and awaken them. I have fashioned an anima container for easier transport to aid in this endeavor.

We need an army if we are to face an army.


You will receive:

And one from:

  • 3 - 5x Anima item
  • 281g 8s
Inv boot leather oribosdungeon c 01 [Muck Waders] Inv helm cloth oribosdungeon c 01 [Cowl of Emberfury]
Inv belt leather oribosdungeon c 01 [Stalker Wight's Sash] Inv helm mail oribosdungeon c 01 [Devourer Wrangler's Coif]


How goes the search?


Terrifying, aren't they? Magnificent weapons crafted by the finest arts perfected since the coalescing of the Shadowlands themselves.

They shall prove invaluable in the times to come.


Upon awakening, Stoneborn Ally can say one of a few lines,

  • Stoneborn Ally says: To the skies.
  • Stoneborn Ally says: And so my watch continues
  • Stoneborn Ally says: By your command!
  • Stoneborn Ally says: For the glory of Revendreth.
  • Stoneborn Ally says: I awake!

They can be interacted with mounted.

Once the quest is ready to be turned in, the platform where all the anima conductor daily quests are located is filled with Stoneborn Ally NPCs.

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