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Image of Azley
Title <Artisan's Consortium>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 62-65
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Artisan's Consortium
Occupation Assistant
Location Ohn'ahran Plains; Artisan's Market, Valdrakken
Status Alive

Azley is a goblin located in Forkriver Crossing in the Ohn'ahran Plains and at the Artisan's Market in Valdrakken.



Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Different order & words

Hi, hi, hi! What can the Artisan's Consortium do for you today?

Gossip I have a question about the Artisan's Consortium.

Sure, sure, sure! What can I help you with?
Gossip What is the Artisan's Consortium?
Only the best, best, best company to ever exist!
Our business connects artisans to the people who need them most: paying customers!
Need an item? Place a crafting order! Need money? Fill a crafting order! It's simple, simple, simple!
Gossip Okay.
Gossip Is this like the Auction House?
The Auction House? That's old news, <race>!
The Artisan's Consortium deals in made-to-order products! There's no building, no surplus goods, just place an order!
Craftes can then take an order and fill it for you. If you like their service, consider sending them personal orders instead of trying your luck on the public market!
Or place an order with your guild for service you can trust, trust, trust!
Gossip Okay.
Gossip What can I order?
Have a look! You can order anything the crafters on the isle can make. Even if it's normally something only crafters get their hands on!
That's right! With our new artisan-to-mail service, you can be the very first soul to own a newly crafted item!
We're constantly expanding, so if there's older items we don't serve right now, check back in a few months!
Go on, shop, shop, shop!
Gossip Okay.
Gossip Why is the Artisan's Consortium on the Dragon Isles?
Well, well, well, you're a curious one, ain'tcha!
It started with Aisha, she's the one who founded this company. She loves, loves, loves telling this story, so if you really want details, you should hear it from her.
The short side is that everyone she traded with always complained that it's hard to find reliable customers! Now Aisha's a smart one, so she realized there's a missing service here, and there's good and profit to be had in a missing service. Now we're expanding to the Dragon Isles to bring our services to adventurers like yourself.
But really, go ask her.
Gossip Okay.
Gossip Nevermind.

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