Seeking to crush the last line of Alliance defense in the region, in order to secure their entry into Ashenvale from Azshara, the Horde strikes against Talrendis Point. With adventures by their side the Horde is able to crush the town and kill it's leader, Commander Jarrodenus.
- [5-30] Airborne Again
- Complete all of the following:
- [5-30] Let Them Feast on Fear
- [5-30] Commando Drop
- [5-30] Where's My Head?
- [5-30] Grounded!
- [5-30] Rigged to Blow
- [5-30] Push the Button!
- [5-30] Blacken the Skies
- [5-30] The Conquest of Azshara
- [5-30] Probing into Ashenvale