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The Azure Silk set is a collection of blue-colored cloth items. They are not considered to be a true set and there are no bonuses gain if you wear more than one or all of the items in this set.


Blood Elf female wearing the Azure Silk set
Made by
Character requirements
  • Character level 33 (to wear Azure Shoulders)
  • Tailoring skill level 190 (to make Azure Shoulders)

Note: The Azure Silk Belt will increase your swim speed by 15%.

Materials Required

Collection Items[]

Item Level Req Armor Rating Stamina Intellect Spirit Spell Power From
Inv shoulder 27 [Azure Shoulders] 33 38 5 0 0 11 drop (pattern drop)
Inv belt 22 [Azure Silk Belt] 30 26 0 5 0 0 Tailors
Inv chest cloth 14 [Azure Silk Cloak] 30 23 0 0 3 8 Vendor (pattern bought)
Inv gauntlets 17 [Azure Silk Gloves] 24 26 0 0 3 8 vendor (pattern bought)
Inv helmet 29 [Azure Silk Hood] 24 33 0 8 0 0 Tailors
Inv pants 08 [Azure Silk Pants] 23 36 0 6 0 8 Tailors
Inv chest cloth 37 [Azure Silk Vest] 25 43 0 9 0 6 Tailors
Totals 224 5 25 6 41