- Bag of Premium Gems
- Binds when picked up
- <Right Click to Open>
- Sell Price: 12
This item is a quest reward from [15-30] Membership Benefits.
The bag contains a random number of un-common and rare gems. The average number of rare gems is one to two, but in some months can be zero. Approximate drop rates are as follows:
Name | Amount | Type | Drop % |
[Flame Spessarite] | 1-2 | Orange Gem | 42 |
[Blood Garnet] | 1-2 | Red Gem | 40 |
[Golden Draenite] | 1-3 | Yellow Gem | 40 |
[Shadow Draenite] | 1-2 | Purple Gem | 38 |
[Deep Peridot] | 1-2 | Green Gem | 38 |
[Azure Moonstone] | 1-2 | Blue Gem | 36 |
[Living Ruby] | 1-2 | Red Gem | 32 |
[Dawnstone] | 1-2 | Yellow Gem | 31 |
[Nightseye] | 1-2 | Purple Gem | 30 |
[Star of Elune] | 1-2 | Blue Gem | 30 |
[Talasite] | 1-2 | Green Gem | 29 |
[Noble Topaz] | 1-2 | Orange Gem | 28 |
Patch changes[]
Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.