- Baleful Tunic
- Item Level 44
- Binds when picked up
- Use: Create a soulbound item appropriate for your loot specialization.
- Requires Level 40
- Sell Price: 1
Baleful Tunic creates a Baleful Chest armor of your selected loot specialization. The Armor created has a small chance to be warforged and/or have tertiary stats.
- Rewarded by the quest
[40] The Cipher of Damnation.
- Sold by Ravenspeaker Thelnaas at Vol'mar or Lion's Watch in Tanaan Jungle for 5,000
[Apexis Crystal].
- Low chance to be looted from rare and rare-elite mobs in Tanaan Jungle.
Created items[]
The following items are created using a Baleful Chokers token. The possible suffixes for each are listed in their individual articles.
Patch changes[]
Patch 6.2.3 (2015-11-17): Baleful items now have a chance to create items ranging in quality from item level 655 to 695 in 5-item-level increments, with a progressively lower chance as item level increases.
Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Added.