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Balespider's Burning Vestments is the tier 12 warlock set.


The Balespider's Burning Vestments items are sold by Horde Gunra <Justice Quartermaster> in Orgrimmar and Alliance Magatha Silverton <Justice Quartermaster> in Stormwind City. They are purchased with goldTier 12 set items and Tokens of the Fiery Conqueror.

Slot Cost
Head Gold1 Crown of the Fiery Conqueror
Hands Gold1 Balespider's Handwraps 1 Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror
Legs Gold1 Balespider's Leggings 1 Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror
Shoulders Gold1 Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror
Chest Gold1 Balespider's Robes 1 Chest of the Fiery Conqueror
Total Gold1 Crown of the Fiery Conqueror 1 Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror 1 Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror 1 Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror 1 Chest of the Fiery Conqueror 1 Balespider's Handwraps 1 Balespider's Leggings 1 Balespider's Robes


Balespider's Burning Vestments
Balespider's Burning Vestments



In Heroes of the Storm, Gul'dan has a Skin called "Balespider Gul'dan".

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2011-08-04): The Fiery Imp pets summoned by the warlock tier-12 set now have reduced damage taken from area-of-effect spells, consistent with other combat pets.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Added.

Other versions[]

External links[]
