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Inv cooking 90 bananabeefpudding20
  • Banana Beef Pudding
  • Use: Restores 30000 health and 40000 mana over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain 22 Stamina for 1 hour.
  • Requires Level 55
  • Sell Price: 12s 50c

Banana Beef Pudding is created with Cooking (50); taught by Chef Au'krut in Oribos.

Materials required ( 30 50 52 55 ):
Inv cooking 90 aetherealmeat 3x [Aethereal Meat] Inv cooking 90 phantasmalhaunch 3x [Phantasmal Haunch]
Inv drink milk 03 3x [Rich Grazer Milk] Inv cooking 80 wildflour 3x [Lusterwheat Flour]

This item is created three at a time.

As a quest objective[]

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