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NeutralBastion of Bradensbrook
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type World Quest
Category Val'sharah
Reputation +75 Dreamweavers
Rewards Varies
Previous N [10-45] A Sight For Sore Eyes



Celestine of the Harvest says: Pity the people of Bradensbrook! They left Gilneas before falling victim to the worgen curse, but now they face the cruelty of Lord Ravencrest's thugs. Their village needs your protection.



Celestine of the Harvest says: Though we have our differences, those are still my people in Bradensbrook. It was kind of you to help them.


Triggers at Bradensbrook in Val'sharah. Mobs include falcons, Captain Tevaris, Risen Hounds, and Risen Assassins. Note that marking falcons and killing falcons are two different objectives.

Mark Black Rook Falcons for Granny Marl.

You'll get a special action button, Marking Target, to use on falcons.

  • Granny Marl says: No way I'll miss this shot!
  • Granny Marl says: Like shootin' fish in a bloody barrel.
  • Granny Marl says: Somebody order a bullseye?
  • Granny Marl says: Headshot. Easy as pie.
  • Granny Marl says: Pow! Right in the kisser!
  • Granny Marl says: I see 'em. Good job with those stun grenades, <lass/lad>!
  • Granny Marl says: Got 'em in my sights!
  • Granny Marl says: Got that one, clear as day.
Rounding up the first ewe
Return the sheep to their pens in Bradensbrook!

You can pick up all four at once, giving you a buff for turn-in, and have them follow you around while flying, but the buff will only last for ten minutes.


  1. N [10-45] A Village in Peril
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [10-45] Jarod's Mission
  4. N [10-45] Kur'talos Ravencrest (to Black Rook Hold story chapter)

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