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Cooking WoW Icon update Cooking (Profession)
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Cooking Recipes

Outland Bc icon
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Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

This article lists recipes in Cooking at Battle for Azeroth Kul Tiran / Zandalari-level, up to skill 175, (up from 150 in patch 8.2.0), and access to the following recipes:.

Rank 1 meal recipes create 5 servings. Rank 2 create 7 servings and rank 3 creates 10.

Light Meals[]

Light meals provide minimal combat benefits

Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 grilledsnapper [Grilled Catfish] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Grilled Catfish]
5x Inv fishing greatseacatfish [Great Sea Catfish]
Trainer 30g
Revered Tortollan Seekers 1200g
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 seasonedloins [Seasoned Loins] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Seasoned Loins]
10 Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka]
Trainer 37g 50s
Trainer 45g
Revered Tortollan Seekers 1200g
- 50 75 100 Rank 1 only Inv holiday beerfestsausage03 [Heartsbane Hexwurst] 70 professions scroll 02 [Recipe: Heartsbane Hexwurst]
5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 5xInv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 5x Inv misc food 49 [Cursed Haunch]
Drops from Raal the Gluttonous
75 100 117 135 Rank 1 only Inv cooking 81 honeypotpie [Honey Potpie] 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey], 5x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 5x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato] Trainer 45g
170 175 175 175 Rank 1 only
Inv misc food 86 basilisk [Unagi Skewer]
70 professions scroll 02 [Recipe: Unagi Skewer]

5x Inv fishing 82 viperfish [Viper Fish], 5x Inv fishing 82 mauvestinger [Mauve Stinger]

B [50] Drunk Angry Murlocs world quest


Deserts provide a small boost to secondary stats. They all require Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil] and vendor purchased reagents.

Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 kultiramisu [Kul Tiramisu] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Kul Tiramisu]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 5x Spell misc drink [Major's Frothy Coffee]
Trainer 25g
Trainer 35g
World Quests N [50WQ] Work Order: Kul Tiramisu / N [50WQ] Work Order: Loa Loaf / N [50WQ] Work Order: Ravenberry Tarts / N [50WQ] Work Order: Mon'Dazi
Inv cooking 80 loaloaf [Loa Loaf] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Loa Loaf]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 4x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar]
Inv cooking 80 ravenberrytart [Ravenberry Tarts] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Ravenberry Tarts]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildberries [Wild Berries]
Inv cooking 80 mondazi [Mon'Dazi] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Mon'Dazi]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 4x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar]
Inv cooking 81 wildberrybread [Wild Berry Bread] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Wild Berry Bread]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildberries [Wild Berries], 5x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 4x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar]
Trainer 25g
Trainer 35g
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g

Large Meals[]

Large meals provide a larger boost to secondary stats. They are composed of items gathered from mobs/fishing and some vendor purchased reagents.

Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 honeyglazedhaunch [Honey-Glazed Haunches] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Honey-Glazed Haunches]
10x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey]
Trainer 37g 50s
Trainer 45g
World Quests N [50WQ] Work Order: Honey-Glazed Haunches / N [50WQ] Work Order: Sailor's Pie / N [50WQ] Work Order: Swamp Fish 'n Chips / N [50WQ] Work Order: Spiced Snapper
Inv cooking 80 sailorspie [Sailor's Pie] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Sailor's Pie]
10x Inv cooking 80 brinyflesh [Briny Flesh], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 4x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 4x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato]
Inv cooking 80 swampfishnchips [Swamp Fish 'n Chips] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Swamp Fish 'n Chips]
10x Inv fishing slimymackerel [Slimy Mackerel], 3x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 2x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato]
Inv cooking 80 spicedcatfish [Spiced Snapper] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Spiced Snapper]
10x Inv fishing lanesnapper [Lane Snapper], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka]
Inv cooking 81 paleosteakandpotatoes [Seasoned Steak and Potatoes] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Seasoned Steak and Potatoes]
6x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 5x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 2x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]
Trainer 37g 50s
Trainer 45g
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv holiday beerfestsausage01 [Boralus Blood Sausage] Recipe: Boralus Blood Sausage
5x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 3x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 5x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
Trainer 25g
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g
Tortollan Seekers reputation turn-in - Inv bfa paragoncache tortollanseekers [Tortollan Seekers Supplies]
150 165 170 175 Rank 1 only Inv misc gear 01 [Mecha-Bytes] Recipe: Mecha-Bytes
25x Inv mechagon spareparts [Spare Parts]
Dropped by Operation: Mechagon mobs (mythic only)
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv misc fish 18 [Abyssal-Fried Rissole] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Abyssal-Fried Rissole]
8x Inv cooking 82 moistfillet [Moist Fillet], 3x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour]
R1 - Alliance Instructor Ulooaka /
Horde Rolm 75g
R2 - Alliance Instructor Ulooaka /
Horde Rolm 85g
R3 - World Quests Work Order: Abyssal-Fried Rissole / Work Order: Bil'Tong / Work Order: Fragrant Kakavia / Work Order: Baked Port Tato
Inv misc food 48 [Bil'Tong] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Bil'Tong]
8x Inv cooking 82 rubberyflank [Rubbery Flank], 3x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 1x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]
Inv misc food 159 fish white [Fragrant Kakavia] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Fragrant Kakavia]
8x Inv fishing 82 mauvestinger [Mauve Stinger], 3x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 1x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]
Inv misc food cooked fishcake [Baked Port Tato] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Baked Port Tato]
8x Inv cooking 82 rubberyflank [Rubbery Flank], 2x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 3x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]


Delicacies provide a non-stat boosting positive effect a buff. They were added in Visions of N'Zoth. They are composed of items gathered from mobs/fish nodes added to Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms with aromatic fish oil and some vendor purchased reagents.

Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Effect Recipe Source
165 165 170 175 Rank 1 only Inv misc food 155 fish 78blue [Baked Voidfin] 20% Movement Speed Increase Recipe: Baked Voidfish

3x Inv misc food draenor rawbasiliskflesh [Questionable Meat],
3x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil],
8x Inv misc fish 63 [Aberrant Voidfin],
4x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour]|| rowspan="5" |Inv misc book 01 [Tome of Unspeakable Delicacies]

Inv misc food 122 steak [Dubious Delight] 20% reduction on incoming crowd control Recipe: Dubious Delight
8x Inv misc food draenor rawbasiliskflesh [Questionable Meat],
3x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil],
3x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour],
4x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato]
Inv misc food 117 heartysoup [Ghastly Goulash] Regenerate 2% max health per second Recipe: Ghastly Goulash
8x Inv misc food draenor rawbasiliskflesh [Questionable Meat],
3x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil],
3x Inv nzothfish void [Malformed Gnasher],
5x Inv misc fish 63 [Aberrant Voidfin]
Inv misc food 140 fish [Grilled Gnasher] Reduce aggro range from enemies Recipe: Grilled Gnasher
3x Inv misc food draenor rawbasiliskflesh [Questionable Meat],
3x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil],
8x Inv nzothfish void [Malformed Gnasher],
4x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka]
Inv misc food 156 fish yellow [K'Bab] Restore 100 Sanity Recipe: K'Bab
8x Inv misc food draenor rawbasiliskflesh [Questionable Meat],
3x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil],
3x Inv misc fish 63 [Aberrant Voidfin],
5x Inv nzothfish void [Malformed Gnasher]


Feasts provide a large boost to primary stats. They can feed up to 35 people. Higher ranks reduce the number of ingredients required.

Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
50 110 125 140 Rank 1 Inv cooking 80 minorfeast [Galley Banquet] 10x Inv cooking 80 brinyflesh [Briny Flesh], 10x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 10x Inv fishing sandshifter [Sand Shifter], 10x Inv fishing tiragardeperch [Tiragarde Perch], 10x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 30x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 2x Inv misc fish 51 [Midnight Salmon] Trainer 37g 50s
75 150 150 150 Rank 2 9x Inv cooking 80 brinyflesh [Briny Flesh], 9x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 9x Inv fishing sandshifter [Sand Shifter], 9x Inv fishing tiragardeperch [Tiragarde Perch], 10x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 28x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 2x Inv misc fish 51 [Midnight Salmon] Trainer 45g
- 150 150 150 Rank 3 Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Galley Banquet]
8x Inv cooking 80 brinyflesh [Briny Flesh], 8x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 8x Inv fishing sandshifter [Sand Shifter], 8x Inv fishing tiragardeperch [Tiragarde Perch], 10x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 25x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 2x Inv misc fish 51 [Midnight Salmon]
Revered Tortollan Seekers 1200g
110 110 150 150 Rank 1 Inv cooking 80 majorfeast [Bountiful Captain's Feast] 20x Inv fishing redtailloach [Redtail Loach], 20x Inv fishing frenziedfangtooth [Frenzied Fangtooth], 20x Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 20x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 12x Inv cooking 80 kultiramisu [Kul Tiramisu], 12x [Mon'Dazi]]], 5x Inv misc fish 51 [Midnight Salmon] Trainer 60g
- 150 150 150 Rank 2 18x Inv fishing redtailloach [Redtail Loach], 18x Inv fishing frenziedfangtooth [Frenzied Fangtooth], 18x Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 18x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 11x Inv cooking 80 kultiramisu [Kul Tiramisu], 11x [Mon'Dazi]]], 5x Inv misc fish 51 [Midnight Salmon] Honored Tortollan Seekers 1000g
- 150 150 150 Rank 3 Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Bountiful Captain's Feast]
15x Inv fishing redtailloach [Redtail Loach], 15x Inv fishing frenziedfangtooth [Frenzied Fangtooth], 15x Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 15x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 10x Inv cooking 80 kultiramisu [Kul Tiramisu], 10x [Mon'Dazi]]], 5x Inv misc fish 51 [Midnight Salmon]
Revered Tortollan Seekers 1200g
125 150 150 150 Rank 1 Inv cooking 81 sanguinatedfeast [Sanguinated Feast] 20x Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 20x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 30x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 20x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 20x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell] Trainer 70g
- 150 150 150 Rank 2 Recipe: Sanguinated Feast#Rank 2
18x Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 18x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 28x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 17x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 17x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g
- 150 150 150 Rank 3 Recipe: Sanguinated Feast#Rank 3
15x Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 15x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 25x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 15x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 15x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
Tortollan Seekers reputation turn-in - Inv bfa paragoncache tortollanseekers [Tortollan Seekers Supplies]
160 165 170 175 Rank 1 Trade archaeology staffofsorcerer than thaurissan [Famine Evaluator And Snack Table] 20xInv fishing 82 viperfish [Viper Fish], 20xInv fishing f sturgeon1 [Ionized Minnow], 20xInv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 20xInv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 30x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 3xInv eng crate2 [S.P.A.R.E. Crate] Alliance Instructor Ulooaka /
Horde Rolm 100g
170 170 172 175 Rank 2 18xInv fishing 82 viperfish [Viper Fish], 18xInv fishing f sturgeon1 [Ionized Minnow], 18xInv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 18xInv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 25xInv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 2xInv eng crate2 [S.P.A.R.E. Crate] Alliance Instructor Ulooaka /
Horde Rolm 1900g
- 150 150 150 Rank 3 Recipe: Famine Evaluator And Snack Tablet
15xInv fishing 82 viperfish [Viper Fish], 15xInv fishing f sturgeon1 [Ionized Minnow], 15xInv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 15xInv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 20xInv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 1xInv eng crate2 [S.P.A.R.E. Crate]
Bosses in Operation: Mechagon