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For information on how to get into each instance (key, attunement, etc), see Instance attunement.
Instances by level (V)
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This article is a list of Battle for Azeroth instances by level.

Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Freehold Tiragarde Sound 5-player 110 110-120 120 120 Skycap'n Kragg, Council o' Captains, Ring of Booty, Harlan Sweete
Waycrest Manor Drustvar 5-player 110 110-120 120 120 Heartsbane Triad, Soulbound Goliath, Raal the Gluttonous, Lord and Lady Waycrest, Gorak Tul
Shrine of the Storm Stormsong Valley 5-player 110 110-120 120 120 Aqu'sirr, Tidesage Council, Lord Stormsong, Vol'zith the Whisperer
Atal'Dazar Zuldazar 5-player 110 110-120 120 120 Priestess Alun'za, Vol'kaal, Rezan, Yazma
Underrot Nazmir 5-player 110 110-120 120 120 Elder Leaxa, Cragmaw the Infested, Sporecaller Zancha, Unbound Abomination
Temple of Sethraliss Vol'dun 5-player 110 110-120 120 120 Adderis and Aspix, Merektha, Galvazzt, Avatar of Sethraliss
Tol Dagor Tol Dagor 5-player 115 115-120 120 120 The Sand Queen, Jes Howlis, Knight Captain Valyri, Overseer Korgus
THE MOTHERLODE!! Zuldazar 5-player 115 115-120 120 120 Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler, Azerokk, Rixxa Fluxflame, Mogul Razdunk
Siege of Boralus Tiragarde Sound 5-player 120 120 120 120 Chopper Redhook (Alliance) / Sergeant Bainbridge (Horde), Dread Captain Lockwood, Hadal Darkfathom, Viq'Goth
Kings' Rest Zuldazar 5-player 120 120 120 120 The Golden Serpent, Mchimba the Embalmer, Council of Tribes, King Dazar
Operation: Mechagon Mechagon Island 5-player 120 120 120 120 King Gobbamak, Gunker, Trixie & Naeno, HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit, Tussle Tonks, K.U.-J.0., Machinist's Garden, King Mechagon


Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Uldir Nazmir 10-30-player raid 120 120+ Taloc, MOTHER, Fetid Devourer, Zek'voz, Vectis, Zul, Reborn, Mythrax the Unraveler, G'huun
Battle of Dazar'alor Zuldazar (Horde) / Tiragarde Sound (Alliance) 10-30-player raid 120 120++ Champion of the Light (Horde) / Champion of the Light (Alliance), Grong, the Jungle Lord / Grong, the Revenant, Jadefire Masters (Horde) / Jadefire Masters (Alliance), Opulence, Conclave of the Chosen, King Rastakhan, High Tinker Mekkatorque, Stormwall Blockade, Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Crucible of Storms Stormsong Valley 10-30-player raid 120 120++ Restless Cabal, Uu'nat
The Eternal Palace Nazjatar 10-30-player raid 120 120+++ Abyssal Commander Sivara, Blackwater Behemoth, Radiance of Azshara, Lady Ashvane, Orgozoa, The Queen's Court, Za'qul, Queen Azshara
Ny'alotha, the Waking City Uldum / Vale of Eternal Blossoms 10-30-player raid 120 120+++ Wrathion, the Black Emperor, Maut, Prophet Skitra, Dark Inquisitor Xanesh, Vexiona, Hivemind, Ra-den the Despoiled, Shad'har the Insatiable, Drest'agath, Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn, Carapace of N'Zoth, N'Zoth the Corruptor

See also[]
