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Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Inv misc gem bloodgem 01 [Prospecting]  •  Proficiencies  •  Quests  •  Designs  •  Trainers  •  Equipment
Jewelcrafting designs

Classic Bc icon
Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Kul Tiran and Zandalari Jewelcrafting proficiencies can be trained as early as level TBC. It permits progression of Kul Tiran and Zandalari jewelcrafting up to 175 skill (up from 150 in patch 8.2.0, and accesses the following recipes:

Item Category Materials Rank Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Aqueous Recalibration Conversion 1x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater [Tidalcore],
5x Inv jewelcrafting bronzesetting [Jeweler's Setting]
1 1 25 50 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 25g
Sanguinated Recalibration Conversion 1x Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi],
10x Inv jewelcrafting bronzesetting [Jeweler's Setting]
1 1 25 50
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem01 red [Insightful Rubellite] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 red [Rubellite] 1 15 50 85 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem01 green [Straddling Viridium] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 green [Viridium] 1 15 50 85
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem01 orange [Deadly Solstone] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 orange [Solstone] 1 15 50 85 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 25g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem01 yellow [Quick Golden Beryl] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 yellow [Golden Beryl] 1 15 50 85
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem01 purple [Masterful Kubiline] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 purple [Kubiline] 1 15 50 85
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem01 blue [Versatile Kyanite] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 blue [Kyanite] 1 15 50 85
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem02 orange [Deadly Amberblaze] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze] 75 105 125 145 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 35g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem02 yellow [Quick Owlseye] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye] 75 105 125 145
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem02 purple [Masterful Tidal Amethyst] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst] 75 105 125 145
Inv jewelcrafting 80 cutgem02 blue [Versatile Royal Quartz] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz] 75 105 125 145
Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgemcut01 [Kraken's Eye of Agility] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye] 125 150 150 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 50g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgemcut01 [Kraken's Eye of Intellect] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye] 125 150 150 150
Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgemcut01 [Kraken's Eye of Strength] Cut Gem 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye] 125 150 150 150
Inv jewelcrafting 80 lvlupring orange [Solstone Ring] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 orange [Solstone],
10x Inv ore monalite [Monelite Ore]
1 25 50 75 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 25g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 lvlupring yellow [Golden Beryl Ring] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 yellow [Golden Beryl],
10x Inv ore monalite [Monelite Ore]
1 25 50 75
Inv jewelcrafting 80 lvlupring purple [Kubiline Ring] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 purple [Kubiline],
10x Inv ore monalite [Monelite Ore]
1 25 50 75
Inv jewelcrafting 80 lvlupring blue [Kyanite Ring] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 blue [Kyanite],
10x Inv ore monalite [Monelite Ore]
1 25 50 75
Inv jewelcrafting 80 maxlvlring orange [Amberblaze Loop] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
12x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 50 75 105 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 30g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
11x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 85 105 127 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 40g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
10x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Revered The Honorbound / 7th Legion 1200g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 maxlvlring yellow [Owlseye Loop] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
12x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 50 75 105 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 30g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
11x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 85 105 127 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 40g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
10x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Revered Zandalari Empire / Storm's Wake 1200g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 maxlvlring purple [Tidal Amethyst Loop] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst],
12xInv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 50 75 105 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 30g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst],
11x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 85 105 127 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 40g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst],
10x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Revered Talanji's Expedition / Proudmoore Admiralty 1200g
Inv jewelcrafting 80 maxlvlring blue [Royal Quartz Loop] Ring 1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz],
12x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 50 75 105 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 30g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz],
11x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 85 105 127 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 40g
1x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz],
10x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Revered Voldunai / Order of Embers 1200g
Inv staff 2h jcprofession c 01 [Viridium Staff of Alacrity] Stave 4x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 green [Viridium],
2x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 blue [Kyanite],
2x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 purple [Kubiline],
 15x Inv ore monalite [Monelite Ore]
25 50 75 100 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 28g
Inv staff 2h jcprofession c 01 [Rubellite Staff of Intuition] Stave 4x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 red [Rubellite],
2x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 yellow [Golden Beryl],
2x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem01 orange [Solstone],
 15x Inv ore monalite [Monelite Ore]
25 50 75 100
Inv staff 2h jcprofession c 01 [Laribole Staff of Alacrity] Stave 10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz],
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst],
 20x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
10x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
 3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 105 105 120 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 42g 50s
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz],
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst],
 16x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
8x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 125 125 137 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 55g
6x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
6x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 blue [Royal Quartz],
6x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 purple [Tidal Amethyst],
 12x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
6x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 150 150 150 Revered Zandalari Empire / Storm's Wake 1200g
Inv staff 2h jcprofession c 01 [Scarlet Diamond Staff of Intuition] Stave 10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
20x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
10x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 105 105 120 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 42g 50s
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
 16x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
8x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 125 125 137 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 55g
6x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
6x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
6x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
 12x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
6x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 150 150 150 Revered Zandalari Empire / Storm's Wake 1200g
Sinister Combatant's Staff of Intuition (BfA S2)
Inv staff 2h jcprofession c 01 [Honorable Combatant's Staff of Intuition] (BfA S1)
Stave 12x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
12x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
12x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
25x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
15x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 105 105 120 135 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 42g 50s
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
10x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
 20x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
12x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 - 115 130 145 Leedan Gustaf / Ozgrom Ragefang 2 Mark of Honor
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 yellow [Owlseye],
8x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 orange [Amberblaze],
 15x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
10x Inv ore platinum [Platinum Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 - 125 137 150 Leedan Gustaf / Ozgrom Ragefang 4 Mark of Honor
Inv jewelcrafting dragonseye02 [Kaleidoscopic Lens] Follower Equipment 20x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
 20x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
 30x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
 1x Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
75 110 112 125 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 35g
Inv 70 raid ring8b [Kraken's Eye Loop] Ring 3x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye],
25x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
25x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
15x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
15x Inv tradeskillitem lessersorcererswater [Hydrocore]
130 140 145 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 65g
Inv 70 raid ring8b [Imbued Kraken's Eye Loop] Ring 3x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye],
30x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
30x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
20x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
25x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
- 145 147 150 Discovery from Inv 70 raid ring8b [Kraken's Eye Loop]
Inv 70 raid ring8b [Emblazoned Kraken's Eye Loop] Ring 3x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye],
30x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
30x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
25x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
250x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Inv 70 raid ring8b [Imbued Kraken's Eye Loop]
Inv 70 raid ring8c [Tidal Kraken's Eye Loop] Ring 4x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye],
30x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
30x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
15x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
15x Inv tradeskillitem sorcererswater [Tidalcore]
135 145 147 150 Horde Seshuli / Alliance Samuel D. Colton III 70g
Inv 70 raid ring8c [Spirited Kraken's Eye Loop] Ring 4x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye],
32x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
32x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
20x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
20x Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Inv 70 raid ring8c [Tidal Kraken's Eye Loop]
Inv 70 raid ring8c [Eternal Kraken's Eye Loop] Ring 4x Inv jewelcrafting 80 specialgem01 [Kraken's Eye],
35x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 green [Laribole],
35x Inv jewelcrafting 80 gem02 red [Scarlet Diamond],
25x Inv expulsom [Expulsom],
200x Inv tradeskill 81 breath of bwonsamdi raid [Breath of Bwonsamdi]
- 150 150 150 Discovery from Inv 70 raid ring8c [Spirited Kraken's Eye Loop]
Inv misc gem x4 uncommon perfectcut blue [Versatile Dark Opal] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemnormal2 [Dark Opal] 150 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Okanu/
Horde Narv 80g
Inv misc gem x4 uncommon perfectcut purple [Masterful Sea Currant] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemnormal4 [Sea Currant] 150 165 170 175
Inv misc gem x4 uncommon perfectcut orange [Deadly Lava Lazuli] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemnormal [Lava Lazuli] 155 165 170 175
Inv misc gem x4 uncommon perfectcut yellow [Quick Sand Spinel] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc gem x4 uncommon perfectcut yellow [Quick Sand Spinel] 155 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Okanu/
Horde Narv 80g
Inv misc gem x4 uncommon perfectcut green [Straddling Sage Agate] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate] 155 165 170 175
Inv misc metagem b [Leviathan's Eye of Agility] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc metagemuncut a [Leviathan's Eye] 165 175 175 175 Alliance Instructor Okanu/
Horde Narv 85g
Inv misc metagem b [Leviathan's Eye of Intellect] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc metagemuncut a [Leviathan's Eye] 165 175 175 175
Inv misc metagem b [Leviathan's Eye of Strength] Cut Gem 1x Inv misc metagemuncut a [Leviathan's Eye] 165 175 175 175
Inv staff 2h jcprofession c 01 [Notorious Combatant's Intuitive Staff] (BfA S3) PvP Staff 25x Inv ore osmenite [Osmenite Ore],
15x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate],
15x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Azsharine],
15x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
3x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 1 145 165 170 175 Alliance Instructor Okanu/
Horde Narv 75g
23x Inv ore osmenite [Osmenite Ore],
13x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate],
13x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Azsharine],
13x [[Storm Silver Ore],
2x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 2 160 170 172 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender/
Horde Dazzerian 2 Mark of Honor
20x Inv ore osmenite [Osmenite Ore],
10x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate],
10x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Azsharine],
10x Inv ore stormsilver [Storm Silver Ore],
1x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
Rank 3 170 175 175 175 Alliance Crafticus Mindbender/
Horde Dazzerian 4 Mark of Honor
Inv 70 raid ring8c [Leviathan's Eye Loop] BoP Ring 3x Inv misc metagemuncut a [Leviathan's Eye],
35x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate],
35x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Azsharine],
30x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
170 175 175 175 Alliance Instructor Okanu/
Horde Narv 90g
Inv 70 raid ring8c [Crushing Leviathan's Eye Loop] BoP Ring 4x Inv misc metagemuncut a [Leviathan's Eye],
40x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate],
40x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Azsharine],
35x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
170 175 175 175 Discovery from Inv 70 raid ring8c [Leviathan's Eye Loop]
Inv 70 raid ring8c [Ascended Leviathan's Eye Loop] BoP Ring 5x Inv misc metagemuncut a [Leviathan's Eye],
45x Inv misc uncutgemnormal1 [Sage Agate],
45x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Azsharine],
40x Inv expulsom [Expulsom]
170 175 175 175 Discovery from Inv 70 raid ring8c [Crushing Leviathan's Eye Loop]