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HordeBattle of Hillsbrad
Start High Executor Darthalia
End High Executor Darthalia
Level 26 (Requires 19)
Category Hillsbrad Foothills
Experience 2100
Reputation WoW Icon update+100 Undercity
Wrath-Logo-Small+250 Undercity
Rewards 20s
Previous H [25] Battle of Hillsbrad
Next H [26] Battle of Hillsbrad


Kill Blacksmith Verringtan and 4 Hillsbrad Apprentice Blacksmiths. Retrieve a shipment of iron and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.


The humans of Hillsbrad have been putting up unexpected resistance. The problem appears to be that the townsfolk are being armed by the local blacksmith. We need to shut down all supply lines.

Your mission will be to execute Blacksmith Verringtan. Slay his apprentices as well. While there, bring back a shipment of iron from their stockpile. The supplies will come in handy when we are done with the conquering of Hillsbrad and begin razing Southshore.


You will receive:


Were you able to carry out your orders, <class>? Did you dispose of Verringtan and his assistants? And where is that iron shipment?


Mission accomplished, <class>. And carried out quite skillfully, I might add.


  • The smithy can be found on the southwest side of the Hillsbrad Fields. There are many enemies standing near the smithy as well as wandering patrols. You'll probably need to clear those our first, especially since the smith and his apprentices will run for help when low on health.


  1. H [24] Battle of Hillsbrad
  2. H [25] Battle of Hillsbrad
  3. H [26] Battle of Hillsbrad
  4. H [26] Battle of Hillsbrad
  5. H [28] Battle of Hillsbrad
  6. H [30] Battle of Hillsbrad
  7. H [32] Battle of Hillsbrad (Classic) / H [32] Battle of Hillsbrad (WotLK Classic)

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