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MobBazil Thredd
Image of Bazil Thredd
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 25 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Occupation Lieutenant of Edwin VanCleef
Location Stormwind Stockade
Status Deceased[1] (lore)
Killable WoW Icon update
Stormwind Stockade (Classic)

Targorr the Dread
Kam Deepfury
Bazil Thredd
Bruegal Ironknuckle (rare)
Dextren Ward



Bazil Thredd is a level 25 elite human, final boss of the Stormwind Stockade, and member of the Defias Brotherhood prior to the Cataclysm. As the lieutenant of Edwin VanCleef, he was leading the bandits of the Defias Brotherhood in The Stockade. Warden Thelwater wanted his head.


  • Ability warrior battleshout Battle Shout — Increases the melee attack power of nearby party members for 2 min.
  • Ability hibernation Smoke Bomb — Casts a smoke bomb, stunning nearby enemies for 4 sec.


Bazil is a simple fight. He has only two guards, a Defias Insurgent and a Defias Inmate. It is possible to pull the Inmate away, though this requires skill. If you manage to do so, however, Bazil comes with only one guard. Being a dual wielder, Bazil can hack up your tank pretty quickly, so be sure to put as many debuffs as possible on him, especially ones that hurt DPS. Bazil is tough, but shouldn't be too much trouble for a well prepared group.

Objective of[]


  • Tell the warden this prison is ours now!
  • More of the warden's errand boys!
  • Aah, fresh meat!

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