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NeutralBeryl Point
Beryl Point
Type Outpost
Leader(s) IconSmall DragonBlueIconSmall HighElf Female Inquisitor Salrand
Race(s) Blue dragon Blue dragon
IconSmall DrakonidBlue2 Drakonid
IconSmall SpawnBlue2 MaleIconSmall SpawnBlue2 Female Dragonspawn
HumanHuman Human
Language(s) Draconic, Common
Affiliation(s) Mage hunters, Blue dragonflight
Location Borean Tundra[41.8, 39]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
Status Abandoned[1]

Beryl Point is a location in which the blue dragonflight began to invade the Borean Tundra. [41.8, 39]VZ-Borean TundraBlip Located just southwest of Amber Ledge, this outpost became a small prison-like area for spell-casters of all types. Led by Inquisitor Salrand, the place was surrounded by Dragonkin mage hunters and their human sorcerer accomplices who captured mages during the Nexus War. It was once dotted with arcane prisons that floated above glowing blue stone circles, in which they locked up their prisoners. The most important of them was Archmage Evanor of the Kirin Tor, until she was rescued by adventurers sent by Warmage Anzim.[2]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that the outpost was abandoned, and all that was left were broken remnants of those arcane prisons.[1]


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