The Black Bellows
The Black Bellows is a fiery corridor connecting the Torment Chambers to the Screaming Anvil in the eastern, mid-level Sanctum of Domination. The bellows are controlled by their only inhabitant, Screamspike, who can cause parts of the floor to erupt in flame. While in the Black Bellows, players are permanently affected by Black Heat:
Black Heat — The heat of The Black Bellows inflicts Fire damage every 2 sec.
In addition, giant Searing Scythes swing back and forth over parts of the floor, knocking back and dealing damage over time to players they hit:
Searing Scythe — A swinging scythe inflicts Physical damage and causes targets struck to bleed for an additional Physical damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
The scythes disappear after Painsmith Raznal is defeated.
Notable inhabitants[]
Screamspike <The Iron Cage>