Blackguard's Jetsam
Blackguard's Jetsam [22.7, 58.9] is a treasure chest guarded by Spectral Pirates in Blackguard's Forgotten Cove just off the Timeless Shore on the western side of the Timeless Isle. The chest may be looted once a week.
- ~200x
[Timeless Coin]
- 5-15x
[Lesser Charm of Good Fortune]
- Timeless armor token (medium chance)
Loot check macro[]
To check whether the chest has been looted this week, copy and paste this command into the chat window:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(32956))
If a "true" appears in the chat window, the chest has been looted this week; "false" indicates the opposite.
Patch changes[]
Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Added.
External links[]