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Inv misc clothscrap 02
  • Blackrock Disguise
  • Quest Item
  • Unique
  • Use: Disguise yourself as one of the minions of the Blackrock Orcs.

The Blackrock Disguise is a quest reward from B [15-30] A Perfect Costume. It is also provided as an objective for N [15-30] Grunt Work and B [15-30] Into the Black Tooth Hovel. The item is only used in the Burning Steppes and causes you to become friendly to members of the Blackrock clan.

On use, the buff gives the following disguise (consisting of removed gloves and tabard, and a Hallow's End mask) depending on your race:

Costume Alliance Alliance Horde Horde
Achievement character orc male Blackrock Orc Costume HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
OrcOrc Orc
UndeadUndead Undead
Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har orc
Achievement reputation ogre Firegut Ogre Costume DraeneiDraenei Draenei
WorgenWorgen Worgen
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Lightforged draeneiLightforged draenei Lightforged draenei
Kul TiranKul Tiran Kul Tiran
TaurenTauren Tauren
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Highmountain taurenHighmountain tauren Highmountain tauren
Inv mask 10 Goblin Mercenary Costume GnomeGnome Gnome
MechagnomeMechagnome Mechagnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
VulperaVulpera Vulpera
Achievement character troll male Smolderthorn Troll Costume Night elfNight elf Night elf
Void elfVoid elf Void elf
TrollTroll Troll
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
NightborneNightborne Nightborne
Zandalari trollZandalari troll Zandalari troll

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