The subject of this article was removed in patch 5.0.4 but remains in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
- Blacksteel Throwing Dagger
- Item Level 55
- Thrown
- Thrown
- Speed 1.80
- 51 – 96 Damage
- (40.8 damage per second)
- Requires Level 50
- Sell Price: 2
Blacksteel Throwing Daggers can be purchased for 8 from:
- Corporal Bluth <Camp Trader> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Uthok <General Supplies> in Stranglethorn Vale
- Thurman Mullby <General Goods Vendor> in Stormwind City
- Natheril Raincaller <General Goods> in Winterspring
- Kayren Soothallow <General Goods> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Malygen <General Goods> in Felwood
- Bale <General Goods> in Felwood
- Vikki Lonsav <General Goods> in Arathi Highlands
- Graud <General Goods> in Arathi Highlands
- Grawl <General Goods> in Badlands
- Trak'gen <General Goods Merchant> in Durotar
- Asoran <General Goods Vendor> in Durotar
- Sarah Raycroft <General Goods> in Hillsbrad Foothills
- Rarck <General Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Ellandrieth <General Goods Vendor> in Teldrassil
- Mydrannul <General Goods Vendor> in Teldrassil
- Eleanor Rusk <General Goods Vendor> in Tirisfal Glades
- Charity Mipsy <General Goods> in Dustwallow Marsh
- Bryllia Ironbrand <General Goods Vendor> in Dun Morogh
- Jonivera Farmountain <General Goods> in Alterac Valley
- Faralorn <General Supplies> in Feralas
- Jabbey <General Goods> in Tanaris
- Kuruk <General Goods Vendor> in Mulgore
- Caretaker Alen <The Argent Dawn> in Eastern Plaguelands
- Gorn One Eye in Felwood
- Daeolyn Summerleaf <General Goods> in Moonglade
- Tukk <General Goods Vendor> in Desolace
- Super-Seller 680 in Desolace
- Nergal <General Goods Vendor> in Un'Goro Crater
- Christi Galvanis <General Goods> in Desolace
- Master Smith Burninate <The Thorium Brotherhood> in Searing Gorge
- Calandrath <Innkeeper> in Silithus
- Marniel Amberlight <Innkeeper> in Eversong Woods
- Sathren Azuredawn <General Goods> in Silvermoon City
- Onnis <General Goods Vendor> in The Exodar
- Sid Limbardi <Innkeeper> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Zurai <Merchant> in Zangarmarsh
- Innkeeper Coryth Stoktron <Innkeeper> in Zangarmarsh
- Dod'ss <General Goods> in Terokkar Forest
- Matron Qualia <General Goods> in Nagrand
- Nancila <General Goods> in Nagrand
- Fabian Lanzonelli <General Goods & Bags> in Terokkar Forest
- Eral <General Goods> in Shattrath City
- Nalama the Merchant <General Goods> in Shattrath City
- Supply Officer Shandria <General Goods and Repairs> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Supply Officer Isabel <General Goods and Repairs> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Trop Rendlimb <General Goods> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Salle Sunforge <General Goods> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Supply Master Broog <Supplies> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Quartermaster Drake <Supplies> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Raiza <Throwing Weapons & Ammunition> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Karnaze <General Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Tanaide <General Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Dealer Digriz <General Goods> in Netherstorm
- Lukra <General Goods> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Kizzie <General Supplies> in Netherstorm
- Alorya <General Goods Vendor> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Dorni <General Goods Vendor> in Shadowmoon Valley
- "Slim" <Shady Dealer> in Terokkar Forest
- Galgrom <Provisioner> in Tanaris
- Dealer Hazzin <General Provisioner> in Netherstorm
- Dealer Dunar <General Provisioner> in Netherstorm
- Supply Officer Pestle <General Goods and Repairs> in Hellfire Peninsula
- Cymbre Starsong <General Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Ruogo <General Goods> in Terokkar Forest
- Krugash <General Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Bembil Knockhammer <General Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Oronok Torn-heart <Hermit & Trader> in Shadowmoon Valley
- Wyrmcult Provisioner in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Ogri'la Merchant <General Goods> in Blade's Edge Mountains
- Horus <Innkeeper> in Shadowmoon Valley
Patch changes[]
- Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Removed.
- Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added.