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Not to be confused with Torek or Soul-Twister Torek.
HordeBlood Guard Torek
Image of Blood Guard Torek
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Warsong clan, Orgrimmar, Horde
Location Razor Hill, Durotar
Status Alive
Elemental Unrest
The subject of this article or section was part of the Elemental Unrest, a world event that heralded the beginning of the earth-shattering Cataclysm.

Blood Guard Torek is an orc that first appeared in the Valley of Strength of Orgrimmar during the Elemental Unrest. He was heavily involved in tracking down the mysterious Doomsday Cult that had started to spread throughout Orgrimmar. He also investigated the disappearance of many Orgrimmar citizens.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Torek was present at the first Azerothian Kosh'harg in Razor Hill in Durotar, initially standing next to Gargok.




There's something going on in Orgrimmar, and I don't like the look of it. These women complain that people have disappeared. Others say the world will end. What does it mean?

Dialogue between Blood Guard Torek and several Worried Citizens
Blood Guard Torek says: We are investigating the cultists activities as we speak.
Worried Citizen says: I am not the only one who is here to report a disappearance. There are others, many others.
Blood Guard Torek says: We are looking into the missing person reports you filed.
Worried Citizen says: Blood Guard, you have to help me find him. He just went missing!
Blood Guard Torek says: As soon as we have some news we will let you know.
Worried Citizen says: He would never leave on his own! Where could he have gone?
Blood Guard Torek says: We have the situation under control.
Worried Citizen says: My husband has disappeared. Please, blood guard, he is no warrior. You must help me find him.
Worried Citizen says: There has to be something you can do, blood guard.
Worried Citizen says: Surely you can help. He just went out to the market and never came back.
Worried Citizen says: You are a reasonable man, blood guard. Where would you turn if your kin went missing?
Blood Guard Torek says: We are looking into these cultists groups.
Worried Citizen says: Do you think he was kidnapped? Will I ever see him again?
Blood Guard Torek says: We have our best people looking into these issues.
Worried Citizen says: Why is this happening?
Blood Guard Torek says: As soon as we have some news we will let you know.
Worried Citizen says: Earthquake!
Blood Guard Torek says: We are doing everything we can.


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Orgrimmar Durotar