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Not to be confused with Bloodmaul Brute (Blade's Edge Mountains).
MobBloodmaul Brute
Image of Bloodmaul Brute
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodmaul clan
Location Frostfire Ridge
Status Killable

Bloodmaul Brutes are ogres located in Frostfire Ridge.

Some are found dead in Iceblister Den.


  • Backhand - Backhands an enemy, inflicting Physical damage to targets in front of the caster. Ogres are particularly mean and can stun other ogres upon striking them.
  • Bloody Maul - Strikes an enemy with a bloody weapon, inflicting Physical damage. Also causes additional Physical damage every 3 sec for 9 sec.
  • Bloody Rage - The ogre goes into a Bloody Rage! Increasing damage done by 30% and taken by 30%.
  • Brawling - Flails about, inflicting Physical damage to enemies within 0 to 5 yards.
  • Wild Flail -


Objective of[]


  • It hurts! Wait, going numb. Better!
  • Let slaves go? You stupid!
  • Me hate trespassers!
  • No fair!
  • Sleepy now...
  • Stop hitting slaves? You funny!
  • Want to join slaves? Why not say so?
  • Why my insides go outside?
  • You no belong here!

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Alive Deceased