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This article is about the Bloodstone ore. For other uses, see Bloodstone (disambiguation).
For the mineral found in the Barrens, see Inv misc gem ruby 01 [Blood Shard].

Inv ore thorium 01 [Lesser Bloodstone Ore] can be mined in Drywhisker Gorge.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Bloodstone is a blood-colored substance which is similar in consistency to copper when first mined. Bloodstone ore is a soft material not suitable for forging weapons or armor when used alone, although it can be employed in the creation of fine jewelry. When used in smithing, bloodstone ore must be melted and mixed with iron. The resulting alloy is brittle and useless if the proper ratios are not employed. To complicate the matter further, the required ratio varies with every bloodstone ore vein. Only a skilled smith can identify the proper amount to use without ruining the alloy. Bloodstone ore is found in the deepest mines within the Arathi Highlands, and a few small veins have been located within the Stonetalon Mountains. Deposits can also be found scattered through the Elemental Plane, usually close to the dangerous border of Ragnaros' domain. There are two types of bloodstone ore known to exist: lesser and greater. Lesser ore comprises more than 95% of all bloodstone deposits found on Azeroth, although the percentage is slightly less extreme in the depths of the Elemental Plane. As a result, lesser bloodstone ore is usually referred to simply as "bloodstone ore," while the greater variety is always called by its full name. Bloodstone items are inevitably reddish in color, although the shading is subdued with lesser bloodstone ore. Greater ore produces a deep crimson metal that looks as though it is colored with fresh blood.

Legends say that bloodstone is the result of the combination of demon blood with ordinary metal deposits. The foul ichor, it is said, sank deep into the earth and corrupted the veins therein. Still, the ore is not itself evil or demonic, though it can be used for that purpose. Certainly, demons favor this material and construct weapons and armor of it whenever they can. However, there is no reason why a paladin or other follower of the Light could not employ this useful material.[1] Today, the quilboar believe that wherever the blood of Agamaggan fell during his final battle, it soaked into the soil to create a mineral the quilboar call "bloodstone." Wherever bloodstone is found, giant thorns grow from the earth, and it is near these thorns that the quilboar prefer to make their homes[2] (it seems that this lore has finally been given to the Blood Shards instead).

The well-known orc weaponsmith Lor'gahn was notoriously insane, but he did produce a number of powerful weapons, each of which he gave a specific name and title. He often took to speaking to these items as if they were intelligent, which they were not. Perhaps the greatest of his creations was Inv axe 15 [Kang the Decapitator], a bloodstone greataxe with an edge so sharp it could slice through flesh and bone like butter.[3]

See also[]

