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For the murloc, see Bloop.
Image of Bloop
Race Ooze (Aberration)
Level 54 - 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Plagues, Undying Army
Location House of Plagues, Maldraxxus[60.5, 71.1]VZ-MaldraxxusBlip
Status Active
Companion(s) Plague Deviser Marileth (owner)

Bloop is a slime initially found crawling in a circle at Plague Deviser Marileth's laboratory in the House of Plagues in Maldraxxus. After completion of N [53-60] The Door to the Unknown, Kou can be seen riding Bloop around the inside of the Seat of the Primus (or rather attempting to, since he's stuck upside-down in the slime). Finally, in the Covenant Sanctum version of the Seat, Bloop can be found next to Marileth and his other slimes in the fortress' northwestern laboratory.

Bloop appears as a small red slime with a skeleton inside it at the House of Plagues, as a large white slime at the end of N [53-60] The Door to the Unknown, and once again as a small red slime in the Covenant Sanctum version of the Seat.



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