- Not the Feast of Winter Veil seasonal version of this item you were looking for? See Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper.
Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper is a Wrapping Paper item, used to wrap up a item to give it to another person as a present.
This item can be purchased for 50 from:
- Jazzik <General Supplies> in The Barrens
- Meriaad <General Goods> in Bloodmyst Isle
- Logan Daniel <General Goods> in Azuremyst Isle
- Lindsay Ashlock <General Supplies> in Redridge Mountains
- Onnis <General Goods> in The Exodar
- Grawnal <General Goods> in Stonetalon Mountains
- Tukk <General Goods> in Desolace
- Eleanor Rusk <General Goods> in Tirisfal Glades
- Trak'gen <General Goods> in Durotar
- Faralorn <General Supplies> in Feralas
- Kuruk <General Goods> in Mulgore
- Christi Galvanis <General Goods> in Desolace
- Eral <General Goods> in Shattrath City
- Sathren Azuredawn <General Goods> in Silvermoon City
Using a Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper to wrap an item creates a [Blue Ribboned Gift] Wrapped Gift Package container item which can be mailed or given to others.
Wrapping Paper | availability | price | paper | stripes | ribbon | icon | gift icon |
Wrapped Gift Package |
[Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper] | (general supplies) | 50 | white | none | blue | Blue Ribboned Gift |
- Only one item can be wrapped by each sheet of Wrapping Paper.
- The item to be wrapped must be non-stackable.
- One item of a stackable item cannot be wrapped.
- If an item can never be stacked, it can be wrapped.
- The item to be wrapped must be non-soulbound (nor any other status that causes the item to be non-transferable).
- This is because Wrapping Paper is not intended to provide a loophole in transferability.
- The wrapped gift cannot be auctioned; no lootable item can be auctioned.
- Until the wrapped item is opened, the original wrapped item is concealed.
- The inventory icon for the wrapped item is a wrapped package in one of six color combinations.
- The holder of the gift package can open the package without looting it to look inside at the original item.
- Turn autoloot off, or hold down the shift key if autoloot is on.
- There is no way to tell what is inside without looking.
The existing Wrapping Papers in WoW all stack 10 high before use. The created gift packages do not stack. Only Wrapping Paper of the same type will stack.
For Lore and Historical purposes this item was previously purchasable by the following vendors prior to the release of the Cataclysm expansion.
- Chylina <General Supplies> in Stonetalon Mountains
- Thurman Mullby <General Goods> in Stormwind City
A common scam was to wrap up a worthless item and COD it to a player, hoping that they would accept and send back a large amount of gold for a poor quality item. This was fixed in a patch so players cannot mail wrapped items COD anymore. [citation needed] However, scammers now just send the wrapping paper itself now.