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HordeBoarton Shadetotem
Image of Boarton Shadetotem
Title <Rogue Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Thunder Bluff
Occupation Rogue trainer
Location Hunter Rise, Thunder Bluff
Status Alive

Boarton Shadetotem is a tauren rogue trainer found in the Hunter's Hall in Hunter Rise in Thunder Bluff.

According to the Bluffwatchers, Boarton showed up one day and insisted he had been around the whole time. They don't know how he managed to be so quiet with such enormous hooves, but they are sure he can sneak up on anyone.[1]



<Boarton smiles wryly at you.>

I see another one of us has chosen to step into the shadows.

Many doubt a tauren could ever go unnoticed, as a rogue. Too big, they say. Too loud.

I say: who better to go unseen than one that no one expects to not see?

There are few feelings more satisfying than the look in the eyes of one who did not realize such a massive shadow loomed just behind them.

Come, rogue, I will teach you the ways.

Gossip Enter the Proving Grounds

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