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Image of Boku
Title Initiate
Gender Male
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 62-65
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Ohn'ir,
Clan Teerai (assigned)
Location Teerakai,[36.82, 57.28]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip Ridgewater Retreat, Windsong Rise, and Emerald Gardens, Ohn'ahran Plains
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Tigari Khan

Boku, initially called Initiate Boku, is an anxious centaur mystic of Clan Ohn'ir and a quest giver in the Ohn'ahran Plains, first seen at the Ohn'ahran shrine in Teerakai.


Initiate Boku's mentor, Tigari Khan, assigned him to advise Clan Teerai in Teerakai and gave him a set of totems to empower him in case he ever doubted himself.[1] When the other members of Clan Ohn'ir were summoned to Ridgewater Retreat (in reality a trap by Clan Nokhud), Boku stayed at Ohn'ahra's shrine in Teerakai. With no other mystics available, Khansguard Jebotai sent adventurers to ask Boku to commune with Ohn'ahra and obtain her blessing,[2] which was needed for Khanam Matra Sarest to blow the Horn of Drusahl.[3] However, Boku could not hear Ohn'ahra's voice, even after the adventurers helped him use his totems in a ritual, and he concluded that he wasn't suited to be a mystic.[1]

He offered to show the adventurers the way to Ridgewater Retreat to find another mystic better suited for the task, but along the way he was ambushed by the Nokhud and only barely escaped to meet up with Tigari and the other mystics who'd survived the ambush at the retreat.[4] Tigari explained that the other Ohn'ir couldn't hear Ohn'ahra either and that Boku's inability to commune with her wasn't his fault. After the adventurers cleaned things up at the retreat, Tigari left to rally the rest of the clan[5] and sent Boku and the adventurers to find Ohn'ahra at Windsong Rise. Before parting ways, Tigari told Boku that she and the rest of the clan had faith in him.[6]

Oh No, Ohn'ahra - rescue attempt

Boku trying to free Ohn'ahra on Windsong Rise.

At Windsong Rise, Boku asked the adventurers to free ohuna captured by the Primalists,[7] use his totems to destroy wagons of dragonkiller ballista bolts,[8] and (though he was reluctant to use violence) kill the Primalists' Nokhud allies. Meanwhile, he went to the top of the rise and found Ohn'ahra held captive by the Primalist leader Koroleth.[9] While the adventurers held off the guards, Boku tried to dispel Koroleth's binding runes to free the Windmother, but Koroleth stopped their efforts by knocking them off the cliff with her magic.[10] Boku was injured in the tumble down the slope and stayed behind to recover while the adventurers went to tell the Khanam Matra what had happened.[11]

Boku, now no longer using his "initiate" title, accompanied the Khanam Matra's army to the Emerald Gardens to aid the green dragonflight against the Primalists. She sent him to scout the area near the Ancient Bough, and when adventurers came to collect his report, he told them about the pillars maintaining the Bough's magical defenses.[12]


The Primalist Front - Boku

Boku outside the Ancient Bough.

Ohn'ahra's Blessing
  1. N [62-65] Boku the Mystic Activequest
  2. N [62-65] Pessimistic Mystic AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [62-65] Mystic Mystery AvailablequestActivequest
  4. N [62-65] Toting Totems and N [62-65] Taken By Storm
  5. N [62-65] Catching Wind Activequest
  6. N [62-65] Eagle-itarian and N [62-65] Fowl Sorcery and N [62-65] Weather Control AvailablequestActivequest
  7. N [62-65] Oh No, Ohn'ahra! AvailablequestActivequest
  8. N [62-65] A Storm of Ill Tidings Availablequest
Bonds Renewed



Main article: Boku the Mystic#Notes
Main article: Pessimistic Mystic#Notes
Main article: Mystic Mystery#Notes
Main article: Taken By Storm#Notes
Main article: Catching Wind#Notes
Main article: Eagle-itarian#Notes
Main article: Oh No, Ohn'ahra!#Notes
Main article: A Storm of Ill Tidings#Notes
Main article: The Primalist Front#Notes


  • Calm heart, clear vision.
  • Oh, did you want to talk to me?
  • See what others cannot.
  • Your name is whispered on the wind.
  • I walk a path of peace. It would not be wise to offer me... alternatives.
  • Bless you. Stay safe.
  • Fair skies, friend.
  • Follow your heart.
  • Go where the wind takes you.


Oh, a stranger! Welcome to Teerakai!
North of Ridgewater Retreat
Many of the mystics here were my friends. To think I may never see some of them again...
Is this what war feels like? It is terrible.
Windsong Rise
Windsong Rise is hallowed ground for the Maruuk. It is where our connection to the wind, and Ohn'ahra, is strongest.
What the Nokhud are doing here is unforgivable.
Windsong Rise apex
If the Primalists have the power to imprison Ohn'ahra, I don't know how we will manage to stop them.
But we must try.
Windsong Rise slope after N [62-65] Oh No, Ohn'ahra!
Do not worry about me. I just need to rest here for a little while...
Toghusuq Village, after completing N [70] A Final Word
Hello <name>! So nice to see you here.
I have come on behalf of Tigari Khan. She has received an omen from the Windmother.
Ohn'ahra once led the Maruuk to these plains when they had no home. It seems she has done the same with these tauren.
Tigari Khan sent me to extend the friendship and hospitality of the Ohn'ir.
These plains belong to Ohn'ahra, and we welcome all who hear her call.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ a b N [62-65] Pessimistic Mystic
  2. ^ N [62-65] Boku the Mystic
  3. ^ N [62-65] Hooves of War
  4. ^ N [62-65] Mystic Mystery
  5. ^ N [62-65] Taken By Storm
  6. ^ N [62-65] Catching Wind
  7. ^ N [62-65] Eagle-itarian
  8. ^ N [62-65] Fowl Sorcery
  9. ^ N [62-65] Weather Control
  10. ^ N [62-65] Oh No, Ohn'ahra!
  11. ^ N [62-65] A Storm of Ill Tidings
  12. ^ N [62-65] The Primalist Front

External links[]
