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Title |
Highlord of the Ebon Blade[1] Formerly: Lich King, Jailer of the Damned, Highlord, Lord, Regent of Stormwind |
Gender | Male |
Race | Human (Humanoid / Uncategorized) |
Class | Paladin[2][3][4] (formerly) |
Affiliation(s) | Knights of the Ebon Blade |
Former affiliation(s) | Scourge, Valiance Expedition, Knights of the Silver Hand, Kingdom of Stormwind, Alliance |
Occupation | Highlord of the Ebon Blade, Master of Acherus |
Former occupation(s) | The Lich King, Master of Fordragon Hold, High General of the Valiance Expedition, Regent Lord of Stormwind[5] |
Location | Oribos, Shadowlands |
Status | Active |
Relative(s) |
Taelia (daughter),[6] Deceased wife,[7] Mara (unknown relation) |
“Death was not the end I believed it to be. No rest or joyous reunions in the Light awaited me. What I witnessed challenged all I knew. With my final breath, I saw impossible places – worlds within worlds brimming with beings that defied description. It wasn’t until the Helm of Domination was placed upon my head that I understood the truth I had seen: Death is not an end, but a beginning.”
- — Bolvar describing the Shadowlands[8]
Bolvar Fordragon is the Highlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and the former Lich King, who took up the position after the death of Arthas Menethil.
Formerly a venerated paladin of the Alliance, Bolvar served as the Highlord and Regent of the kingdom of Stormwind following the disappearance of King Varian Wrynn. Upon Varian's return, Bolvar was named the commander of the Alliance forces sent to take the battle to the Scourge in Northrend. After the treachery of Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, Bolvar was thought to have been killed by the Forsaken Blight. However, he was saved and reanimated by the flames of the red dragons but charred beyond recognition.[9]
Bolvar's body was altered by the dragons' flame, and was taken by the Scourge into Icecrown Citadel, where he was tortured by Lich King Arthas Menethil in an attempt to bend him to his will. However, the noble spirit of Bolvar resisted the Scourge lord's depravations. After the death of Arthas, Bolvar demanded that Tirion Fordring place the Helm of Domination on his bald, ashen head and turn him into the next Lich King to contain the threat of the Scourge. This imprisoned Bolvar within the Frozen Throne once more. After the Fourth War, however, Sylvanas Windrunner traveled to Icecrown Citadel to defeat Bolvar and destroy the Helm of Domination, ending his tenure as the Jailer of the Damned and opening the path to the Shadowlands.
As a boy, Bolvar was impressing his paladin mentors with his determination and noble spirit. King Thoras heard of this feat.[10]
Third War[]
When the Scourge hit Lordaeron, Bolvar sent his daughter Taelia, who he called "my shining star",[6] to Kul Tiras to be raised away from the Third War. Taelia would be accepted as a ward of House Proudmoore and raised by the knight Cyrus Crestfall, who was hand-picked by Daelin Proudmoore himself. Bolvar regularly sent Taelia letters while they were separated. It is not certain exactly how many details Anduin Wrynn knew of this, but he did know Bolvar wrote to his child and of the nickname.[6]
Regent of Stormwind[]

Bolvar in Stormwind Keep during Classic.

Bolvar in Stormwind Keep.
After King Varian Wrynn went missing under suspicious circumstances while en route to a diplomatic summit to Theramore Isle, Stormwind was believed to be going through a state of disarray. Young Anduin was given the crown so that order could be preserved within the kingdom of Stormwind, at the behest of the royal councilor, Lady Prestor.[11] Highlord Bolvar Fordragon acted as Regent Lord of Stormwind or the Supreme Commander of Stormwind's forces on behalf of King Anduin. When Magistrate Solomon gave warnings of Blackrock orcs allying with the Black dragonflight, Bolvar was debilitated from sending Stormwind's thinly spread troops to aid Lakeshire without proof. Bolvar sent Alliance adventurers to Lady Prestor, who knew much of dragons and dragonkin. However, Lady Prestor thought very little of Magistrate Solomon's claims and advised against providing the military aid. Though Bolvar respected Lady Prestor's stance,[12] he could not let Solomon's plight go unheeded and thought of a compromise to appease all parties: Bolvar deputized the Alliance adventurer and empowered them to solve Solomon's problems.[13]
When Lady Jaina Proudmoore found evidence of the Defias Brotherhood being involved in King Varian's disappearance and had a powerful ally in Stormwind, she sent the evidence to Bolvar. With their newfound patronage and apparent role in the king's disappearance, Bolvar saw no choice but to plan a renewed offensive against the Defias. While Bolvar sought to pursue the Defias and their backers until King Varian's return, Lady Prestor tried to belittle the issue as just baseless speculation and a waste of Stormwind's resources.[14]
Marshal Reginald Windsor apparently had warned Bolvar of Lady Katrana Prestor's treachery but Bolvar would not act against her without proof.[15] Despite Bolvar's good intentions he unwillingly became Onyxia's pawn, his mind and body being held captive after she physically put the Dragon's Eye of the Drakefire Amulet around Bolvar's neck, in order to make him more compliant and susceptible to her influence than the rest of the kingdom leadership. The medallion also gave him glimpses into the dragon's own mind.[16]
At the time of the Ahn'Qiraj War, Bolvar was still acting on Anduin Wrynn's behalf and quickly came to an unprecedented agreement with Warchief Thrall. Both factions would combine the might of their armies, as the Might of Kalimdor, in order to strike back against the threat of the Old God C'Thun and its qiraji at Ahn'Qiraj.[17]
During the first Scourge Invasion, the Scourge attacked Stormwind City, which later led to an Alliance counterattack, as Bolvar Fordragon recruited Alliance heroes who raided Naxxramas, facing all the twisted abominations inside the Scourge necropolis, and defeated the archlich Kel'Thuzad.[18]
World of Warcraft: The Comic[]

Bolvar in Through the Mirror Darkly.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon was seen in the welcome parade in Stormwind City, escorting the recently found and returned King Varian Wrynn. As time went on, he noticed a change in King Varian whenever he was around Lady Katrana Prestor. King Varian that returned became more frivolous, uninterested in matters of state, and deferred to Lady Katrana's judgments on rulings that would have in the past, offended the king's sense of honor. Changes that even the young Prince Anduin Wrynn noticed as well.[19] Although these changes are new in the returned Varian, it was clear that the returned king still harbored an undeniable love for his son. Under Prince Anduin's insistence, Bolvar investigated the circumstances of King Varian's abduction.[20] Aside from his investigation, Bolvar also had to keep Prince Anduin safe and tried to keep the kingdom and the Alliance from falling apart from Lady Katrana's harmful advice.
One day, in Stormwind City, King Magni Bronzebeard was on a visit and was discussing war plans against the orcs and Dark Iron dwarves with King "Varian" and Bolvar Fordragon. However, Varian Wrynn was counseled by Lady Katrana Prestor to not send troops to help the dwarves fight against the dark irons, who have recently taken Thandol Span. King Magni left disappointed in Varian's subservience to Lady Prestor's wishes and his dishonorable demeanor.[21] Bolvar tried to keep relations with King Magni amicable by explaining to him that he could not understand how Thandol Span had fallen as he thought he had ordered a contingent of reinforcements to the area. It was only until Lady Katrana chimed in that she revealed that she had rescinded his orders.[22]
The Highlord continued to watch over Prince Anduin until Marshal Windsor returned to the keep with another King Varian named "Lo'Gosh". Marshal Windsor revealed Lady Katrana to be the broodmother Onyxia. With Onyxia's ruse uncovered, several Stormwind Guards transformed into dragonspawn to defend their matriarch; leading to a fight in Stormwind Keep. Anduin, who heard the commotion, ran off to investigate the ruckus. Highlord Bolvar followed in pursuit and joined the battle to secure the keep. During the battle, the Dragon's Eye was broken,[23] freeing Bolvar for good from Onyxia's grasp. The heroes of the Alliance managed to secure the keep but unfortunately, Onyxia got away with Prince Anduin as a hostage.[24] The two King Varians, whom Bolvar noticed had certain parts of the original King Varian's personality, left Bolvar in charge of Stormwind while they led an army to slay Onyxia and rescue the prince.[25]
Using the blood of General Drakkisath, the Alliance heroes transformed the broken pendant into the Drakefire Amulet and used it to bypass the powerful wards protecting Onyxia's Lair and slay her.[26][27] Afterward, the amulet was returned to Stormwind, where it was locked away by Bolvar in Stormwind Keep, in order to prevent anyone else from using its manipulating magic.[28]
Wrath of the Lich King[]

Bolvar at Fordragon Hold.

Bolvar at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate.

Bolvar and Dranosh fought together against the Scourge at the Wrathgate.
Upon King Varian Wrynn's return, Bolvar aided in the defense of Stormwind City against a surprise Scourge attack. As the attack had sent both factions into a righteous fury, Varian mobilized the Alliance armies and commanded Bolvar Fordragon to eliminate the Scourge. The army under his control was dubbed the Valiance Expedition, and upon reaching Northrend, it established a beachhead on the Howling Fjord.[29] Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra started out under the command of Bolvar, until he left to command the siege at Angrathar the Wrathgate, while General Arlos replaced him at the head of the town.[30]
At some point during the war, Bolvar established Wintergarde Keep in the Dragonblight, from where he led a first crushing assault against the Lich King at the Angrathar the Wrathgate.[31] In response, the Lich King sent Naxxramas upon Wintergarde Keep, and Bolvar later assisted the adventurers in defeating the lich and undead ground commander Thel'zan the Duskbringer.[32]
When the Kirin Tor called upon the Alliance and the Horde to aid them against Malygos the Spell-Weaver and his blue dragonflight during the Nexus War, Bolvar was not inclined to accept the idea of diverting resources from the conflict against the Lich King. Eventually, he accepted because it was necessary, and members of the Alliance were sent to put an end to the threat.[33]
After Malygos' death, the Horde and the Alliance refocused on Icecrown Citadel, where Bolvar and Dranosh Saurfang, commander of the Horde's Kor'kron Vanguard, waged separate campaigns against the Scourge, pushing the undead armies farther back into the Dragonblight. Both commanders quickly realized that a victory for one faction was a victory for all against the Lich King, and when one side attacked the undead, the other would "coincidentally" order their own forces to draw the Scourge's attention on another front. A grudging mutual respect formed between Bolvar and Dranosh, and their subtle attempts to coordinate attacks were remarkably effective. Though their efforts took the Horde and the Alliance in different directions, they eventually met at Angrathar.
Once the Wrath Gate was secured, neither Bolvar nor Dranosh would allow the other to claim all the glory, and both sides eventually gathered on the field of battle to attack the Scourge's defenses. Slowly, Bolvar and Dranosh cleaved their way to the foot of Angrathar, where they confronted the Lich King himself.[34] During the encounter, in which Dranosh fell to Frostmourne, a plague explosion rang out among the Alliance and Horde army, and out came Grand Apothecary Putress. He announced to the Scourge leader that the Forsaken had neither forgotten nor forgiven him, and a number of catapults moved behind him and launched an unprovoked attack on both Alliance and Horde forces as well as the Scourge. Bolvar ordered his troops to fall back, but was brought down by the gas. As he gasped his last breaths, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder and her red dragons arrived and breathed cleansing flames across the battlefield, searing away the poison from the air and the plagued flesh from the bodies, leaving only charred remains.
- There is a dialogue between Korialstrasz and Alexstrasza after the Wrathgate event. Due to a bug which allowed some players to speak Draconic,[35] some players were able to read and translate Alexstrasza's words:
- Alexstrasza: [Draconic] They must not discover the fate of the young paladin. Not yet.
When the smoke cleared, Bolvar's body was missing,[36] while his shield was later recovered by Alliance adventurers at the behest of Alexstrasza and returned to King Varian Wrynn.[37]. Consequently, the Forsaken attack was considered by the Alliance to be outright treachery on the part of the Horde, giving King Varian—who had considered Bolvar a brother—a reason to purge the Horde from Lordaeron. Enraged, Varian led Alliance forces in a battle for the Undercity to bring Putress to justice. At the time, it was thought that Bolvar died of the plague or in the fire, but his fate was far more difficult, and a lesser man could not have withstood it.[38]
Fall of the Lich King[]
As the forces of the Horde and Alliance made their way into Icecrown Citadel, it was revealed that Bolvar had been captured by the Scourge, having been saved by the flames of the red dragonflight which had also horrifically charred him beyond recognition.[9] After being recovered by the Scourge, he was tortured mercilessly by the Lich King. Despite the Lich King's extensive efforts to corrupt him, Bolvar refused to yield.
When Tirion Fordring and his champions faced the Lich King atop Icecrown Citadel, they discovered the disfigured Bolvar Fordragon, suspended by chains above the Frozen Throne.[39]
Jailer of the Damned[]

Bolvar chained at the Frozen Throne.

Highlord Tirion Fordring places the Helm of Domination on Bolvar's head.
After Arthas Menethil, the Lich King, was slain, the spirit of King Terenas warned that an uncontrolled Scourge would be all the more dangerous. For the good of Azeroth, "there must always be a Lich King." Somebody would have to take Arthas's place. Tirion Fordring took up the Helm of Domination, the crown of the Lich King, preparing to do it himself. As he did so, Bolvar intervened, calling from his seat upon the Frozen Throne, his body warped by the red dragonflight's fire and his mind scarred, he could never walk among the living as he once did. As a last act of service to Azeroth, Bolvar asked that Tirion place the Helm of Domination on his head. As the self-appointed "Jailer of the Damned," Bolvar sought to keep the Scourge under control for the sake of Azeroth. As Bolvar encased himself and the Frozen Throne once again in ice, he warned Tirion that no one could know what happened. Bolvar instructed Tirion to tell the world that the Lich King was dead — and that Bolvar Fordragon died with him.
As the armies of the Horde and the Alliance withdrew from Northrend, assuming that the undead were no longer a threat since the death of the Lich King, Bolvar Fordragon was struggling to maintain control over the endless ranks of undead. The Lich King had directed them to make war upon the living, and it was difficult for him to quell their aggression. Bolvar fought to maintain his sanity, he had been a mighty paladin all his adult life, but the moment he had donned the Helm of Domination, the Holy Light had abandoned him. His new necromantic powers warred with his sense of justice and righteousness, and it took nearly all his strength to keep the undead contained, including the remaining Val'kyr until they were freed by Sylvanas Windrunner.[40][41] The Cult of the Damned also continued to operate independently in the Plaguelands,[42] while pockets of the Scourge managed to break free of his control, following the Lich King's old directives to attack anyone on their path.[43]
Both of these cases were a result of Bolvar struggling to control his new powers. The incident with Sylvanas, in particular, made him realize how dangerous the power of the undead was should they fall into the wrong hands, and he resolved to not only contain the Scourge but also guard against any intruders from the outside world who would try to steal their power for themselves.[44]
The only thing that Bolvar's daughter Taelia was told about her father's fate was that he gave his life to defeat the Lich King.[7] Bolvar thought about Taelia and her mother every day that he sat on the Frozen Throne.[45]
Bolvar Fordragon on the Frozen Throne.
Warlords of Draenor[]
Darion Mograine traveled to alternate Draenor to find something that would allow the Ebon Blade to unlock the secrets of the Frozen Throne.[46][47]

Bolvar, the Lich King.
Several years before the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Lyandra Sunstrider traveled to Icecrown to locate Felo'melorn and was killed by the remaining Scourge within the citadel. When a mage adventurer arrives on request of Aethas Sunreaver to locate Lyandra and Felo'melorn, Bolvar states that the mage can try to take the sword, but if they fail they too will join the Scourge.
The Lich King and the Knights of the Ebon Blade came to an agreement: the death knights would serve as the arm for his vengeance against the Legion, and in return, he would keep the Scourge contained in Northrend and help the death knights locate powerful weapons to combat the demonic invasion. Bolvar directed death knights to Apocalypse and the Maw of the Damned, but was heavily involved in the Blades of the Fallen Prince. Calling a champion of the death knights to Icecrown, he had the champion gather the shards of Frostmourne, defeat tortured souls that had remained within the shards and reforge them into two new blades. As one final test, the champion had to enter the blades and quell the darkness inside. Within the shards of Frostmourne, echoes of Ner'zhul and Arthas could be found with Ner'zhul tempting Arthas to take up Frostmourne.
As each of the three artifacts were obtained, Bolvar brought the death knights to the Frozen Throne and bestowed his blessing upon them. Under Bolvar's orders, the Ebon Blade were to follow the artifact wielders' orders as if they were his own.
The Lich King exclaimed that the greatest heroes of Azeroth had gathered to face the Burning Legion. Of course, heroes that stood alone against that threat would not save Azeroth for salvation would come at a price that the living could not pay. He thought of planning to recreate the Four Horsemen for their own to stand against the Legion. The first among them was Nazgrim, the fallen general of the Horde. Followed by Thoras Trollbane upon the cliffs of Arathor in the fallen kingdom of Stromgarde, for his prowess strength in battle was without rival and shall be even more powerful in undeath. Then High Inquisitor Whitemane to his knowledge was a priest whose personal tragedy forged an intense connection with the Light and her zealous power of will is necessary to strengthen the bond of the Four. Yet, there was one who needed to be appointed for the crucial role: someone to lead. Without a leader, there would be no unity among the Four. The Deathlord, Darion, and the three horsemen traveled to Light's Hope Chapel to recover the body of Tirion Fordring who had recently fell in action and brought to the tomb underneath the chapel. In the end, they failed and with Darion's sacrifice he opened a Death Gate back to Acherus. The Lich King has decided that the fate of the deeds of his father came to fruition for he has sacrificed more for the Ebon Blade than any other. The Four Horsemen were assembled with Darion leading them.

A projection of Bolvar atop Acherus.
The Deathlord returned to Icecrown to claim Rimefang's Harness, but the Lich King explained that invading vrykul were trying to use it to bind frost wyrms to their will. He ordered the Deathlord to slay them in his name.
Atop of Acherus, he tells the Deathlord that the Helm of Domination showed him many things that he could not comprehend. In a vision, he saw thousands of undead marching to the far reaches of Northrend in search of a great power. Every time he reached out through the cold tendrils of endless ice, he sensed nothing. He then tells the Deathlord to go to the end reaches of Icecrown to be shown of what he saw. Once there, he described it as the undead swarming across an icy shelf, seeking a prize coveted by Arthas: the bones of a dragon most ancient, and powerful beyond reckoning. Yet all that remains here is the sea, and he doesn't sense any trace of undead in the area. Curious, he told the Deathlord to go seek out the dragons that reside at Wyrmrest Temple; the bronze dragon Trizormu. After strangulating the dragon, Tariolstrasz of the red dragonflight hurls the Deathlord out of Wyrmrest. The Lich King then says that dragonflight knows something, for they kept secrets within the Ruby Sanctum. He proclaimed to the Deathlord either spare the dragons, or slay them. If you do kill them all, he mentions to you that you are empty inside just like him.
The red dragon named Kyranastrasz fell doing battle with "a great corruption" on an iceberg to the north. The Lich King tells the Deathlord to find it and consume this life essence, blight it, and raise it into undeath. He comments when the Deathlord arrives at the Lost Glacier that their supplies have likely frozen. Interestingly enough, he senses feral undead buried in the ice and declares it is time to test the Deathlord's will. He warns that should the Deathlord fail to survive that he shall claim Acherus as his own, though while Arthas may have sought revenge on the citadel, Bolvar has other plans. Upon arriving at Kyranastrasz' Rest, the Deathlord approached the corpse of the ancient dragon on the hilltop and felt as though it reminded them of something that's happened in the past. They then raised it and claimed it as their own.[48]
Battle for Azeroth[]

Bolvar and the Four Horsemen at the Frozen Throne.
Vol'jin, the late Warchief of the Horde, sought to find out who had told him on his deathbed to name Sylvanas the new warchief. He had come to believe it was not the loa that did so but in fact something darker and stronger. Vol'jin, Baine Bloodhoof, Talanji, and a Horde adventurer traveled to the Frozen Throne to confront the Lich King about it. The Lich King told Vol'jin that he was not responsible and that Sylvanas was upsetting the balance of life and death. Furthermore, the Lich King informed Vol'jin that he had been altered more than he realized and that as neither undead nor damned he did not belong in the Frozen Throne. The Lich King sent ghouls after them, forcing them to flee.[49]
Throughout the Fourth War, Bolvar had the Four Horsemen acquire fallen champions of both the Horde and Alliance,[10] and following its completion raised a new generation of death knights as his champions. He formally told these death knights that it was their burden and privilege to defend Azeroth while being forced to endure the scorn of the ignorant. He then ordered them to speak with Darion Mograine and use his death gate to travel to the land of the living in order to choose their destiny.[50]
We Ride Forth[]
Believing that Sylvanas Windrunner would seek to become the Lich King, Bolvar employed a daring gambit. He deceived the Four Horsemen into thinking that he had fallen under the dark powers of the Lich King so that when Sylvanas inevitably confronted him, the horsemen would arrive soon after and finish off the winner. When Darion prematurely attempted to kill him, Bolvar forcibly controlled the former's body and made him return to Acherus: The Ebon Hold, while taunting him about requiring his fellow horsemen. As he anticipated, Darion rallied his fellow horsemen for battle, while he was confronted by Sylvanas. Unbeknownst to Bolvar, the horsemen were able to use their connection with him to witness him fighting Sylvanas, and subsequently learn about his gambit.[10]

Bolvar sitting on the Frozen Throne.
Despite tapping into the Helm's power and attempting to use abilities such as [Remorseless Winter] as well as saronite spikes to destroy Sylvanas during their confrontation, neither Bolvar nor the Scourge forces he had slowly gathered to Icecrown were enough to stop her. After winning the battle, Sylvanas took the Helm of Domination, causing Bolvar to remark that it would be her prison as he assumed she intended to don it and become the lord of the Scourge. However, Sylvanas countered that the world itself was a prison and split the helm in two—thereby piercing the veil between Azeroth and the Shadowlands—after which she declared that she would set everyone free.[51] Sylvanas' actions have brought about a series of events that threaten to upset the cosmic balance between life and death;[52] however, Bolvar believes that the denizens of the Shadowlands are the key to restoring this balance.[53]
Bolvar saved by Nazgrim and Sally Whitemane.

Bolvar after he was defeated by Sylvanas.
Following his defeat, Nazgrim and Whitemane brought Bolvar to Acherus: The Ebon Hold.[54] Bolvar's daughter Taelia learned that he was still alive and that he had, until now, been the Lich King. Though angry that no one had told her, she vowed to join her father's side.

Bolvar atop Icecrown Citadel.
After the rift between the Shadowlands and Azeroth was opened, members of the Alliance and Horde were called to Icecrown Citadel. Aboard the Acherus necropolis, they and Lord Darion Mograine went atop the Citadel where the rest of the Knights of the Ebon Blade and their leader, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, were waiting. The Highlord explained how dire the situation was and directed the adventurers to use the shattered fragments of the Helm of Domination to conjure a portal into the forbidden depths of the Maw.[55] Bolvar later managed to travel to Oribos, alongside Darion and other Ebon Blade death knights.[1]
Taelia later reunited with Bolvar in Oribos and pleaded for him to use the Helm to seek out his old ward Anduin as well as their other allies, who had been captured by Sylvanas within the Maw. Despite his initial reluctance, as such attempts seemed to be costly and dangerous, Bolvar was eventually moved by his daughter's repeated pleas, and he agreed to honor the request of his "Shining Star".[56] He subsequently was deeply troubled by the vision he expressed, though declared that they must not give up hope.[57]
Bolvar personally directed the efforts to rescue the captured leaders from Torghast, Tower of the Damned, and had adventurers turn to Ve'nari for aid.[58] After they returned with Baine Bloodhoof, Bolvar remarked on their bravery but warned that it was only the beginning.[59] He then implored them to return to Torghast in order to discover information in regards to the whereabouts of the others. After they returned with [Soul-Touched Key], Bolvar remarked that the presence was familiar, and believed that the holder of the key may have been involved in the capture of Jaina Proudmoore.[60] After concluding his research, he confirmed that Jaina was being held within the tower, and then had them rescue souls and acquire objects from brokers Ve'ken and Ve'nott in order to obtain information for the search for Jaina.[61][62]
With all the information in hand, he had pinpointed Jaina's location and sent his allies to rescue her.[63] With Jaina safely in Oribos, Bolvar turned his attention to Thrall and Anduin. Thus, he sought to discover if the other captives had seen their whereabouts. Though heartened to learn that Thrall still lived, he feared for Anduin and declared that "Darkness hungers for his soul."[64] He then directed the rescue of Thrall; however, he warned that each time he gazed into Torghast, he sensed malevolent eyes staring back. Despite the growing risk, he knew that they could not relent.[65]
Though Baine, Jaina, and Thrall had been liberated, Bolvar was of the opinion that the Jailer holding any hero of Azeroth meant he had power over all of them. Thus, he sought clues to Anduin's location, and though they found signs of Anduin's presence, they did not find Anduin himself.[66] Fearing that they could spend a lifetime searching the tower's endless corridors to no avail, Bolvar knew the best chance to find Anduin was to peer into Torghast with the helm once more. After discovering that Sylvanas and the Jailer intended to turn Anduin into a weapon, Bolvar warned that they must be careful in their rescue efforts, as the Jailer may discard Anduin if he believed his prize was in jeopardy.[67]

Bolvar chained by the Jailer
Following the defeat of Sire Denathrius, an ally of the Jailer, Bolvar felt a darkness calling to him within Torghast.[68] By focusing his mind, Bolvar was able to learn that a new mourneblade was being forged within the tower. Though Calia was worried over the effects that peering within Torghast would have on him, Bolvar declared that they must know the truth. He and his allies thus learned that the Jailer had decided that, regardless of Anduin's choice, he would be turned to their side, a task left to Sylvanas. Though the vision ended on an ambiguous note as to whether Sylvanas would respect Anduin's refusal or forcefully convert him, Bolvar declared it dire news,[69] thus suggesting that Bolvar felt Sylvanas would turn Anduin by force.
As Bolvar told his allies that the link was severed, the Jailer, through the Helm of Domination, attempted to turn Bolvar into his service.[70] While Jaina and the Maw Walker were able to severe the connection, the Jailer revealed that the Lich King was always meant to herald his coming, and declared Bolvar and his predecessors were failures for their defiance of him. After thanking his allies, Bolvar agreed with Jaina's assessment the Jailer would use their knowledge of Anduin's fate against them. Though Baine called for an outright attack on Torghast to rescue Anduin, Bolvar agreed with Thrall's and Jaina's decision to hold back and rally the covenants. He thus implored the Maw Walker to continue their efforts and declared that when the time came, they would claim victory.[71]
Chains of Domination[]

Bolvar and Jaina Proudmoore during the battle for Ardenweald.
After the Archon was attacked and her sigil stolen by the Jailer via the dominated Anduin, Bolvar called upon the Maw Walker to inform them of what had occurred.[72] In response Bolvar joined the covenant leaders ( the Archon, the Winter Queen, Draka, and Prince Renathal) in the the Arbiter's chambers.[73] During this meeting Bolvar and the other leaders vowed to stand as one and defend the Jailer's next target: Ardenweald.[74]
As the covenants rallied together to defend Ardenweald from Sylvanas and the Mawsworn, Bolvar joined the assault and ordered Darion Mograine and the Knights of the Ebon Blade to defend Oribos in his absence. During the battle the Winter Queen deceived Sylvanas into thinking that her sigil was with her,[75] when in reality she had placed it within the Heart of the Forest. However, Bolvar and Jaina discovered that this deception ultimately failed as the mind-controlled Anduin claimed the sigil.[76] After returning to Oribos, Bolvar declared that they must launch a counter-attack before the Mawsworn could strike again.[77] Agreeing with his proposal, Tal-Inara declared that they must open a gateway to the Maw, and to that end directed the Maw Walker with returning to the Maw and discovering a second waystone in order to establish the connection.[78][79]
After the Maw Walker successfully connected Korthia to Oribos, Bolvar and the Death's Advance entered and established themselves at Keeper's Respite.[80] Bolvar then directed the Maw Walker with collecting information from the scouts and heeding the call of their allies, in order to see no stone is left unturned and no ally of the Jailer left alive.[81][82]

Bolvar alongside The Primus and Tal-Galan at Keeper's Respite.
After the Eye of the Jailer was driven out of the Maw by the Maw Walker and Danica the Reclaimer, they reported directly to Bolvar. Though he found this knowledge good, he was troubled upon learning that Helya and Vyraz were working together within Desmotaeron. In contrast to Bolvar's concern, an angered Draka swore to slay him and avenge Margrave Krexus, causing Bolvar to remark his eagerness at seeing the Maldraxxi forces in action.[83] He then directed the Maw Walker, with aiding the convents in attacking the Maw.[84]
During their travels within Korthia the Maw Walker encountered two nathrezim, Kin'tessa who deceived the Maw Walker into leading her to Fatescribe Roh-Kalo by appearing as Caretaker Kah-Than, and Azodius, who attempted to kill the Maw Walker. Though Kin'tessa was successfully able to bring the Fatescribe to the Jailer, the Maw Walker killed Azodius and brought his head to Bolvar. Bolvar was unsettled and confused to learn that agents of the Burning Legion such as the Nathrezim were within Korthia and working for the Jailer. After remarking on how the dreadlords were masters of infiltration and illusion, Bolvar declared that their forces must remain vigilant and warned the Maw Walker to stay alert, as the nathrezim could be anywhere.[85]
After Tal-Galan, Bonesmith Heirmir and the Maw Walker recovered the Sigil of the Primus, they turned to Bolvar to see if he could recognize the magic bound within it. To Bolvar's surprise, he recognized the magic as coming from Torghast, Tower of the Damned, and thus implored the Maw Walker to bring the sigil to the Runecarver.[86] The following sequence of events restored the Runecarver's shattered memories, restoring to him his identity as the Primus, and led to a brief battle with Zovaal and the Mawsworn that ultimately ended with Zovaal claiming the Primus' sigil.[87] After the Primus ventured to Korthia, Bolvar turned to him to set their course against the Jailer and was informed that Zovaal must be faced within his sanctum, but that a wise strategist always prepares contingencies. Thus Bolvar further informed that should the mortals fail to stop the Jailer, then the covenants must remember its purpose, find its future, and forge new sigils that could be used to pursue Zovaal, should the assault fail. Bolvar was then ordered to send words to his allies within Oribos, that they must defend the Arbiter's sigil at all cost.[88]
After Thenios confided to Bolvar his belief that Uther the Lightbringer may never heal due to missing a fragment of his soul, as a result Frostmourne killing him, Bolvar revealed that he had seen visions of where such vessels were kept. Furthermore, Bolvar warned that retrieving it will prove perilous, as the Jailer kept his treasures well guarded.[89] To that end, Thenios turned to the Maw Walker for aid, which started the series of events that ended with Uther restored and the Kyrian sigil being restored.[90]

Bolvar, Thrall, and Jaina under the effects of Domination.
Having taken the Primus' words to heart, Bolvar called upon the Maw Walker and their allies to invade the Sanctum of Domination, defeat Sylvanas Windrunner, and save Anduin Wrynn. When they did so, Bolvar joined them in the conflict. Despite defeating the likes of the The Nine and Kel'Thuzad, Sylvanas was able to stall them long enough for the Jailer to absorb the essence of the Arbiter into his being. Bolvar was then briefly controlled by Zovaal through the use of Domination magic before he was released after Sylvanas, who realized that the Jailer never intended to not to break the system of Death and give everyone free will as she had believed, but to forge a new reality where all would be forced to serve him, attacked him. In response, Zovaal reunited Sylvanas with the missing fragment of her soul before leaving with the mind-controlled Anduin, and thus allowing Bolvar and his allies to imprison Sylvanas.[91]
In the aftermath, Bolvar lamented that the Jailer had succeeded, still had Anduin by his side, and prayed that the now captive Sylvanas had the knowledge that could give them the edge in stopping the Jailer.[92]
Eternity's End[]
Uther the Lightbringer later examined Sylvanas' soul and found that it was divided and that she could not wake up while it remained that way. Jaina, Thrall, and Baine argued that it was best if she stayed that way, but Bolvar reminded them that she was the only one who could tell them about the Jailer's plan and how to save Anduin.[93]
Journey to Zereth Mortis[]

Bolvar and other heroes in Haven.

Bolvar, Jaina, Uther, and Sylvanas outside the Sepulcher of the First Ones.
When the time came to follow the Jailer to Zereth Mortis, the Primus opened a portal for a Maw Walker so they could go through, find a foothold, and allow the covenant forces to follow. Although the portal was disabled by a Mawsworn attack, the Maw Walker managed to reopen a connection between Zereth Mortis and Oribos, allowing Bolvar and the others to come through to Haven, home of the Enlightened brokers, where they could begin the work of stopping the Jailer and saving Anduin.[94][95] Bolvar sent Ebon Blade scouts to survey the realm,[96] and ordered Darion to lead covenant forces against the Mawsworn at the Forge of Afterlives while Shandris Feathermoon and the Maw Walker spied on them from the east.[97] They discovered that the Mawsworn were dominating the realm's automa to open the way to the Sepulcher of the First Ones[98][99] and that nathrezim had infiltrated the Ebon Blade's ranks.[100][101] Bolvar sent the Maw Walker to find out why covenant reinforcements he'd sent hadn't reached Darion,[102] which turned out to be the work of the disguised nathrezim Mal'Ganis, who stalled the Maw Walker[103] long enough for the Jailer to use the Forge of Afterlives to enter the Sepulcher and take Anduin with him.[104] Bolvar wasn't discouraged and told the Maw Walker to focus on more immediate problems while they looked for another way into the Sepulcher.[105]
Uther later came to Haven to deliver the news that Sylvanas had awoken. The highlord argued that it was too risky to trust the banshee, but Uther claimed that he'd make sure Sylvanas didn't betray them again.[93] Either way, Bolvar's more immediate priority was to enter the Sepulcher. The Enlightened Elder Ara agreed to help by taking the Maw Walker on a pilgrimage.[106] Once she'd done so and the way into the structure was opened, Bolvar met up with Jaina, Uther, and Sylvanas at its entrance to discuss their course of action. Sylvanas stated that they needed to find a way to resist the Jailer's Domination in order to defeat him, and that Anduin might be the key. After Uther convinced Jaina to cooperate, the four headed into the Sepulcher together.[107]
The Crown of Wills[]

Father, daughter, and Horseman in the Endless Sands.
The heroes managed to free Anduin and bring him back to Haven, but he didn't know how to counteract the Jailer's Domination.[108] Bolvar asked Taelia to bring the intact half of the Helm of Domination to Haven, and the Primus suggested that they should experiment with it to find a way of resisting Domination. Bolvar and Taelia disliked the idea considering all the damage the helm had done, but Bolvar believed it was worth the risk.[109] After the Maw Walker tested that the helm still worked on Darion,[110] Bolvar sent them to seek out Elder Eru, an Enlightened he'd heard about, so she could tell them about how to use the language of the First Ones.[111] Eru revealed that he language could offer resistance to Domination and that complex phrases from it were stored in vaults in the Endless Sands. The Primus knews this wouldn't be enough, however, and worked on finding something more[112] while sending Bolvar, Taelia, Darion, and the Maw walker to the Sands with the intact half of the helm.[113]

Bolvar gazing into his memories in the Chamber of First Reflection.
Darion stayed behind at the Deserted Overlook while the Fordragons and the hero fought through the Mawsworn occupying the area to reach the vaults and infuse the phrases into the helm. As the trio fought, father and daughter bonded, with Taelia telling Bolvar about how she'd been taught by Cyrus Crestfall of Kul Tiras in his absence. She also asked if he'd ever thought about her and her mother during his time as the Lich King, and he replied "Every day". Once the phrases were gathered and imbued in the helm, the Primus asked the group to go to the Chamber of First Reflection in Bastion,[45] where memories could be drawn out and expunged and where those who had suffered from Domination in the past could infuse the memories of what had allowed them to resist into the shards of the helm.[114] Bolvar went first, gazing into his memories of the burning agony he'd suffered at the Wrathgate before infusing his resistance into the shards, all while Taelia cheered him on. Afterward, Bolvar told the Maw Walker that he felt lighter and that he hoped Taelia would remember what she saw: that he was not some lone figure locked away, but someone who does what is necessary for the good of all.[115] Although it wasn't easy, all of the shards were eventually infused. Bolvar and the others brought the helm pieces to the Runecarver's Oubliette in Torghast to give them to the Primus, who used the language and the memories to reforge the Helm of Domination into the Crown of Wills, an instrument allowing them all to become resistant to Domination. The Primus then stored the Crown away until it was needed and told the heroes to focus on the Jailer's defeat.[116]

Bolvar and his daughter in Haven.
Bolvar and Taelia returned to Haven, where they exchanged words in private. Taelia reflected that she didn't know what she wanted to start asking of her father, and that things had been much simpler when she thought he was simply a dead hero. She told him that if she'd known of his true fate, she would have sought him out in Icecrown, but Bolvar insisted that this was why she hadn't been allowed to know: to keep her and the rest of Azeroth safe. Taelia retorted that this hadn't just been Bolvar's own sacrifice, but a sacrifice by everyone who loved him as well. Bolvar replied "I know", and told his daughter that he hoped she could one day forgive him for the pain he had caused her.[117]
The Jailer's fall[]
Some time later, the Maw Walker and Pelagos started helping the oracle Saezurah create a new Arbiter to replace the one the Jailer destroyed. Bolvar asked the Maw Walker to keep him apprised of any developments.[118] In the end, it was Pelagos himself who became the new Arbiter, allowing him to stop the flow of souls to the Maw. Bolvar commented that this was only one step toward restoring balance to the Shadowlands and that they needed to continue strengthening their position in Zereth Mortis and drive out the Mawsworn.[119] Along with Uther, Jaina, and Sylvanas, Bolvar returned to the Sepulcher of the First Ones with the Maw Walkers to pursue the Jailer to the innermost section, the Grand Design, where the resistance granted by the Crown of Wills allowed the Maw Walkers to defeat the Jailer at last.

Darion and Bolvar in the Ring of Transference.
Afterward, the only thing that remained before balance could be restored to the Shadowlands was to bring Sylvanas to the Arbiter so she could be judged for her past crimes. Bolvar traveled to the Crucible to give the Crown of Wills to Pelagos and observe the trial alongside Taelia, while the Maw Walker went to meet up with Uther so they could escort Sylvanas to the Crucible together.[120] After the trial, Bolvar and Darion discussed how the Ebon Blade needed to continue keeping the rampant Scourge on Azeroth in check. Bolvar suggested that he could return to Icecrown to prevent the citadel from falling into the wrong hands, but Darion disagreed, saying that the Ebon Blade would protect the fortress and that Taelia needed her father.[121]
Sometime later, Bolvar was approached by Taelia, who admitted that while she would never agree with his choice to hide the truth that he was still alive, she understand why he did so, and that he didn't mean to hurt her. Bolvar remarked that, at the time, he believed that he would be trapped forever as the Jailer of the Damned, holding the Scourge, and dared not hope for anything more. She then revealed that when the helm was broken, with his freedom came the fear, the fear that the daughter he loved with all his heart would behold him, and see only a monster. Taelia was then quick to reassure him that she only saw the hero he was and the father he could be, if he was willing. Bolvar subsequently promised that he wouldn't waste this second chance.
Fordragon's Resolve — Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 35% for all party members. Lasts 30 seconds.
- During
[60] Oppress and Destroy
Obliterate — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
Cleave — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
Highlord's Justice — Stuns nearby enemies, rendering them unable to move or attack for 5 sec.
Shield Wall — Reduces the Physical and magical damage taken by the caster by 75% for 5 sec.
Please add any available information to this section.
[15-30] To Fordragon Hold!
[15-30] Audience With The Dragon Queen
[15-30] Return To Angrathar
Zereth Mortis[]
[60W] Patterns Within Patterns
[60R] Heart of the Sepulcher
[60] Legendary Assistance
- Into the Unknown
[60] This Old Waystone
[60] The Forces Gather
- We Battle Onward
[60] Our Forward Scouts
[60] Knowing is Half the Battle
[60] Reinforcements May Be Necessary
[60] A Break in Communication and
[60] Nothing is True
[60] Doppelganger Duel
[60] Fighting for the Forge
[60] Seeking Haven
- Forming an Understanding
[60] The Way Forward
- Forging a New Path
[60] News from Oribos
[60] Enlisting the Enlightened
[60] The Pilgrimage Ends
- The Crown of Wills
[60] The Broken Crown
[60] Our Last Option
[60] Hello, Darkness
[60] Elder Eru
[60] One Half of the Equation
[60] Aggressive Excavation
[60] Oppress and Destroy
[60] Where the Memory Resides
[60] What We Wish to Forget
[60] What Makes Us Strong
[60] What We Overcome
[60] Forge of Domination
[60] The Crown of Wills
[60] Reality's Doorstep
- A Means to an End
- Starting Over
[60] Safe Haven
- Epilogue
- Judgment
[60] The Jailer's Defeat
[60] Prisoner of Interest
Stormwind City[]
[54] The True Masters
[54] The True Masters
[54] The True Masters
[60R] The Great Masquerade
[60R] The Dragon's Eye
[60G] The First and the Last
[30R] The Lord of Blackrock
[60G] The Blightcaller Cometh
[60R] Order Must Be Restored
[60] Victory for the Alliance
[60] Celebrating Good Times
[37] Warn Bolvar!
[37] Return to Jaina
After suffering betrayal at the doorstep of his nemesis, a brave paladin was reborn in the searing heat of enchanted dragon flames. No longer fit to dwell among the living, alone he shall endure as the steward of a misbegotten throng.[122]
In the Trading Card Game[]
- "Today, we celebrate this glorious victory!" [123]
- "Tell them only that the Lich King is dead. And that Bolvar Fordragon ... died with him." [124]
World of Warcraft[]
Stormwind Keep[]
- Gossip
I am Bolvar Fordragon, Highlord of Stormwind.
- Dialogue
- Main article: The Great Masquerade#Notes
Wrath of the Lich King[]
- Main article: An End And A Beginning#Notes

Valiance Keep monument of Varian Wrynn.
Scourge Invasion[]
Our efforts in Lordaeron have been all for naught. Despite numerous setbacks, the Scourge remain unfazed. We must cut them off at the source.
The time draws near to sail for Northrend. I don't know what awaits us; only that our enemies are numerous and are eager for our slaughter.
But we cannot pursue any other path in good conscience. Azeroth depends on our vigilance.
Varian monument in Valiance Keep[]
- A statue of King Varian, alias Lo'Gosh, stands in Valiance Keep in the Borean Tundra, bearing an inscription by Bolvar.
In tribute to King Varian Wrynn
known to some as LO'GOSH the "Ghost Wolf"
His miraculous return from long years of exile and hardship has ignited a new fire of spirit and courage within the Alliance.
We shall march boldly into these perilous lands holding his valor and his tenacity in our hearts.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
Battle of Angrathar the Wrath Gate[]
- Main article: Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate#Transcript
Icecrown Citadel[]
- Main article: Light's Hammer#Quotes
- Main article: Lich King (tactics)#Quotes
Please add any available information to this section.
- Main article: This Old Waystone#Notes
- Main article: The Forces Gather#Notes
- Main article: Knowing is Half the Battle#Notes
- Main article: Seeking Haven#Notes
- Main article: The Way Forward#Notes
- Main article: News from Oribos#Notes
- Oribos gossip at arrival
- The living do not belong in the Shadowlands. Tread carefully, and do not trust all that you perceive.
- Oribos gossip during introductory questline
- The Shadowlands was never meant for mortal eyes.
- Do not trust your perceptions. And be wary.
- Always wary.
- Oribos gossip after
[60] The Jailer's Grasp
- We know the Jailer is watching us. And that he has Anduin.
- Our only hope is for you and other heroes to make the covenants strong, <name>.
- The day will soon come that the Jailer and Sylvanas reveal the next phase of their plan.
- When they do, it will require all our strength to overcome them.
Can you share your vision of Anduin in the Maw?
Can you share your vision of the mourneblade's forging?
- Keeper's Respite
- We must stop the Jailer at any cost.
- Haven
- The Jailer must be stopped.
- During The Crown of Wills questline
- The Jailer has forced a heavy price upon us. But we will find a way forward.
- Haven after
[60] The Crown of Wills (triggered by talking to Taelia)
- Taelia Fordragon says: There is so much I want to ask you... I don't know where to start.
- Taelia Fordragon says: When you grow up believing your father is a dead hero, everything is much more neat and tidy. When you learn he's quite alive it's... different.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: The man I was did die that day. The dragons' fire sealed my purpose.
- Taelia Fordragon says: But couldn't you at least have let me know you were still there? Under that helm? All that time?
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Would you have journeyed to Icecrown, if you knew?
- Taelia Fordragon says: Yes, of course. I would have gone anywhere for you.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Which is why you could not know. I had to make that sacrifice, to keep you and the rest of the world safe from that place. From that power.
- Taelia Fordragon says: But it wasn't just you who made that sacrifice. It was the rest of us, too. Everyone who loved you.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: I know. And for the pain it caused you, I will always feel sorrow. I pray that one day, you can forgive me for it.
- Haven during and after
[60] The Jailer's Defeat
- The battle was arduous, but in the end we emerged victorious.
<Witness the Jailer's defeat.>
- Ring of Transference after
[60] Penance and Renewal
- As I sat for years upon the Frozen Throne, I felt a malevolent shadow upon my mind. I did not realize it was the Jailer attempting to twist me into yet another of his pawns.
- It took all of my resolve to resist his influence. And still, I have no way of knowing how many of my actions furthered Icecrown Citadel's true purpose.
- That is what is most insidious about him. Even after the Jailer's defeat, the doubt he sowed within each of us lives on.
<Stay awhile and listen.>
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Without the Helm of Domination to control them, the Scourge roams leaderless. Nothing remains to temper their aggression.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: Indeed. The mightiest among them already vie for supremacy. Like vicious warlords in the wake of their king's death.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: We cannot allow any of them to seize command and unite their forces. The Ebon Blade must remain vigilant.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: And so we shall. Though Azeroth may never truly be rid of the Scourge, we will keep them in check. You have my word.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Icecrown Citadel remains a seat of dark power. We must not let it fall into enemy hands. Perhaps I should return to--
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: No, Bolvar. Let the Frozen Throne sit vacant. The Knights of the Ebon Blade will safeguard the citadel in your stead. Taelia needs her father.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Darion... thank you. Strange, is it not? We both lived lives of service, and even after facing death itself, we still feel compelled to serve others.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: Sometimes the greatest act of service is to be present for those who need us. Until we meet again, Highlord.
- The Enclave dialogue with Taelia, patch 9.2.5
The Shadowlands has been saved, thanks to the efforts of you and other heroes.
I long to gaze upon the skies of home once more... no longer bound to a throne atop Icecrown.
<Stay awhile and listen.>
- Taelia approaches Bolvar.
- Taelia Fordragon says: Father... I've been thinking about when we last spoke, and I wanted you to know...
- Taelia Fordragon says: I will never agree with your choice to hide the truth that you were still alive. But I understand why you did it. And that you didn't mean to hurt me.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: I believed I would be trapped in that ice forever, holding the Scourge at bay. I thought that was the only path left for me. I dared not hope for anything more.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: When the helm was broken and I was free, I... I was afraid.
- Taelia Fordragon says: Bolvar Fordragon, champion of the Alliance... afraid? Of what?
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Of you. That the daughter I loved with all my heart would find me... and see only a monster.
- Taelia Fordragon says: No. I see you for the hero you are. And the father you can yet be, if you're willing.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: I won't waste this chance, Taelia. I promise you.
- Taelia walks away, and Bolvar resumes his regular spot.
In the RPG[]

Bolvar in the Alliance Player's Guide RPG book.
Lord Bolvar Fordragon is as stalwart and loyal of a soldier as they come, perhaps to a fault. While he does his best to look after Stormwind's interests, he seems to have fallen under the charm of the alluring Lady Katrana Prestor, much like many others in the kingdom. By deferring to her judgment, he has allowed for some crucial gaps in the defenses of human-controlled territory.[125]
Lady Katrana Prestor and Lord Bolvar Fordragon serve as the king's main advisors, and they pretty much call the shots. Bolvar is a good man, and a damn good fighter. The thing is, he is not one to insult the judgment of an "educated" lady like Katrana Prestor. That is a problem, because it seems like her advice is pretty much the exact opposite of anything a logical person with half a brain would come up with.[126] For whatever reason she has managed to keep both King Anduin Wrynn and Lord Bolvar following her directions, and some of them are clearly nonsense.[127]
Bolvar leads his troops well, and he is a great boon to Alliance forces when he is out in the field. He is one of the few who is aware that the true king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn, is probably alive—and missing. This is one of the justifications for keeping most of Stormwind's army centralized; Katrana has convinced Bolvar that the boy King, Anduin, will be the next target of whoever captured or killed the real King on his diplomatic mission. It is suspected that Varian was captured because his trip to Theramore signified an effort to make peace with the Horde, and a number of forces wish the fighting between the Alliance and the Horde to continue.[125]
In his RPG art, Bolvar is seen with the Lordaeron symbol, hinting he might come from that kingdom.
In the TCG[]
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon is featured in the TCG set Servants of the Betrayer. The card image shows him fighting Onyxia's Elite Guards. He is also featured in the Wrathgate set.
He is also quoted on the " [60R] Order Must Be Restored" card.
In Hearthstone[]

Bolvar in Hearthstone.
Bolvar appear as a legendary card for the paladin class in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion for Hearthstone. His flavor text reads: "Spoiler alert: Bolvar gets melted and then sits on an ice throne and everyone forgets about him."
He reappears in the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion as the legendary paladin card Bolvar, Fireblood. His flavor text reads: "He's so hot right now.", yet another Zoolander reference.
Notes and trivia[]
- Chris Metzen stated that when they wrote and finished the Wrathgate cinematic they didn't necessarily know how things would play out. But due to a massive feedback of the community regarding the fate of Bolvar they decided to make him the new Lich King.[128]
- Even though he asked Tirion not to tell anyone about his fate, some other characters know about him, including Darion Mograine,[129] Varian Wrynn, Jaina Proudmoore,[130] Mathias Shaw and Genn Greymane.[131] Bishop Farthing, and Bishop Arthur after him, both claim to have heard some "nasty rumors" about Lord Bolvar.
- After killing Archbishop Benedictus in the Hour of Twilight, you get the option of talking to Bishop Farthing within the Cathedral of Light. He dismisses claims of Benedictus' betrayal as mere rumors, and makes a mention that there have been similar rumors of Bolvar's current identity circulating in Stormwind.[132] Aethas Sunreaver told Archmage Modera that "nothing happens in Icecrown unknown to "Him".[133] That means that they both know there is a new Lich King but if they know it's Bolvar is unknown.
- The idea for Bolvar's appearance could be likened to pirate Raithen of the Diablo novel The Black Road. Burned to death by the Demon Kabraxxis's fire, then resurrected by traces of a spell the demon used to raise skeletons, he walked the line between dead and alive. This is similar to Bolvar: Doomed to die by the Forsaken attack, but held in a living state by the red dragons' fire.[9]
- Bolvar appears on the loading screen for Northrend with the introduction of the Cataclysm expansion.
- Bolvar appears to be in the Vision of the Forlorn.
- When Bolvar was stationed in Stormwind City, he used a combination of warrior and paladin abilities:
[Shield Wall],
[Lay on Hands],
[Retribution Aura], and Highlord's Justice (an AoE version of
[Hammer of Justice]).
- Bolvar's generic name during
[60] Aggressive Excavation is a Knight of the Ebon Blade wearing standard death knight armor but wielding Bolvar's distinctive fiery hammer. The knight appears as a human when accompanying Alliance players and a Forsaken when accompanying Horde ones.
[Bolvar's Devotion] is named after him, a reward from the Alliance version of
[A Tribute to Insanity (25 player)].
- Bolvar is voiced by Carlos Larkin.
- While it did not make it out of the Legion beta,
[Sacrificing for Your Friends] would have been written by him.
Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind Harbor.
Wrathgate TCG set art, with Bolvar and Dranosh at the Wrathgate.
Tortured by the Lich King as the Immolated Champion, as seen in Yogg-Saron's brain room.
Bolvar on the Northrend loading screen (Cataclysm).
Bolvar, Fireblood in Hearthstone.
Shadowlands key art, depicting Bolvar and his new death knights in the Maw.
BlizzConline key art for World of Warcraft
- Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate
- Fall of the Lich King
- The Story of Bolvar Fordragon
- The Story of Bolvar The Lich King
Patch changes[]
Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Model updated.
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Relocated to Fordragon Hold with a new model; replaced by Varian Wrynn as faction leader.
Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Updated for level 70.
Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13): Racial "Leaders" have been strengthened, and are now worth slightly less honor.
Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07):
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon should no longer despawn when "The Great Masquerade" is activated.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon is once again the Stormwind faction leader.
Patch 1.4.1 (2005-05-05):
- Archbishop Benedictus staged a temporary coup, and has taken the title of NPC leader of Stormwind City from Highlord Bolvar! Horde seeking to take out the leader of Stormwind should focus their efforts on Archbishop Benedictus for the duration. These changes will remain until the next content patch, when Highlord Bolvar reclaims his rightful throne:
- Highlord Bolvar should be respawning between 5 and 8 minutes.
- Bolvar will give no contribution points.
See also[]
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, a TCG card
- Bolvar, Highlord of Fordragon Hold, a TCG card
- ^ a b
[53-60] The Maw
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 115
- ^
[15-30] An End And A Beginning
- ^ Light's Hammer#Quotes
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 115
- ^ a b c
[50] A Nation United
- ^ a b
[10-60] The Old Knight
- ^ The Art of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, pg. 5
- ^ a b c Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 55, 73
- ^ a b c We Ride Forth
- ^ World of Warcraft manual, pg 170
- ^
[54] The True Masters
- ^
[54] The True Masters
- ^
[37] Warn Bolvar!
- ^
[54D] Abandoned Hope
- ^
[60R] The Great Masquerade
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 125
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 131
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 8: The Return
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 11: Descent
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 9: Through the Mirror Darkly
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 10: Last of the Line
- ^
[60R] The Dragon's Eye
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 12: The Enemy Revealed
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Issue 13: Flashback
- ^
[60R] Drakefire Amulet
- ^
[60R] Blood of the Black Dragon Champion
- ^
[50-70] A Window to the Past
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 174
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 94
- ^
[15-30] Naxxramas and the Fall of Wintergarde
- ^
[15-30] An End And A Beginning
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 177
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 178
- ^ Hecht, Eliah 2008-10-15. Shadow Council gnome rogues learn Draconic. WoW.com. Retrieved on 2010-01-12.
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 180
- ^
[74] Reborn From The Ashes
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 145
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 186
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 188
- ^ Edge of Night
- ^ Chris Metzen on the BlizzCon 2011: Lore Q&A Liveblog
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 188
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 190
- ^ a b
[60] Aggressive Excavation
- ^
[40H] Shadowy Secrets
- ^
[40] Secrets of Soulbinding
- ^
[45] The Lost Glacier
- ^
[50] Jailor of the Damned
- ^
[10] Defender of Azeroth
- ^ World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Cinematic Trailer
- ^ Blizzard Press Center - Shadowlands
- ^ World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Features Overview
- ^ Shadowlands: Dark Abduction
- ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u33Az6oP9R0&feature=emb_title
- ^
[53-60] Request of the Highlord
- ^
[53-60] A Glimpse into Darkness
- ^
[60] Into Torghast
- ^
[60] The Search for Baine
- ^
[60] Explore Torghast
- ^
[60] Remnants of Hope
- ^
[60] Information for a Price
- ^
[60] Torment Chamber: Jaina
- ^
[60] Finding a Witness
- ^
[60] Torment Chamber: Thrall
- ^
[60] Signs of the Lion
- ^
[60] The Captive King
- ^
[60] An Echo in the Darkness
- ^
[60] The Highlord's Vision
- ^
[60] A Mourneblade Born
- ^
[60] The Jailer's Grasp
- ^
[60] The First Move
- ^
[60] A Gathering of Covenants
- ^
[60] Voices of the Eternal
- ^
[60] The Battle of Ardenweald
- ^
[60] The Heart of Ardenweald
- ^
[60] Report to Oribos
- ^
[60] Opening the Maw
- ^
[60] Link to the Maw
- ^
[60] Opening to Oribos
- ^
[60] Surveying Secrets
- ^
[60] In Need of Assistance
- ^
[60] Good News, Everyone!
- ^
[60] Good News, Everyone!
- ^
[60] They Could Be Anyone
- ^
[60] Into the Vault
- ^
[60] Untangling the Sigil
- ^
[60] The Primus Returns
- ^
[60] A Paladin's Soul
- ^
[60] New Sigil of the Kyrian
- ^ Sylvanas Windrunner (tactics)#Cinematic
- ^
[60] Storming the Sanctum
- ^ a b
[60] News from Oribos
- ^
[60] This Old Waystone
- ^
[60] The Forces Gather
- ^
[60] Our Forward Scouts
- ^
[60] Knowing is Half the Battle
- ^
[60] Scour the Sands
- ^
[60] Harmony and Discord
- ^
[60] In Plain Sight
- ^
[60] Reinforcements May Be Necessary
- ^
[60] A Break in Communication
- ^
[60] Doppelganger Duel
- ^
[60] Fighting for the Forge
- ^
[60] Seeking Haven
- ^
[60] Enlisting the Enlightened
- ^
[60] The Pilgrimage Ends
- ^
[60] The Broken Crown
- ^
[60] Our Last Option
- ^
[60] Hello, Darkness
- ^
[60] Elder Eru
- ^
[60] Two Paths to Tread
- ^
[60] One Half of the Equation
- ^
[60] Where the Memory Resides
- ^
[60] What We Wish to Forget
- ^
[60] The Crown of Wills
- ^ Taelia and Bolvar dialogue in Haven
- ^
[60] Arbiter in the Making
- ^
[60] Safe Haven
- ^
[60] Prisoner of Interest
- ^
[60] Penance and Renewal
- ^ World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - Your Fortune Awaits. Archived from the original on 2010-12-30.
- ^ World of Warcraft Trading Card Game: Servants of the Betrayer. Blizzard Entertainment. 136: Highlord Bolvar Fordragon.
- ^ World of Warcraft Trading Card Game: ''BlizzCon''. Blizzard Entertainment.  2.
- ^ a b Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 163
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 162
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 177
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Magazine Issue 3, pg. 32
- ^
[40H] Shadowy Secrets
- ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
- ^ Death Rising
- ^ Bishop Farthing's gossip "Rumors, child. Rumors have a way of attaching themselves to people of power. In fact, I recently heard a particularly nasty one about the late lord Bolvar."
- ^
[10-45] The Path of Atonement
External links[]
Bolvar Fordragon | Knight of the Ebon Blade (human) | Knight of the Ebon Blade (Forsaken) |
Preceded by: Arthas Menethil (alone) |
Position: Lich King of the Scourge (alone) |
Succeeded by: None (position abolished) |
Preceded by: Varian Wrynn (as King) |
Position: Ruler of Stormwind (as Regent Lord to Anduin Wrynn) |
Succeeded by: Varian Wrynn (as King) |
Preceded by: Darion Mograine |
Position: Highlord of the Ebon Blade |
Succeeded by: Incumbent |