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For the monk talent, see Ability maldraxxus monk [Bonedust Brew].
Bonedust Brew
Ability maldraxxus monk
  • Bonedust Brew
  • Monk ability
  • 40 yd range
  • 1 min cooldown
  • Instant
  • Hurl a brew created from the bones of your enemies at the ground, coating all targets struck for 10 sec. Your abilities have a 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 40% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing.

    Brewmaster Brewmaster :
    Ability monk tigerpalm [Tiger Palm] and Achievement brewery 2 [Keg Smash] reduces the cooldown of your brews by an additional 1 sec when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active.

    Mistweaver Mistweaver :
    Gust of Mists heals targets with your Bonedust Brew active for an additional (42% of Attack power).

    Windwalker Windwalker :
    Ability monk cranekick new [Spinning Crane Kick] refunds 1 Chi when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active.
Class Monk
School Shadow
Cooldown 1 min
Related buff
Ability maldraxxus monk
  • Bonedust Brew
  • The Monk's abilities have a 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 35% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing.
  • Duration: 10 sec

Bonedust Brew is the monk class ability of the Necrolord Covenant. It's available to all monks who join the Necrolords.

This ability is also temporarily available during the Maldraxxus portion of the Shadowlands campaign; it's given by the quest N [53-60] Champion the Cause and lasts until you finish the Maldraxxus storyline.

Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2022-11-21): Bonedust Brew now copies 50% of damage or healing for Mistweaver Monks (was 40%).
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2022-08-24): Fixed an issue causing Bonedust Brew to do less damage than intended in Fated raids.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.2.0 (2022-02-22):
    • Bonedust Brew's damage and healing effectiveness has been increased to 40% (was 35%) and the ability can no longer critically strike.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Bonedust Brew to be parried.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 (2021-11-02): Bonedust Brew] now deals 33% less damage in PvP combat.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2021-09-16): Fixed an issue that allowed Bonedust Brew to deal damage based on non-hostile damage events, such as Spell holy sealofsacrifice [Blessing of Sacrifice].
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2021-08-30): Fixed an issue where Bonedust Brew caused Inv misc food legion gooslime multi [Kevin's Oozeling] to stay too long.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Fixed an issue that prevented the damage and healing of Bonedust Brew from critically striking.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2020-12-17): Bonedust Brew will no longer deal greatly increased damage against enemies that take increased damage.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2020-11-24): Resolved an issue that prevented Bonedust Brew from refunding Chi when using Ability monk cranekick new [Spinning Crane Kick].
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Added.

External links[]
