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Inv misc book 08
  • Book of Binding: The Tormented Sorcerer
  • Korthian Relics
  • Quest Item
  • Unique
  • This Item Begins a Quest
  • "This book is incomplete. A deranged voice from within repeatedly and urgently requests the recovery of azure pages."
Blue Book

Blue Book

Book of Binding: The Tormented Sorcerer starts from the Blue Book at [60.8, 34.9]VZ-KorthiaBlip inside The Rift in Korthia. Gain access to the Rift by using a Inv relics runestone [Repaired Riftkey] at any nearby Rift Portal, then head to the Scholar's Den.

As a quest objective[]

This item starts N [60] Book of Binding: The Tormented Sorcerer.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Item Object Object