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Ability hunter huntervswild
  • Born of the Wilds
  • Finesse Conduit
  • Item Level 145Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when picked up
  • The cooldown of Mighty Bash, Mass Entanglement, and Heart of the Wild are reduced by 13.0%.
  • Use: Add this Conduit to your collection at the Forge of Bonds.
  • Classes: Druid

Born of the Wilds is a conduit for druids. It drops from Myza's Oasis in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market and Huntsman Altimor in Castle Nathria.

It is also sold by Zo'sorg in Oribos for 200 Conquest.

It can also drop from various Shadowlands rare spawns, world quests, and Covenant Callings, scaling to your item level.

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