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Start Yan [60.6, 33.7]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
End Yan [60.6, 33.7]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 129000
Rewards 10g 20s
Previous N [15-35] Clever Ashyo (optional)


Scoop toad eggs from 8 Gurgling Toadspawn on the top level of the Pools of Purity.


Have you heard about the crisis we're having at the pools?

Toads have moved in and are spawning like crazy! It's become a real problem for the lotus farmers.

Coincidentally, I make a jam out of gelatinous toadspawn. I call it "Bottletoads" and it's a big hit with the kids around here. Can't keep any in stock.

If you're heading to the pools, you'd be doing everyone a favor by uh... liberating some of those toad eggs.

Into this bottle. For me.

Just look for bubbles and scoop right in!


You will receive:

  • 10g 20s
  • 129000 XP


"It just ain't a party without Bottletoads!"

Hmm... no, that doesn't work.

"Bottletoads: not as gross as they sound!"


Before you complete this quest, in text dialog that is only visible if you have other quests to turn in, Yan will apologize that the bottle is slimy, and mentions that keeping the slime allows it to age like an old brew.

Now when the kids ask: "Do you have any Bottletoads?" I can say YES!


Pick up N [15-35] Ashyo's Vision and N [15-35] Watery Woes before heading out.

After accepting both Bottletoads and Watery Woes:

Li Li says: What, so we gather a couple of bugs, and a few bird feathers? No problem!
Li Li says: This is fun, <name>. Way more fun than hanging out with a boring uncle.

Up toward the top is Zhang Yue, who offers N [15-35] Snap Judgment. Ashyo is a few yards to the west of Zhang, so do his event, turn in Ashyo's Vision and pick up N [15-35] The Golden Dream from Yue. Head up the hill to the top level of the Pools of Purity and pick up the sprig of dreamleaf behind the statue. Up near the dreamleaf, be on the lookout for Krosh, a dragon turtle with 368,000 health. Kill it to loot Inv shield 18 [Krosh's Back] and start N [15-35] Guess Whose Back. The bottletoads/snap judgement quests can be completed up here as well.

On interacting with the first pool:

Li Li says: Yuck.

Turn in Snap Judgment on the way down to the lower level for Watery Woes. Kill the cranes and loot the glimmering flies, which are critters. Then turn in at New Cifera.

While out and about in the Gilded Fan, up in the northwest corner is a named crocolisk, Manglemaw. Kill it to spawn his mother, Manglemaw's Mother. She drops an Inv misc monsterscales 05 [Enormous Crocolisk Tail], which starts N [15-35] A Crocolisk Tale.

On complete:

Li Li says: Hey <name>? I don't think I want to try Bottletoads.


The quest is a reference to the video game Battletoads.


  1. N [15-35] Clever Ashyo
  2. N [15-35] Ashyo's Vision
  3. N [15-35] The Golden Dream

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