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NeutralBound With Wood
Withered Husk
Withered Husk
Start Sapmaster Vu [51.2, 11.4]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
End Sapmaster Vu [51.2, 11.4]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
Level 30-35
Category Dread Wastes
Experience 236000
Rewards 11g 40s
Previous N [30-35] I Bring Us Great Shame, N [30-35] Daggers of the Great Ones, N [30-35] Bound With Shade
Next N [30-35] Sunset Kings


Obtain 8 pieces of Fragrant Corewood.

  • Fragrant Corewood x8


<Vu eyes the recipe.>

Hmm... "bound with wood". We don't typically brew with wood. Sap, yes... but not wood.

We have, on rare occasions, infused our drinks with corewood from the treants to the west of here. Most of them have fallen to the mantid... but their remains should suffice for our recipe.


You will receive: 11g 40s


We don't brew with wood here. It gives the brew a harsh, insipid flavor, not unlike that of wine.

<Vu spits.>


I'll get these pieces prepared.

We've already gathered quite a few of these ingredients! I'll have to get a pot boiling soon.


  • 236000 XP


Pick up N [30-35] Wood and Shade and N [30-35] Kor'thik Aggression before heading out.

Head southwest. Treant corpses litter the ground between the brewgarden and Kor'vess. Start killing any Kor'thik swarm mantid, including battlesingers, chitinels, and havocs. Don't kill all the mantid before finding the two objects inside the tree for Wood and Shade, however, as the entrances are guarded by more mantid. The Mark of the Empress is inside the east entrance, while the Heartroot is inside the north entrance. Merely getting close to the objects is enough for quest credit.


Optional breadcrumb: N [30-35] A Not So Friendly Request

  1. N [30-35] The Heavens Hum With War & N [30-35] Sacred Recipe
  2. N [30-35] I Bring Us Great Shame & N [30-35] Daggers of the Great Ones & N [30-35] Bound With Shade & N [30-35] Rending Daggers
  3. N [30-35] Wood and Shade & N [30-35] Bound With Wood
  4. N [30-35] Sunset Kings
  5. N [30-35] Fiery Wings & N [30-35] Incantations Fae and Primal & N [30-35] The Horror Comes A-Rising & N [30-35] Great Vessel of Salvation
  6. N [30-35] Bind the Glamour
  7. N [30-35] Blood of Ancients & N [30-35] Fires and Fears of Old

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