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The B.O.O.M. tabard

Braintrust of Orbital Operations and Mechanics (or B.O.O.M.) is the group of goblins operating their money-making schemes in Area 52 and Cosmowrench in the Netherstorm.


Name Location
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Bill Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Boots Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Bot-Specialist Alley Ruins of Enkaat Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Chief Engineer Trep Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Chubis Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Crash Bigbomb Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Doc Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T. The Proving Grounds Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Lead Sapper Blastfizzle Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Female Mama Wheeler Midrealm Post Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male N. D. Meancamp The Heap Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Netherologist Coppernickels Gyro-Plank Bridge Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Papa Wheeler Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Rocket-Chief Fuselage Area 52 Netherstorm Bc icon
Neutral IconSmall Goblin Male Zafod Boombox The Skybreaker / Orgrim's Hammer Icecrown Citadel Wrath-Logo-Small


  • B.O.O.M. does not seem to be a branch of the Steamwheedle Cartel, as no connection is ever stated, and they are not part of the reputation faction.