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Image of Braknoth
Title <Guardian of the Bleeding Hollow>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 40 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bleeding Hollow clan
Location Bleeding Hollow Cave, Tanaan Jungle
Status Undead

Braknoth was a member of the Bleeding Hollow clan, but now a spirit and guardian of the Bleeding Hollow Caverns. Although it is not stated that he was a former chieftain, due to his eye patch, it is most likely.



Before quest
  • You are not welcome here invader, but we must talk.
Gossip You do not attack. What is this place?
In this cave, chieftains of the Bleeding Hollow perform a ritual to see glimpses of the future, and their own death. The other chieftains... they blindly follow Kilrogg... but not us. Grommash was worthy, Gul'dan...
We have felt disturbances deep in Draenor. We believe Gul'dan means to do great harm to Draenor, and our tribe will suffer greatly for it.
Gossip We share a problem then. Will you aid us?
... Yes. There is a way for you to... see... some of Kilrogg's future... and your own.
After quest
You have found all you will find down here. Now leave and do not return...

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