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AllianceBrundall Chiselgut
Image of Brundall Chiselgut
Title <Metal Trader>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Occupation Vendor
Location Highbank, Twilight Highlands[79.2, 76.6]VZ-Twilight HighlandsBlip

Brundall is a dwarf metal trader found at Highbank in Twilight Highlands.

Vendor information[]

Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Brundall Chiselgut
Plans Cost Level
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Pyrium Weapon Chain] 20 Elementium Bar 500
Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Bracers 20 Elementium Bar 500
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Bracers] 20 Elementium Bar 500
Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Gauntlets 20 Elementium Bar 505
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Gauntlets] 20 Elementium Bar 505
Plans: Elementium Girdle of Pain 20 Elementium Bar 510
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Hardened Elementium Girdle] 20 Elementium Bar 510
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Light Elementium Belt] 20 Elementium Bar 510
Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Belt 20 Elementium Bar 510
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Belt] 20 Elementium Bar 510
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Bonesplitter] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Deathplate] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Gutslicer] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Hammer] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Hardened Elementium Hauberk] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Light Elementium Chestguard] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Light Elementium Chestguard] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Boots] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 515
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Boots] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Poleaxe] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Shank] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Spellblade] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Elementium Stormshield] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Shoulders] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Shoulders] 2 Hardened Elementium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Forged Elementium Mindcrusher] 5 Pyrium Bar 520
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Pyrium Shield Spike] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Breastplate] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Helm] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Legguards] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Breastplate] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Helm] 5 Pyrium Bar 525
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Vicious Pyrium Legguards] 5 Pyrium Bar 525

Patch changes[]

External links[]
