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NeutralBudding Artist
Image of Budding Artist
Gender Male
Race(s) Blood elf & Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Artist
Location Schnottz's Landing, Uldum

The Budding Artists are blood elves and humans attending a party held by Belloc Brightblade at Schnottz's Landing in Uldum.

Objective of[]


Now, isn't this the place to be?
Touring unexplored corners of the world with likeminded fellows?
What could be better?

Gossip Indeed! And how do you find the Commander, friend?

He's a bit animated for my tastes, but the world needs all kinds, I suppose.
Why do you ask?

Gossip His troops, these guards... It all seems a little intense.

I see what you mean, I suppose...
You know, I'm just here because I want to expand my horizons a bit, see the world and whatnot.
I'm not terribly concerned with the goings on of others.
Nice to meet you, though.

During N [30-35] Crisis Management

What's happening out here!?
Did you see the man's wounds?!
What kind of monster DOES that?

Gossip Just take a deep breath. Did you see anything?

No, but I don't need to have seen it to know that we're all going to DIE!
Do you hear me?

Gossip Just relax... Panicking will only make it worse.

Easy for you to say.
I'm not cut out for this! I need to find a way out of here!

During N [30-35] Lockdown!

How did I ever get myself into this?!


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